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Everything posted by ArteHaus

  1. My husband was deathly ill for 3 years (and that almost seems like an understatement). As a 6’1 man, he had gotten down to 108 pounds due to gastrointestinal issues that were not properly diagnosed. We spent years going from doctor to doctor only to get vague crohns/various other autoimmune diagnoses. His illness involved the stomach and intestine, couldn’t keep food down, around 10 (extremely painful) bowel movements per day, he at one point couldn’t get up to walk to the bathroom. We tried everything to get him back in order, but no medication was working. He also had left quadrant pain. For sake of brevity, I am making this long story very short. Anyway, we said screw the hospital and went to a naturopath, who suggested he take a GI-MAPS test (Microbial Assay Plus). If it wasn’t for this test, my husband would.not.be.here. What we found was a terrible case of H.Pylori, which the hospitals never considered, just jumped to cancer and autoimmune disease. Our next hurdle was getting the hospital (VA) to acknowledge the test, they would not. So we had to look outside of that system (surprise) and we found a doctor that prescribed a simple antibiotic for H. Pylori. That was a year and a half ago, and he is right as rain and very healthy now. The GI-MAPS test is essentially a better alternative to a colonoscopy (my husband had colonoscopy, we opted out of the endoscopy although it was scheduled). It looks at the gut at the microbial level, and we were able to gain a lot of understanding about what was going on. The colonoscopy left us with a “we don’t know, probably Crohns”, whereas the GIMAP pinpointed the issue, and we are so thankful for this. If you live in a progressive area, they may already be using the GI-MAP instead of colonoscopy in some cases. If not, it is definitely something to refer to a naturopath for, and pay out of pocket. It was worth every penny. Maybe that is something that could help you nail down exactly what is going on. Best wishes- ps. I would highly consider the test even if you tested negative for h pylori. My husband tested negative at the hospital as well, which is why they would never consider it again. But he did have hpylori. The strand/type he had wasn’t detectable via the test they had at the hospital.
  2. 3rd grade: Regurgitating a chicken sandwich onto the floor beside my desk🤢 It was embarrassing and really cramped my style:)
  3. I know this all too well. And I hope you are keeping up as best as possible. My mother passed away a year ago of brain cancer at 60, my father passed away from Sarcoma at 43. And boy, when I read “she’s too young”, that had me tearing up, as I know how that feels. My brother and I (also my elderly grandfather), had to take care of her. Hospice only was around for about a week or two. I have had some trauma over that in itself. It just isn’t how you want to see your mother. From feeding her to changing her, and she was overweight, nor could she speak (symptom of brain cancer), so it was gut wrenching. My mother and I had a bit of a strained relationship. A month before she lost her ability to talk I yelled at her about a lot of things that, now, I wish I would not have. We all have regrets and hurt, but I am sure your mother knows you love her. I cried many nights hoping that my mother knew I loved her, and had people around me to reassure me that she knew it. That is a natural reaction when losing someone, you just want them to know that you love them. They do. They do know it. Good Job on staying sober. I have lost three loved ones to cancer, I hate cancer. I am wishing you peace and rest, all will be well. You are not alone:)
  4. That’s too funny. My eldest son was born at 6:11 pm on 06-01-11. Oddly enough, my father had passed away when I was a teenager, at 16, on 06-01-01. We always thought the dates/time was crazy:)
  5. I am sorry for your loss, the death of a parent can be extremely tough. My mother passed last year (my father had passed already when I was 16) from brain cancer (glioblastoma). It was exhausting, especially considering we lived seven hours apart, and myself, husband and children did a lot of traveling in a short amount of time, to take care of her. She lost capacity to speak for a couple of months before she passed, which was very difficult to deal with. Shortly after that, my brother, who was executer of the estate literally stole a portion of my inheritance. I was appalled the lies and betrayal, especially after all that we had been through (not necessarily the money loss). It was a very lonely, difficult time. I had a couple months prior to this all happening been told that I had breast cancer, which thankfully was a misdiagnosis (I didn’t know this at the time when mom had passed). My point is that, when it rains, sometimes it pours. Do get rest. You will go crazy being exhausted. Time heals, and things eventually work out. Take care:)
  6. I have an Etsy shop and had a similar situation. I wanted to simply change to a new new bank account and also had to verify, but the bank account was old so I could not provide them with proof that the account was closed. Anyway, I really needed to contact someone from etsy. To give you some hope, I was able to contact someone through their email system. If I recall they have a help section on the site that will lead you to this chat/email system. I had my problem solved in a day or two. This was in August of ‘22, several months ago. I would try again, maybe it’s a busy time right now? But I didn’t feel ghosted at all:) Good Luck-
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