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Posts posted by Tammyla

  1. Do you mind sharing which lenses you have? Are they polycarbonate or high index? The wider viewing range Zeiss is the same price as the basic high index Nikon that is supposed to have a similiar viewing range.



    I have the Zeiss now.  At first I purchased the Nikon lenses, but had problems with reading.  They redid the lenses in the Zeiss and I really like them.  My sunglasses are the less expensive ones, and I can tell the difference.  


    However, I have eyes that are different scripts with an astigmatism and that makes getting everything just right tricky.   The tech mentioned some people are more aware or sensitive than others.  That may have been a nice way to tell me how fussy I was, but vision is important and don't want to waste money on glasses that will stay in the case.

    • Like 1
  2. I have a new pair and can definitely tell the difference.  My thought was to purchase a second backup pair, but I'm enjoying the wider reading, distance and even screen vision too much to use my old pair.  (Same perscription btw and the old pair are less than 2 years old.)  


    Disclaimer...My glasses are not a light prescription; I wear them all day everyday.

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  3. :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

    Diagnosis is postpartum cardiomyopathy based upon results of an echocardiogram and bloodwork, as well as an ekg.
    It is nerve wracking. For now they will be monitoring (referral to a cardiologist as well) and medicating. I truly hope that I will continue to be able to do it from home as we apparently caught is very early.

    Thanks for all the words of wisdom, experience, advice, and kind words. Here I thought when little Max arrived we would be through with all the drama!


    Thank you again for the update.   :grouphug:

    • Like 1
  4. :grouphug: I hope you can find a way to deflect the irritation coming your way and focus on your family.  I agree finding a trusted someone you can vent and rely on would be a blessing.  


    I had a friend years ago who had MS.  She put on a good front, and I always felt unsure and awkward about offering help. ( She had three kids, I had none and we didn't have a lot in common.) Occasionally she asked when in a real pinch, but looking back I wish I'd felt more comfortable butting in and doing more.  What I'm trying to say is that I would have be so happy to help.  Try to allow yourself to look for and find help. :grouphug:   

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  5. albeto, I agree with you...  There is no easy answer, but if he is sponsored by anyone or hiring someone...they deserve to know he thinks his behavior was fine.  Personally, I wouldn't hesitate to alert those in his circle.  Predators always rely on the uncomfortable, concerned, and normal people wondering, but doing nothing.

    • Like 3
  6. I'm guessing, but it's been longer than five years here less than ten.  They're on the sides of our house and the rocks are smooth and big; the fabric was doubled. 

    Tammyla - how long have you had it?

    I find the rocks on top of fabric lasts for about 5 yrs. Then either the material breaks down or enough soil/vegetation falls on top of the rocks & you end up with a horrid mess to try to weed.  This is esp true if you actually have plants you need to divide because you end up disturbing things. & it's a pita to pull away all the rock to get at the plants & weeds.

    We have one area left with river rock over landscaping fabric (was here when we bought it) & ugh, I hate working in that part of the garden.  The lava rock on top of fabric by the cedar hedges has survived much better but there's nothing there we need to divide or really tend other than the semiannual trimming....



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