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Posts posted by Tammyla

  1. Sunweet is the better tasking prune juice.  Also you can puree prunes and add them to things like brownies.  Sunsweet Ones, the individual prunes are surprisingly tasty.


    Benefiber (if allowed by his doc.) was rec'd by one of our local gastro specialists.  Dh drinks it daily in his orange juice.

    • Like 1
  2. Prune Juice.....   Guzzling a big old glass can for many bring relief within an hour or so.  Do not leave home if he drinks it, until the bathroom trip(s) are over.  Pears and pear juice are also helpful and some find them more palatable, but prune juice can work pretty darn quick.


    Poor kid.  

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  3. You have quite a mix and they are all still pretty young.  You mentioned they are starving not long after breakfast.  Have you considered eating a little later or altering you meal / protein  to the snack and making breakfast a simpler menu?



    I tried to correct that in the posts above. No special nutritional needs. The 6 and 8 year old can make sandwiches and scramble eggs (though I like to be present in case they forget to turn off the stove or if an accident were to happen). Our microwave is a built in above the stove so it's awkward for them to use. Personality: 8- intense and grumpy, 6- late sleeper and ...um...ethereal, 3- starving active boy yet he eats two bites of any meal and is done, 2- loud and my only good eater who wears more food than she eats.


  4. Tylenol and 3 baby aspirin are what I take if I feel one coming on.  Bright lights or sun are a trigger for me, so sunglasses are a must.  Some perfumes will give me one, and I avoid people who wear too much.  Just mentioning this because moving at a theatre or other closely seated place can help if she has the same reaction.  In fact, she might want to keep a headache journal.  You can find them on-line and they can really help her figure out her triggers. :grouphug:  

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  5. I read your quote in post number 49 and have to wonder about the reason she is being re-homed.  Are they re-homing the other dog too; the fact that she has been with them for 5 years is a red flag for me.  Most dogs by the five year mark are pretty settled in and  well beyond the needy puppy years.


    A honest heart to heart talk with the owner and a vet check before your family falls in love would be a really good idea.  Also if you get to that point, consider a an over night visit to ensure she is an overall fit for your family.  

    • Like 3
  6. Warning!  I think beagles are uber cute, and my neighbor across the street has one, but I would never, ever live with one.  He brays (sounds like a cross between a donkey and a sea-lion) when he barks, and he barks all.the.time if he is outside or the windows are open.  He was a re-re-home from family members due to his noise.  



    The pic. you posted is adorable btw.  

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  7. I don't believe she ensured he washed his hands with her question; she just made him uncomfortable and defensive.  Personally, I doubt he washed his hands.


    I can't imagine that conversation with an adult; imo it was pretty rude and ineffectual.  (He could have finished earlier, flushed, washed, waited for the air to clear and then flushed again before leaving. That would be my hope.)


    And I'm icked out by guys not washing their hands...Gross, gag, gross. :ack2:

    I just got home from a meeting and ALMOST got into bed, having forgotten to check in here. Egads!


    I loved some of the ideas posted here. If I am ever in this situation (please, God,  no), I hope I remember some of the suggestions.


    So, here's what happened. My friend was rummaging around in her pantry, which is right next door to the bathroom. Guests are milling about and talking. She's in the pantry getting more paper products out. Boyfriend, who's been in the bathroom for quite some time (we know this because he asked where the restroom was quite a bit earlier), flushes the toilet and immediately walks out, adjusting his pants.


    My friend has come out of the pantry and is carrying the paper products into the kitchen. They meet right there in the hallway between the pantry and bathroom. She says to him, "Did you wash your hands after you finished?"


    Just like that.


    He looks shocked and embarrassed, and says, "Yes, I washed my hands."


    She says, "Good, because you should always wash your hands after using the bathroom." Then she walks into the kitchen with the paper products and continues her business.


    I actually overheard the conversation as I was crossing the foyer, and I asked my friend what happened to precipitate such an interaction, and that's when she told me what she had said. I was speechless of course, but then she said she didn't want him touching people or food if he hadn't washed after going to the bathroom. I said I thought it was ridiculous that she would question him about that, and her poor DD when she found out, etc. My friend stands by what she said and did, and thinks that it wasn't a big deal. If he felt a little awkward it was better than everybody getting contaminated with his poop residue.  LOL


    I have NO idea if boyfriend said anything to DD. I need to check with my friend when I talk with her later this week.


    She was so adamant that it wasn't a big deal, and that in fact she was doing everyone a favor, that I started to question my own reaction.


  8. Tiny cups for night time...They won't solve the issue, but they might be better than a giant cup.  Do you double-sheet or even triple set the beds with a water protective layer between?  I would also consider the constipation possibility  and try adding something to work on that like prune juice etc.

  9. Depends on the market in your area.  When dh was military, we sold (had a contract) our home with a yard sign in less than a week to another military family.   Here and today, it wouldn't be easy.  We had a real estate lawyer handle the sale for us once the contract was in hand, and the buyer had a real estate agent btw.


    Locally we have a company called, For Sale By Owner and they charge less than a realtor.  

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  10. Maybe they are just conserving water :huh: ...Gag...


    I would use the old tomato staking tool and drive them batty by being there every. single. time. until they get so sick of me. they flush.



    Suggest, putting the lid down and then flushing.  Some people are afraid of getting sprayed, sucked in or what ever.

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  11. I see you've tried many over the counters, but didn't mention Midol or Pamprin.  They might offer some relief poor the poor dear; she sounds like she is suffering miserably.


    Consider getting a medication for the nausea.  Some places sell cola-syrup in the over the counter sections; it works pretty well settling a queasy stomach.  Pear juice is also very soothing.

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