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Posts posted by Tammyla

  1. Robin, we would miss your voice here, but I understand your reasoning.  I find myself steering clear of the chat board and limiting my time here in general, but the support and info is something I would dearly miss.


    Best wishes~

  2. Alternative to removing the door is removing the door nob, and or the closing plate.  You can still bam it closed, but it's very little bang for your buck; and most of the time it won't stay closed.  


    That said, I have no problem with removing the door.  I would give a calm warning not during a door slamming fit and follow through with what ever path you choose.

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  3. I don't think I've had a full 8 hours of consecutive sleep since I was pregnant with my oldest.  I sympathize; I think getting older, medications for some, pms and diet can play havoc with many a good nights sleep.  Also a good mattress is a must for many along with a little exercise and sunlight.  


    I hope you find a way to feel well rested.  Many nights for me, include a sleep intermission; I just make sure to get to bed early enough to allow for the hiccup.



    I managed another couple of hours. I have a sleep prescription, but it's a medication meant for another medical condition. It's supposed to make me drowsy. It doesn't really work all the time. It's been over a week since I"ve had a full 8 hours of consecutive sleep. I might nap this afternoon if I feel like I'm dragging. I understand it's not good for me to nap because it can interfere with my night sleep but if I'm not sleeping at night, i need to sleep at some time! It's a horrible cycle I suppose.


  4. I would not choose them; sorry, hill I would die on.  Imagine your children without you or your dh with them (esp. fil) as their parents; I believe people can change, but your fil imo...is like many people who age and their personality/out look on life/way of dealing with people/ decreasing patience and overall attitude just gets stronger vs. mellowing.

    That's really great to hear that a lawyer could help us make a decision. I definitely assumed we needed to walk into the lawyer's office knowing what we wanted.



    I had never thought of having separate financial and physical custodians, but I know for me, to have those separated would open more possibilities. I'll have to see if my partner might see other (better!) matches if we separated things like that.




    This is the FIL who whooped my kid at chess. 




    I have an 8 year old, a 5 year old, and a 1.5 year old. At least at this age, I don't think any of them are mature enough to choose their own guardians, and I also have a strong preference for them all to stay together.




    I definitely think he sees himself as somewhat responsible, even as we've talked repeatedly that there's nothing any our kids could do where we'd abandon them like that, I think he feels guilty about how much of a mess he was as a teen that he lets them off easy.



    We did have our kids pretty young. When we just had one kid, I kind of waffled on whether my parents were too old, as they will retire around the age my eldest reaches the age of majority. Having a kid almost seven years younger, though, pushed them into the too old category for me, and my partner's parents are even older.


  5. Jmo, but you should consider test driving a Toyota or Honda of your choice.  We are in the market for another vehicle and I wanted to love a Ford, but there is still a big difference imo.





    About the American Car brand thing: I know that this distinction is not as meaningful as it once was, i.e., there is complete overlap as to American brands being built outside the states and foreign brands being built within the US. So I know it isn't the straightforward "support the American worker" concept it once was.

    Nevertheless, DH is very old school and is attached to Fords. It is not necessarily based on any sort of logical analysis or Consumer Reports ranking, KWIM? I can't say he would never consider buying a Toyota, say, but it would not be something he would consider unless I made a strong case for it. Since I don't especially care and I like the Ford Fusion (maybe Focus) just fine, it's not an important argument to have. :)


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  6. I hope she is able to find the strength to move on and make a life for herself and new baby.  


    That is my  hope, but as you fear and know the possibility of her going back with him is there.  I hope she finds support and considers some sort of counseling; NPD people know how to manipulate people who care(ed) for them.

    So far, she's been told that he'll have to spend about 5k to get his name on the BC. He's in the middle of a nasty divorce and custody battle (I know), so at least for the moment, his money is being drained elsewhere.


    Currently, he's vacillating between telling her that she's cheating (with a 4 week old baby) and a ton of nasty, explicative laden texts about how horrible and worthless she is, and then asking her to come over and take a shower with him, he loves her, etc. Oh, and she needs to pay his cable bill. It's sick.


  7. Does she poop standing up in the pull up?  For some kids, the sitting down is a new skill that must be trained/learned.


    If training was really important, I would get rid of every single the pull-up.



    My 3.5 yo won't poop on the potty. She holds it in until we put a pull up on for bedtime and then poops. If she really has to go during the day, she runs and gets a pull up and begs us to put it on her. How do I fix this? She is my very fearful child and she thinks pooping on the potty is too scary. We bought a tiny potty for her with zero success.


  8. I totally sympathize with the two story heating and cooling nightmare; if we ever move it will be to a one story.

    I bought a little tower fan to put right next to my side of the bed. That has allowed me to raise the temperature downstairs by about 3 degrees and still sleep through the night.

    I can usually get to sleep okay. The problem is waking up between 2 and 5 am completely drenched in sweat. That hasn't happened yet with the fan, but I've only been using it for a few nights.


    There are people home all day. It is rare for there to be more than 2-3 hours/week when nobody is home.


    I do raise the temperature downstairs as soon as I get up. I just have to make sure that it is a few degrees cooler downstairs than upstairs because of the problem of balancing the two AC units. We didn't have this issue at all at our last house, but the only connection between upstairs and downstairs was the stairway there. At this house, about half of the central area is open to both.


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  9. I do this if the item is super delicate, but most often use the hand wash cycle on the washer.

    Depending on the size of it, in the washer. I'll set the washer to fill to "low" or "small" load and wash the item right in the washer as though it were a bucket as the water fills, then ring it out. You can rinse the item in the stream of water that is filling the washer. Bonus is that you can then use the water in the washer to wash another load of clothes.


  10. :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: Prayers for healing and strength.

    June 20, 2015

    Still critical.
    A culture came back positive. This appears to be what has caused the most recent additional issues. Is being treated with a new medication, and will also have to have another procedure done that is not generally a serious thing, but because of the whole situation, in this case, is serious.

    Have cried and/or choked back tears most of today - having to leave was so very hard - 
    Your prayers are so very much appreciated and needed. Thank you for praying. I don't doubt that God is hearing and answering.
    "Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord." (Exodus 14:13b)


  11. I didn't read anything you posted as bashing.   :grouphug:


    (Fil died 3 years ago last month; imo in a horrible way, and dh and I processed it very different ways and that caused confusion and conflict as time went by.)  Teary for me was and occasionally still is one of my reactions or coping mechanisms; dh has always been uncomfortable with tears.  





    Well if it does disappear let it be known I was not meaning to bash the man. I love him!  Im surprised it sounds like I am. and sorry it comes across that way to some.


    I needed help with seeing another side to it. Because I know he loves me and would not mean to hurt me so....?? sigh.  


    But I didnt mean to break rules or anything. 


    Just wanted to get that part in there before it gets poofed while I am still reading nad processing the other replies. 


    Thank you!


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  12. :grouphug: I'm sorry for your loss.  I agree grief has no time table, but also feel counseling can be a blessing in weathering the storm.  

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