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  1. If anyone has watched Dopesick on how OxyContin was sold, then you will understand how the drug market for osteopenia and osteoporosis grew after reading this article. Osteopenia was literally created to sell a drug. https://www.npr.org/2009/12/21/121609815/how-a-bone-disease-grew-to-fit-the-prescription
  2. My home flooded in Katrina and we were displaced for fourteen months while we rebuilt our home. It was devastating at the time. But I consider my family one of the lucky ones because we only flooded. My MIL and both BILs had their homes reduced to toothpicks. All total, our family—in-laws, aunts, and uncles—lost seven homes. Today I can look back and be thankful my family had the experience. My children slept on a blow-up mattress for a year. We had no other furniture than just a kitchen table. That was, of course, after we found a place to rent after spending weeks bouncing among friends and family that still had homes. We watched as people came from around the world to help rebuild our community. We saw how neighbors stepped in to help neighbors. My kids learned what real hard work meant, helping my husband gut and rebuild our home. So why wouldn’t we just move? This is our home. I can walk out my back door, get in my boat, and go to a fabulous restaurant with the best seafood ever. I can see peaceful water out my back windows. It is beautiful. And until recently, we lived here because my husband was bringing oil and gas to be used around the country. It wasn’t until another hurricane hit last year that his refinery shut down. And because of the current administration, the refinery was not rebuilt, hence part of the reason you now pay so much for gas, but that’s another story. Natural disasters can hit anywhere. Despite what the news likes to tell you, hurricanes are not getting any worse.
  3. I love to share what I did. First, because this part is the most important, is that I studied to understand how bone growth is accomplished so that I could speak knowledgeably with my doctor and not just trust what she was telling me. So bone growth happens because you have two different types of bone cells. Your osteoclasts are your bone cells that basically clean out the old dead bone cells to make way for new bone growth. Your osteoblasts are your bone cells that build up new bone growth. Basically, the medications given by doctors just kill your osteoclasts, so your bones no longer clean out the dead cells. So on your DEXA, it will look like your bones are improving because the scan can’t distinguish between dead and living cells. But your bones actually become weaker on the medications. Doctors know this because you can have problems such as increased risk of femur fracture and jaw necrosis. I highly recommend the book “Your Bones” by Lara Pizorno for more info on the medications. The products that I credit my bone growth to is called Algaecal and Strontium boost. If you research strontium, you may see bad things about it, but the type I am taking is a different type.
  4. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis when I was only 49. After much research, I decided not to take any of the medications recommended by my doctor. I have some very strong feelings about the medications used in traditional treatment. My doctor said I would never experience the bone growth I needed without the medications. Well, I showed her! My bone growth has been phenomenal and within 18 months of my diagnosis, I had completely reversed my osteoporosis. I feel almost certain I will not even have osteopenia at my next Dexa scan.
  5. Yes, the only thing I have to make me know that the vaccine does not prevent infection is the entire country of Denmark acknowledging that fact. It’s not like I have ever seen anyone that has been vaccinated and boosted go on to actually get Covid. The many world leaders around the world that pushed the vaccine—Biden, Harris, Macron, Boris johnson, Macron, Jacinda Ardern, it’s not like they ever got Covid after being vaccinated and boosted. The health leaders that told us vaccines would prevent spread—Fauci, Becerra, Bourla have avoided Covid because they were vaccinated. And the numerous Hollywood elites and politicians that were double, triple, and quadruple jabbed — all managed to escape the virus. Oh, wait…
  6. No, I think I understood your point perfectly. You believe you are getting a vaccine to prevent others from getting sick. If the vaccine actually prevented infection, that might be a valid reason for taking it (although the health risks of vaccine injury would still weigh heavier against, imo.) But the vaccine does not prevent infection. The site I posted made that point quite clearly when it stated “The purpose of vaccination is not to prevent infection with covid-19, and people aged under 50 are therefore currently not being offered booster vaccination
  7. Same. However my preference leans towards the em dash.
  8. That’s an interesting perspective since the vaccines have not been shown to prevent the spread of infection. In fact, this point is now so widely acknowledged that the entire country of Denmark no longer even offers the vaccine to healthy individuals under age 50. https://www.sst.dk/en/english/corona-eng/vaccination-against-covid-19
  9. No. I prefer to continue to let my own immune system do its job unhindered. I’ve had Covid twice, and it hasn’t been a big deal either time. I live in a world where most of my friends are unvaccinated and we watch with wonder as people tout the vaccines even after having Covid.
  10. My good friends are those I can feel comfortable sharing my ideas and opinions with, even when knowing full well they may have differing ideas and opinions. We get along despite our differences because we know we share the same foundational beliefs of prioritizing our families, working to make a better world, and showing compassion. I would say it usually takes years before I consider someone a good friend. Oh, and a good friend is one that can drop in unexpected and I don’t have worry that they may be judging the cleanliness of my house.
  11. I’m wondering if forgiveness is the right word to be using when it comes to your child. In our family, we wouldn’t go the route of forgiveness because our overarching principle would be unconditional love. So how that might look would be, “Son, you’ve done X or believe X (or whatever the offense is) and that hurts us as it goes against the way we tried to raise you and the values we tried to instill in you, BUT, more important than any hurt we may feel is our love for you and even if we fully disagree with what you have done—or are still doing— we love you no matter what. If you are ever in trouble, we want you to understand you have a safe place to land.” If the offense has gone the other way we are quick to say, “Son, we are sorry to have done X. This isn’t the first time we have screwed up this parenting thing and it certainly won’t be the last. But we hope you know that everything we do comes from a place of love, even when our love steers our decisions/ actions in the wrong direction.”
  12. Interesting. Thank you for sharing as I was not familiar with Agnes. I’m very familiar with hurricanes, however. We lost our home and all our family members’ homes in Katrina. It hit on Aug 29, and on Aug 29 last year we were hit again with Ida. Although we didn’t lose our home in Ida, my husband lost his job. And now, the entire country is still experiencing the trauma caused by Ida, but most are completely unaware of it. Why? Well, Ida caused the closure of a major refinery. After Katrina, when the Alliance refinery flooded, the Bush administration came to town and recognized that the refinery was crucial to fuel security, so the government made a commitment to help the refinery have the resources to reopen. After Ida, the government was happy to see another refinery closed because of the current green energy policy. No effort was made to restart the refinery. Catalyst valued at over $100 million was given away so that the refinery could safely close its doors. And the prices being paid at the pump reflects the fact that our country no longer has the refining capacity to meet its needs.
  13. “Compliance” doesn’t sound compatible with freedom. Federally operated things were closed, and other things were open in my area. If I had to hear one more time that Juneteenth was “the end of slavery” I think my head might have exploded. Funny how no news stations wanted to give real history facts that slavery still existed in Delaware after Juneteenth.
  14. We are having a gas (petrol) crisis in the US that is purely of our own doing. We have had at least 5 refineries close since the pandemic began, so it does not matter how much oil we drill out of the ground—we simply don’t have the capability to refine product to meet our needs. The current administration now wants refiners to refine more, but existing refineries are already at capacity. The refineries that closed will take at least a year to restart. We are in this mess for awhile with no hope of it getting better. My husband worked for the last refinery that closed here in February.
  15. In my state, you have been more likely to die if you have been vaccinated pretty much since the vaccines rolled out. The latest data shows 60% of deaths are in the fully vaccinated. Only 54% of population is fully vaccinated in my state. https://ldh.la.gov/Coronavirus/
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