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Posts posted by Tammyla

  1. Kpzz...Wow, I haven't thought about her shinning eyes posts in ages.  There have been so many great posts by awesome posters here for years and years.  It would be wonderful for them to check in and update us.


    I've been around since 99 (dial up :confused1: ), but was so new to homeschooling = lurker/sponge of the wisdom shared.  I do miss the old timers and being on line for a board flip was an awesome late night adventure.

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  2. Consider trying a shampoo and conditioner with Nioxin in it.  Sally's carries an inexpensive line, but most hair salons also carry a line of them.  My mom used this when a medication caused hair loss and my younger sister successfully used it to counter stress and a big weight loss.  


    Strangely, one rec was to use a blow dryer to help stimulate the scalp.

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