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Everything posted by momto2Cs

  1. We have shifted back and forth between more interest-driven/relaxed, to more "schooly". We're currently back in more relaxed, interest-led mode, as we have just ten weeks of our academic year left. What I have learned is that: 1. We need to keep assigning math and language arts. These are our absolute basics that must get done regularly. 2. I need to have goals for them for each month/have them set goals for each month. I've adapted the library list recommendations from the WTM intro, so each month they: Choose a person or time in history to learn about (history book, biography/autobiography) Choose a science topic to learn about (using books, documentaries, hands-on) Choose a book to read (classic fiction, not-so-classic fiction) Additionally, I read aloud regularly from a book, usually a "classic", as a family activity. I sometimes read aloud from a historical or scientific overview type of book* as well, just so they really understand the flow of history, and can find topics to explore in more depth. [*Examples: A Little History of the World, Science Matters...] They still spend plenty of time exploring their own interests -- computer programming, sculpture, animals, gardening, German and Spanish, etc.
  2. Thank you for this thread! Looks very intriguing, especially for my rising 9th grader.
  3. Point Reyes National Seashore is another great place to visit. It has a historical lighthouse, a Miwok village (recreated), archeological sites, etc. One of our favorite, and very quirky, California history books is An Everyday History of Somewhere: Being the True Story of Indians, Deer, Homesteaders, Potatoes, Loggers, Trees, Fishermen, Salmon, and Other Living Things in the Backwoods of Northern California.
  4. I think your plans look fantastic! I was always fascinated with herbal medicines, Celts, etc., at that age (and beyond), and think it is great that you are giving her the opportunity to pursue those interests. Note on ice cream -- Coconut Bliss makes an amazing dairy free ice cream.
  5. This sounds like just about EVERY conversation between dd and I these days.
  6. One more... UC Berkeley has a paleontology museum, and if you make it there, definitely visit the Campanile, which aslo has fossils!
  7. Any favorite versions of Beowulf? Am I fortunate enough that there is a good audio version anywhere? Thanks!
  8. Wow, I didn't realize that! They are listed on the Old Sacramento Special Events site, but who knows... they may well end up canceling it. Other good events on that page though.
  9. Places to go in addition to the missions: Oakland Museum of California History State historic parks (which oftentimes have Living History Days) Sacramento has Gold Rush Days at the end of August I agree with the San Francisco recommendations, and Sutter's Fort. Placerville also has a really neat mine for touring. The Petrified Forest in Calistoga is a good field trip too. I made a booklist for CA history once.
  10. I know this has been asked before, but all the threads I have been able to dig up are a little on the older side. Currently, my ds is using Jacobs Algebra, and really likes the book. BUT, I think he could use more assistance/instruction, so I've been looking at courses that come with a video component. Between the two of us, we've narrowed it down to continuing Jacobs and buying the Ask Dr Callahan cds, OR switching to Chalk Dust. We're not very far into the Jacobs text at this point, so switching and having to start over wouldn't be terrible. Opinions? Feedback on either/both? Also, how big are the differences between the second edition of Chalk Dust, which I can get quite inexpensively, and the current edition?
  11. I would really like to go through The Odyssey (Homer) with my kids, ages 12 and 13, but am unsure what version to read from. We've done Sutcliff (both the Illiad and the Odyssey versions), so something else. Any ideas? Favorite translations? I don't mind reading verse aloud, or if there is a good modernized version, that would be fine too. Thanks!
  12. Okay, seventh grade redone.... :glare: See original post (#1)
  13. Thanks for your answer. Yes, we are using the workbook. And you hit the nail on the head -- since we don't do "typical" term papers, I think it was harder for either of us to connect with that answer, my ds especially as term paper is not really a familiar term, and it doesn't appear in the book itself until much later, except in this question!
  14. My son is starting to work through The Lively Art of Writing, and came across an issue. The last question for ch. 1 has to do with the difference between a term paper and an essay, but in reading the chapter, he did not come across this. I skimmed the chapter and didn't see it either. Where is it? How are we missing it? Help!
  15. EndOfOrdinary, I was wondering if you decided to do this for 2015-16! I think I am going to work out a similar study for my dd12, using this book as a jumping off point in combination with the chart you linked. I can add in movie versions, etc., and I think she would really enjoy it!
  16. Same here, minus the older brother, as ds is my oldest. He may be about 6 feet tall, and is getting a mustache, but I can't believe he's about old enough for HIGH school already! I don't know if I am more excited, or freaked out.
  17. Here are some prior threads on this that may be of help... http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/478138-working-homeschooling/ http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/226010-working-and-homeschooling/ http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/294307-working-and-home-schoolingdoes-it-work/ http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/482753-new-to-working-and-homeschooling/
  18. I work about 25 hours a week outside the home, always have, and have homeschooled all along. It IS doable. Organization helps, keeping it simple helps, and being flexible is key. We do our lessons in the afternoons, as I work mornings. When I worked evenings, we did lessons earlier in the day. Sometimes we do lessons on Sundays.
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