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Posts posted by bluemongoose

  1. Thanks...this is helpful.


    I think my friend is wondering so far ahead because she is trying to slowly collect the books used from the Goodwill and Paperbackswap. I do the same, but I have more kids than she does, if I get something that is the wrong level per TOG Y, I will likely have another kiddo who uses it later.


    I am very comfortable with my DD being in LG. I want it to be fun for her...I was just second guessing if I was doing the right thing based on her reading level. And I was also wondering if I should keep her in LG for the 1st and 2nd grades or move her up to UG early. I realize that TOG is less about grade level, but I went to PS and I was a PS teacher...it is hard to break from that mold:lol:.

  2. I am new to TOG and I need help where to place in the stages/levels of

    TOG, and when to move the kids up.


    Kid #1 Turning 8 in March. She was taught using Connections Academy for 1st and

    2nd grade. She started K on time (5.5 yrs), but skipped K and was given 1st

    grade curriculum based on a test, so if she had stayed in Connections this year

    she would have been in 3rd. She is reading fluently on about a 5th-6th grade reading

    level and writing at 3rd grade level. She was placed in Upper Grammar for this

    year (TOG y1). How many years should she continue to be in Upper Grammar before

    switching to Dialectic? Would it make sense to go back to calling her a second

    grader and have her graduate at 18yrs? Would Dialectic and Rhetoric levels be

    too hard if she entered it too early? This kiddo is not mine, she is a friends.

    Friend asked my opinion and I said I would just keep her in UG until she was in

    6th based on age and then move her up because I have heard there was a jump in

    difficulty in D and R. And then she would just graduate "on time". Was I right,

    or wrong?




    Kid two Turning 6 in December (this is my kiddo). She didn't use Connections.

    She is also reading fluently at a 5th grade reading level and working at about

    a 2nd grade level in other subjects. She has not started TOG yet, will be in

    November and I planned on putting her into LG for now. Is this wrong based on

    her reading ability? I am calling her a 1st grader because it is closest to her

    age and more fitting than K. In PS she would have been allowed to go to K this

    year. I figured I would move her up to UG in 3rd and follow the 3-5th UG, 6-8th

    D, 9-12th R.



    How do you know where to start with placement, and how do you know when to move

    to the next level? Do you just follow the grade levels that TOG applies to the

    LG, UG, D, and R? What about with advanced students? Also, what would your

    recommendation be for Kid #1 and Kid #2?



  3. I totally understand how this feels. The first 6 years of our marriage were like what you describe. 1 year ago DH actually decided he had had enough with his family's behavior and cut the ties himself. He didnt want his damaging mother to further damage his life by wrecking his marriage and hurting his children. We have not spoken or seen them in a year, and other then a twinge of guilt at times (FIL is a good guy, miss him), it has been a most peaceful year!

  4. Library Cards, Drivers License, Debit Card, and Store Cards.




    Cell phone


    a pen.


    My purse is one of those barely bigger than a wallet with the purse strap kind. When I am out with the kids, I carry a backpack with kid books, diapers, an epi, childrens benedryl, and an extra change of clothes for the little one. I put my purse in the backpack.

  5. We are the allergic family...so we are pretty used to handling most situations, but we are newer to kids with anaphylaxis. I have not had to deal with that until about 1 year ago.


    Most of my allergies are not life threatening, so I dont ask much in the way of accommodation, just an understanding of what is in the meal. I am allergic to all meats, walnuts, and pecans. I am likely to have an anaphylactic response to cranberries, so that I have to ask more accommodation for. My DD just started a pineapple response that the Dr is very concerned is progressing to probably anaphylaxis, and my DS is the same with Dairy and Peanuts.


    Sometimes people act insulted if I ask what ingredients are in the dish, even when I explain that I/my kids have food allergies.


    Our scout troup has asked parents not to bring items with Pineapples, Cranberries, and Apples (another scout has apple anaphylaxis).


    I usually tell people that my children are allergic to the foods and how serious it is, sometimes we get understanding, other times people act like I think it is some sort of status symbol. As if I like this???


    Allergies are difficult to deal with, especially since so many things are put inside foods that it is very challenging to know what is ok to eat! My family has to stay away from the punch bowl, baked goods, and I can hardly eat anything at a potluck because you never know if it was made with meat broth or stock or dairy (DS). Why would I ever make this up for fun?:confused:


    And the article...that is awful! People can be so cruel!

  6. spaghetti








    Really just about anything can be made with a vegetarian base and then meat added to it.


    Some great Vegetarian cookbooks are the Moosewood Restaurant Cookbooks.


    I am the only vegetarian as well, but my family is very used to vegetarian meals now. We probably have meat once ever 2 weeks or so at home. DH often has meat at work in his lunch. When we go out to eat (like once every 2-3 months or so) the kids still pick vegetarian meals 95% of the time, DH usually orders meat.

  7. Yes, I get this attitude...I thought it was just because my oldest is not quite 6 yet. I guess it continues to happen?:glare: I have been hearing, she shouldnt be reading so much, she doesnt need to learn history or science at this age, I expect too much of her....etc etc.


    Never mind the fact that she enjoys science and history, and I cannot keep her nose out of a book, and she understood multiplication by simply telling her that 3+3 is the same thing as 2*3 because 2*3 is 2 3s.


    And besides, isnt everybody complaining about the PSs (even people that are in them) and that they are often not as good as they used to be? Why wouldnt I teach more than PSs do if I have a chance to?

  8. I have one of these. We did K at 3yo and we started 1st at 4.5yo and now at 5.5yo we are doing 2nd. And yes, at 3yo we were doing a more formal K level complete with a math book, phonics, art, science, and literature. She loved it, and always asked for more! This was all prompted by 2 things: 1st she asked me at 2.5 to teach her to read. 2nd: She kept asking for schoolbooks and workbooks from Costco when we went shopping together. She begged to "do school", the more formal, the better!


    I think the only thing you must be careful with is making sure that she stays the driving force. It is easy to get used to, or so impressed with, their ability that you want to continue to press forward. Make sure you pause when they ask to. They need to stay in the drivers seat at this age. If you notice from my age list above, K took a year and a half for us to get through the books we decided to use. At that age she took tons of breaks. That needs to be ok.


    My next oldest child is 3.5yo right now, and completely different. He is interested in doing school, but not every day, and not for as long, and not with as challenging material. As with his sister before him, I am letting him decide and drive right now. He does school when he wants to and we do lots more hands on materials because that is what interests him.


    As PP said, if they are ready and wanting to, then give them what they need, don't get caught up on age. My DD would have gone crazy if I had told her to wait until she was K age.

  9. I have the duet also. I've had it 3 years. No mold and I DO NOT use bleach because of our septic, but I do use vinegar on occasion. I have washed our washable down King Size comforter in it, no problems. One time was after it got spewed on by a projectile vomiting infant...it all came out, and would have smelled if it hadn't, so I would say it was washed well enough!


    Oh, I forgot, I have had one mold problem...it was when a baby sock got under the seal. The sock molded, but now I wash my kids socks in laundry mesh bags and no more problems!:lol:

  10. 1. Do not try and see if you can reach the truck driving next to you down the freeway from the schoolbus window. (fellow student on bus)


    2. Do not try learning how to ski for the first time from the top of the very looonnng run at dusk when there is no night skiing at that resort. You will be removed from the mountain by a snow mobile when the resort is closed and he is on his way home. You will have to sit behind the snowmobile driver, and he will not let you hold on to him. He will not be happy about it and you will feel like an idiot.


    3. When learning how to water ski, if you fall down, let go of the rope. It is not fun to drink the whole lake while the boat drags you on your tummy.


    4. When your yankee candle bursts into flame on the kitchen table, do not throw water on it. The flame will explode and you will end up with a shattered glass and a hole in the table. (my roommate!)


    5. When you have a cousin who generally doesnt like you, do not accept the offer of a loaned bathing suit when your entire extended family takes an impromptu trip to a lake. The cousin will have given you a bathing suit that has been worn thin enough that it will become see-through when wet. Years later you will still not enjoy seeing your butt crack through said bathing suit on old family VHS that your parents insist on keeping.


    6. Dont swim so much in the summer that your hair turns bright green and then allow it to be cut off in a very short cut and permed right before you enter your freshman year in high school. You will be called shroom the rest of your days there.


    7. Do not pack your underclothing in brown sacks when moving and load them into a back of a pickup truck and then drive 60 miles per hour down the freeway. The drivers behind you may not appreciate your bra hitting their windshield and sticking there. (my mother)


    8. Do not go impromptu water skiing in cut-offs and forget you have a pantyliner on. It will float up next to your head when you fall down. This is especially embarrassing in a youth group setting.

  11. I am the lone vegetarian in my family:). I actually am unable to process meat protein, so this is a health issue for me. The benefit is my family eats a whole lot healthier. Mealtime can be a bit complicated for us because my YDS is also allergic to dairy (has an epi for it).


    What I found was easiest to do for us (you should not have to go to this extreme) is find vegan recipes. This is my base item, then I add meat to it for those who can have it, dairy for the others. Since you would only be omitting meat, you could start with a vegetarian recipe. A good vegetarian cookbook is anything from the Moosewood Restaurant line. They are awesome! Most of these are super good without fake meat in them, my meat loving husband is fine with many of them without any meat added. It is also easy to add meat back in as well!


    Example: Spaghetti with Marinara Sauce. You can add meat for those who eat it very easily and make it a meat sauce, but leave the vegetarians simply marinara plain. With our family, everyone can have cheese topping except DS. So it works out and I do not have to make anything separate.


    P.S. gravy is not vegetarian if it is made from the pot roast drippings :lol:. So it sounds like he is only opposed to the actual piece of meat?

  12. I use HST+. I tried paper planners, but I like to plan out my whole year in the summer and be able to tweak it as necessary as I go through the year. The amount of arrows, crossing outs, and erasing on my paper planner was going to drive me insane! So I switched.


    Now I can hit the reschedule button if we decide to take a day/week/month off and the computer does it all for me. I can print of a weekly task list with check boxes for DD to check off when she completes the assignment. I can enter in grades and it keeps attendance. My state doesnt require attendance to be kept so this doesnt matter to me, but it is there. DD is also young, so the grade is not really that important, but she likes having a grade.

  13. "Why do cashiers always say something? What is it with cashiers? Is there some kind of training they get regarding questioning homeschoolers?"


    I put myself through University as a cashier in a grocery store. Yes, you are trained to hold small talk with the customer in an effort to make the store a place you like. To make it "your friendly hometown store". However, some people are just misguided on what is an ok topic to bring up when making your obligatory small talk.:001_smile:

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