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Everything posted by MusicMama

  1. My 3yo LOVES the peter rabbit books, the full length, not the shortened board books. They might be too young for your kids but we are also reading the Princess and the Goblin. She asks to read the "princess book" every night. We're going to start Charlotte's web next. I have also read the original Peter Pan to the kids, but more for myself, bc they were too little to appreciate it. Though my Dd would read an economics textbook with me, I think she just likes the cuddle time... :)
  2. "Why did you stick your head in the toilet?????" "Stop wiping poop on the walls, NO NOT IN YOUR MOUTH!!!" "No more carrot sticks until you finish your chicken nuggets" Wait did I just say that...:confused: "We don't eat bugs, or rabbit poop. Yes, it does look like candy" "No, that's not a boo-boo, that's my nipple" Breastfeeding isn't very private
  3. "when your baby is screaming at the top of their lungs while you're outside on a 'nature' walk with the kids trying to have conversation with the eldest, your 2 year old falls and has a crying fit because of the resulting scrape and your 4 year old is as always so spaced out he can't hear the many requests to please pick up his scooter and continue along so that mommy can keep pushing the stroller and get us the heck home." Have you been spying on me??? Sounds like my day exactly :tongue_smilie:
  4. Thanks so much! The CTC book was just what I was looking for. She is pre-writing, so this is perfect!
  5. Donnayoung.org has great stuff for getting organized, and worksheets for pre writing that I love. enchanted learning.com, starfall.com is great for learning abc's and first-school.ws has great worksheets for preschool. We do 20 minutes in the morning, a tracing page, OPGTR for learning vowels and letters, simple number games using construction paper, paper plates and a marker. Some bible memory and read a science or history book for the week. I'll through in a craft that goes along with the science/history or bible memory. Hth!
  6. Lol! Sounds just like my life! I am doing preK lessons with my 3yo Dd at the breakfast table in our pj's. Ds is strapped in his high chair, where he can't interfere (though he can throw his cereal...) and baby is in the bouncy seat. In about 20 minutes we go over tracing pages, Bible memory, ABC's, counting, and then finish with a book on a science or history topic with everyone piled on the couch. It might not be the best arrangement, Dd will recite Abs's in between bites of breakfast, but it works. At first I felt a little like a slob bc we were still in pj's with food still on the table. But if the horse is dead, dismount. The more "traditional" idea of teaching wasn't working so we are trying something unconventional and it is working. And don't feel obligated to "do school" everyday. They learn plenty just by following you around at that age. Good luck!
  7. Ok, I have a little 3yo Dd who LOVES worksheets, any type of bookwork. I'm looking for some easy preK type math books for her to use next semester. What is the difference between the Essential and Earlybird SM? The SM seem to be very high quality, but a little confusing with all the extra books. What are your recommendations? Should I look elsewhere for a good preK math book? Any help is very appreciated. Feeling lost already...:confused:
  8. I went to a private school, tuition was around 14k, room and board was another 6k. The book estimates seem correct, anywhere from 300-600 per semester. And that's hunting half.com, hitting up classmates for their used books etc. But another motivator for school (if they start to shut down because of costs) is scholarships. I had my education paid for completely, and had the school cutting me scholarship checks each semester. It is possible to pay for school!
  9. After my kindergarten year, my parents decided to hs. I saw a brochure they left on the desk, and freaked out at what they were planning to do to me! My mom says after 4 months, I was very happy, and thanked her for pulling me out. She said that some of the more negative aspects started coming to light at that point. It just took me awhile to get over "the grass is greener" mentality. Now I am a happy homeschool grad, with Lo's of my own that I will be Hs. Sounds like you have a busy social schedule for her, just give her a year to adapt!
  10. Well...we're expecting again, in June 2010. I felt so overwhelmed when the test came back positive, I almost cried. BUT I know that this baby was meant to be now, I have felt God's Hand in this! But as I have found out, doing the right thing isn't always easy. I am excited, and overjoyed to be adding to our little family. But the anxiety kicks in too! We will have 3 under 3!?!?! (Oldest will be 3 a month after the birth) We haven't told anyone yet, it's too soon, so I thought I could unload/get advice here. Thanks!
  11. That's exactly what I was looking for! Thanks so much!
  12. That can be an awkward position to be in! I'm sorry you were in that position, people sometimes forget, or even try to take advantage of young musicians. I've seen both. But you handled it very well. To prevent it from happening in the future, sit down with your kids and decide what events will they do for free? For example, I'm playing for a funeral on Saturday, and won't charge anything because the deceased and his family are members of our church. But, if I was to play for someone else, I would charge. That's my policy. Your kids may feel there are certain circumstances in which they would like to donate their time and effort. And then there are others times where they want to be paid. Put it on paper, and refer to it when they make a "booking". Also, talk to their music instructor about what fee is appropriate. You may be surprised at how much people are willing to pay for even a young musician. Remember to take into consideration time spent practicing (is the music hard?), the amount of songs/pieces needed, the amount of time spent at the venue, and the amount of time spent getting to the venue. It can be confusing, so putting together this info before hand saves a world of regret later, when you end up driving two hours to play 10 minutes, and only get paid $20.00! (Because it was only a short, easy piece!) Also, don't be afraid to say, "We're glad you called, I can give you a price tomorrow." Never apologize for charging money! It sounds like you have hard working, talented children. If people do ask why, just state your reasons, music camp, lessons, gas, books, whatever. It's the same if your son mowed lawns or daughter babysat. If your kids are happy working by using their talents, don't feel guilty for "hawking" them. But if they are old enough, it is GREAT experience for them to speak with customers, and give rate quotes. I'm a professional musician, and the experience I gained working as a pre-teen/teenager was VERY instrumental in getting music scholarships for my college degree. They LOVE to see work experience! Sounds like you and your kids are doing a great job!
  13. Thanks for your reply! Being a new/young mom is a lot different than being an older sib... I'm constantly learning, I appreciate the help.
  14. Hello everyone, What successful parenting techniques have you used for toddlers, regarding discipline? I'm more interested in non-spanking methods. I'm just exploring, gathering info, I don't want to turn this into a spanking vs anti-spanking war! I have a normal, happy 2 year old who occasionally does things *explicitly* against parental orders. "Babs...don't touch the computer! *Creeping fingers...poke* "Babs, Mama said no!" *Pop on hand, removes baby from chair* "Babs, no!" *Babs is climbing back up and and attempting to surreptitiously touch computer again.* I feel like I am spanking too much, and not getting desired effects. I try not to set her up to fail, like placing her in situations where it is nigh unto impossible to make the correct choice. I want to teach her to obey, but within reason for a 2 yr old. Am I expecting too much, or using ineffective methods? She is normally a very obedient child, but does have her moments. Btw, she LOVED time out, and would happily place herself there as she would play throughout the day, so that didn't work...ideas?
  15. Is $100 a lot? It depends on what you are getting. Is the instructor highly trained with multiple degrees, membership in professional societies, and a long track record of student success? Not to be too biased, I teach piano. I have a bachelors degree in piano performance, member of professional organizations, but have only been teaching for 2 years. I charge $68 a month for weekly 30 minute lessons. I give a discount for homeschoolers who take during morning hours, because those are hard to fill. Also, ask about a group discount if you have several children, or a group of friends going in together. It's the same with any service you receive. You can hire Joe Schmo to fix your roof and not pay much money, but with headache later on as you then repair what he "fixed". Or you can pay a trained technician to do the job with excellence the first time. Not everybody wants or needs their children to be taught by $200 a month teacher. But if you want your children to learn a skill like piano, it will be costly. I have heard and seen really sad results of some "teachers". Compare prices among what you consider qualified teachers. Get references, perhaps attend a recital of one of your friend's children. Most teachers will allow a free lesson so you can interact with them before you commit. Music is a wonderful, fulfilling part of any education. Set your budget, then see what you find. Good luck!
  16. As the oldest of 11, I heard a lot of derogatory comments. But when your kids hear those comments, they'll probably feel sorry for the ignorant fool, and then plot revenge as only 11 sibs can...j/k :001_smile: I have two 2 and under, and ALREADY get comments! I try to always respond positively, because some people haven't heard or seen another worldview than their own. A simple "We're so thankful for the children we have" stuns people because they can't stand their own kids, or never have heard of a fulfilled mother. You could introduce them to a world where big, loving families create hard-working, smart, and loving citizens! Though the sarcastic comments would feel so nice...btw I LOVE the "outnumbering the idiots" reply. Love it!
  17. Hi everyone, I'm new and wanted your advice on a Spanish phrase book geared towards families with small children, if there even is such a thing. I have an elementary grasp of Spanish, and would like to teach it to my two babies by incorporating it into our daily routine. I taught my little ones sign language by memorizing a sign or two, then teaching it to them. They now have a large ASL vocab. I'd like to do the same with Spanish. I'm getting children's books in Spanish from the library, but wondered if there was a reference etc., you recommend to beginner teachers. I'm really excited about this, and look forward to becoming proficient in Spanish myself as I teach! My lil sis is a Spanish major and a great resource, but alas, doesn't have time to be a full-time tutor for me! Thanks in advance for your ideas/suggestions.
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