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Everything posted by Nm.

  1. I’m really liking Spalding- writing road to reading 4th edition or earlier. There’s a few on open library if you want to see it in depth. Simply memorizing the phonograms by flashing the phonograms (oral phonogram review) and then having them write the phonograms as I say the sounds has helped my 2 with spelling and reading very quickly. We are not even finished memorizing all 70 yet.
  2. I was thinking about the library thing… I hate wrapping paper but maybe I can “wrap” one in a fabric bag each night.
  3. I have PLL.. haven’t used it yet. Why do you want to switch- just wondering.
  4. Nm.


    I’m reading the second revision on open library and it seems a lot more concise. Unfortunately I am struggling with a lot of the old fashioned way of pronouncing words. DS would be lost. 😞 I really like the method. I found 4th edition at library and love how simple it is.
  5. I love the 4th edition. 6th had me confused.
  6. In regards to R&S, none of my children hate language. One is finishing up 5, another is midway 4, another in 3. They love the confidence it has given them to be able to write well. It is similar to drilling math facts and simply doesn’t take much time. Do they love R&S? No because it is work, but they love what it has produced. Other writing programs have been a breeze for them (I have one doing writing strands and one doing IEW Middle Ages theme this year)- not because I saw a gap in writing, but because their program recommended it. We do not skip anything in the student book, everything except oral drill is written down in a notebook, and occasionally we use the teachers manual. For me, it is the simplest to teach and that is what is most important. If the fun activity based program doesn’t get done & sits on a shelf… then what’s the use? Get what YOU can teach reliably most days. All the materials I use are open and go, and have a similar format because I am the one teaching. I need to be able to use the material reliably.
  7. Gotcha thank you. I thought you meant literally what she wrote 🙃
  8. What clarita wrote is all on the back side of the lesson page? I’m not seeing it in the manual sample, so just checking.
  9. No I’m not doing hardly any of those activities! I am going to work on it. Are you saying the manual has all those activities planned out? Or those are the activities that you do?
  10. @Claritawhat did you do for ear training? I think it is a missing link for some of my children that struggled.. & there are not enough lessons in underthehome for it, so I’m trying to make up my own too.
  11. I have had this for a few years… how are you handling the experiments each lesson & gathering supplies?
  12. @ScoutTN thank you! I was hoping for a more Christian viewpoint (albeit some are over the top). It’s looking like we will stick with heart of the dakota. It’s not perfect but I do like that they switch around what they use for history and science (mystery of history one year but not the next).
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