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Posts posted by bluemongoose

  1. Initially it was because DD asked to start reading at age 2.5 yo. I didn't think of it as homeschooling then, I was just following her lead.


    Then we moved to our house we built in a not so great school district. It is a country school with little to offer, including advanced classes. Then DD did not make the cut-off. She would be starting Kindy this coming fall if we had not decided to homeschool. She is already in 1st/2nd grade depending on subjects, by fall most of her subjects will be in the 2nd/3rd grade level.


    Once we really started doing K level work a year and a half ago, we found we really loved it. She likes it too. This DD would never make it in a class with kids her age, she would not have sat quietly while they tried to make her wait for her peers to catch up. It never would have worked.




    We like that we can work at her pace.


    We can instill our values and beliefs without having to unteach what they taught at PS.


    She can stay innocent a little longer.


    She can do activities during the day.


    She gets to be with her family!


    So we started for a purely academic reason, but it turned into a lifestyle that we love! :)

  2. As far as clothes...I do like a few PP mentioned. I keep all seasons of the size they are in in their drawers/closets. I label 2 bins in each size, one girl and one boy. I keep an extra bin in my laundry room to toss the clothes in as I notice they are not the wrong size. When I get a moment I drag that bin to the basement and sort it into the correct size/gender bin. The bins in the basement are lined up in size order boy and girl stacked.


    As far as the laundry. I have a basket with each kids name on it sitting on a shelf that my husband installed next the the washer and dryer. It also has a clothes rod under the shelf. Things that are folded go into the persons basket, thing that are hung are hung on color coded hangers. Each member of the family has their own color. When the baskets are full they must be emptied! That is our rule.


    As far as dirty laundry. There is a chute for the upstairs and a laundry basket in each room that is downstairs. I do laundry every other day and I haul the baskets into the laundry, sort them and also the clothes in the chute.



  3. 8.


    I was the passenger in:

    #1 my mom rear-ended somebody.

    #2 Someone backed into Mom

    #3 my mom rear-ended somebody.

    #4 Someone ran into the side of our car. We were sitting at a stoplight and he was exiting a parking lot. He thought the space our car was occupying was vacant and tried to get in line at the light.

    #5 Someone rear-ended my then stepmother

    #6 A low rider pick up truck ran a red light and hit the front of our school bus on the way home. The force was bad enough that he bounced off the front of the bus and hit another car.


    I was the driver:

    #7 I was parked along the curb and sitting in my car. The car directly in front of me (also parked along the curb) decided to throw it in reverse without looking and backed into the front of my car. She tried to lie and said I was the one driving and rear-ended her! Too bad my car was switched off!

    #8 I was sitting at the end of an off ramp at a red light. A car came up off the freeway and decided not to stop. He said he thought "I had already gone (through the light)".

  4. I hear ya!!!! I was banging my head on the wall trying to figure out how to deal with our familys various food allergies and somehow get something on the table without making 4 different whole meals! Between us we have the allergies: Cranberries, pineapple, dairy, walnuts, pecans, and a suspected peanut. And we have the intolerances: dairy, all meat (me), red meat (DH), oranges, and cucumbers. This is spread out between 5 family members, and so what works for one is not ok for the other...:glare:


    Anyway, I started checking out cookbooks at the library concentrating on vegan ones and quick cooking as much as possible. The vegan option gives me a base to start with as it is meat and dairy free...for those who eat meat and/or dairy, it is easier to add something on to the base dish than make something entirely special for every persons different needs.


    The next problem was dealing with the planning and copying down the recipes I was interested in trying. It ended up being a disaster because I was trying to hand write all my plans, shopping list, recipes (since they were library books), and things were just getting messy. Enter The living Cookbook software! I bought that and now I am entering in the recipes I think we will like. Next I drag and drop to a calendar to make my meal plan. I can enter in how many servings of each recipe I need (in case we have company I can make it more that day). Then I transfer it to a shopping list. Hit print and I am ready to go! :auto:


    The con of this program is that you do have to enter in the recipes for it to work, but I figure if I do that for a while until I have a good base of recipes, then I will have a good thing going!


    Another thing I did with the software was make 2 "cookbooks". One is my trial book and one is our family book. If it is a recipe that I have not tried before, it is in the trial book and I only make the exact quantity for our family of those recipes. If we like it, I move the recipe to the family cookbook. I can also add under the tips heading if it freezes and reheats well or not. That way I can make a larger amount next time with the knowledge that we like it and it does keep well, so no waste!


    Another feature I like is that you can tell the program what stores you shop at, and what you buy at that store. When it generates your shopping list it will tell you what you need per store. If you also save in the store settings the store aisles, it will break your list into aisles for you. That way you can shop in an orderly manner. No more getting milk and then the next thing on the list is lettuce and then finding out you also needed eggs five items later and then onions! I always hated the run around with my hand written lists!


    You can also list prices of ingredients.

    You can inventory your pantry so that it wont put something on the shopping list until you need it (again more entering time)

    It gives you the nutritional info for each recipe.

    and tons more!


    (I sound like a commercial :lol:)


    Ok this is getting way too long. So I am going to stop now! They do have a 30 day trial you can check out if you are interested.


    The other thing I do is buy bulk as much as possible on things like rice, dried beans, flours etc. Saves $$


    Hope that helps :)

  5. I think it is normal! My DS is 3.5 yo. His interests are all things mechanical. He loves legos, trios, unifix cubes etc. He is always building something and it is usually a machine of some sort- a vacuum, a drill, a hammer etc.


    I tried to start the RS math games with him as he is interested in #s. I started out with the Popsicle stick tallies in the beginning of the book. He said "no Mommy!" He quickly rearranged the tallies into a row of parallel lines and proudly exclaimed "Heater vent!"


    I too wondered how to play with him in the same manner all the time, but then I realized...he wasnt really asking me to. He just wanted someone to show his cool things he built to, he wanted me to say it looked great and ask him real questions about the design and function of what he built. Then he wanted me to hug him and wrestle a bit, and then let him go off and build something else.

  6. I am not sure what a Koozie soda can holder is....is it a tube that fits around a can drink??? Does it have elastic of some sort to keep it on? I would think it would be easy, but I am not totally sure what it is.


    As far as a sewing machine...I have a Viking. I had a Singer, but they have sold out to a foreign country and are no longer the robust machines they once were. If you are not going to sew much, most any machine will be fine (including the Singer). I sew A LOT, and I burn them out if they are not made well.

  7. I voted cleaning towels because they don't just get used in my house. They are used for bedding for new kittens, they have cleaned up stuff involving chickens, they have cleaned up poo and pee accidents off my floors, they have cleaned up puke. They get washed on very hot sanitary cycles!


    If I could pick multiple choices, my baby's cloth diapers would be next, and then the kitchen rags/towels!

  8. I have the standards. It is a classroom version, there isn't a homeschool version. They did make a separate teachers guide for homeschoolers called the Homeschool Instructors Guide, but these are for Primary levels, not Earlybird.


    I am using the Textbook and the Activity Book for Earlybird and that is it. I did not get the extra story books or the teachers manual. The teachers manual would be useless for you and $$. The stories may be interesting, but they are certainly not necessary.

  9. My dad was an abusive alcoholic who left us when I was six and my brother was three and moved to Italy for three years. When he came back, he was in and out (mostly out) of our lives. He made an *ss of himself at my wedding, and I didn't see him again until a few weeks ago. He is still an alcoholic. He has been married several times. I do not have a relationship with him, but my brother does. My mother remarried a wonderful man who raised us as his own. I adore him!


    My husband is the opposite of my biological father. He is strong and solid and hates alcohol. I gave him a really hard time the first two years we were married. I had so much anger and resentment towards my father, and I took it out on Patrick. Finally one day Patrick sat me down and told me that I wasn't going to push him away, that he was staying, and I needed to stop trying to make him leave. It was a life changing moment for me. My husband is amazing.


    I was going to tell my story, but Nakia already did :lol:. Well, except the going to Italy part and the wedding part. My father lived nearby and he was NOT invited to my wedding! And my husband is not named Patrick:tongue_smilie:.

  10. My DD is the antagonist in our family...she is 5 and DS is 3. Do your boys all share a room? I found it helped to work with DS to go and find some toy he wanted and take it to his room by himself. I have taught my DD to respect his room as his space and not to open his door. This way he can remove himself from the situation and play quietly alone in a place his sis is not allowed to intrude upon and continue the antagonizing.


    If I catch her in the act, I often will send her to her room until she can be a kind member of the family in our shared family areas.

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