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Posts posted by bluemongoose

  1. We spent a little less than 1% this year. Usually it is less, but we bought DD a Nintendo DS this year.


    Edited to add: I forgot to mention that this includes Birthday presents for DH and all my kids as they all have winter holiday birthdays! The way I keep the cost so low is I shop all year round at clearances and keep the gifts in my closet.

  2. I used the workbooks (because my kids like workbooks:lol:) and the readers from the Sing, Spell, Read and Write program to get them started. We did not do the spelling lists, we just read over the words. IMO it does a good job at giving them a solid start on early reading and phonics rules. DD was reading way above level after finishing this, but her spelling was not great.


    Then I switched to Phonics Road for 1st grade. The first 4 weeks were all about learning the letter sounds and teams in the order that PR teaches them. Some of the vowel and consonant teams were a bit of a challenge at first, but we made it through fine. Now we are learning spelling for the first time, and it is going really well. We really do like PR!


    I like the progression we chose because in K we had the fun readers and colorful workbooks and a few games that DD really liked, and then in 1st we got a little more serious in our learning.


    Now that I know the PR method some, when DS gets out of the SSRW letter workbook, I will probably incorporate the teachings of PR into the SSRW workbooks to give him a head start on the PR method.

  3. If it is a rare breed that is going to cost me a lot, I would want a 3 week old most likely. This way, the chances are good that the chick will be a survivor and I will be less likely to lose my money from the chick dying, but it still has the cute chickie factor. Plus, it is young enough to become familiar with me.


    If it wasn't expensive/is not a rare breed, I would probably prefer a younger chick. I love the fuzzy stage!


    I usually wouldnt look for a point of lay chicken...they make me think there is something wrong with them for the owner to want to give them away at that point. I realize if you are a breeder, that makes it different, but I guess I just wouldnt think to look for a point of lay hen.

  4. Unfortunately, we do not really have thrift shops besides overpriced Goodwill. My best scores were at a scout rummage sale.


    I got this castle



    for $25


    and a full bag of Hannah Andersson clothes for a dollar! They were almost all in mint condition! I think I ended up with 5 dresses, 3 leggings, overalls, hoodie, and a few shirts and skirts in the bag!

  5. Well, I think that is pretty good.:001_smile:


    We mostly buy new clothes because we only have a Goodwill as far as thrift and honestly it is way overpriced. I can get things on the clearance rack brand new at the Gap and Gymboree and the Hannah Andersson Outlet for the same price as the Goodwill. It just does not make sense to me to spend the same on used clothing. We do have a friend who has been giving us hand me downs, but I think we are about out of that stage with her! She has petite kids and mine are tall, hers are older, but mine have caught up as far as clothing sizes.


    I have never had luck with Old Navy, Target, and Walmart as far as good fit for my kiddos body types, and the clothing holding up. I like to pass my clothing down to the next kid, so I would rather pay a couple of dollars more and have it hold up than pay a tiny bit less for something that only lasts one kid.

  6. I dunno, my almost 6 yo DD is doing the same stuff! I have always been firm about being respectful, and until now she has never pushed it like this. Sometimes I wonder where my daughter went...and who is this sassy pants person that arrived?:confused:


    A couple of things that I noticed seem to be triggers:




    the schedule getting wonky

    and sometimes I have no idea:lol:

  7. We are finishing the curriculum Portraits of American Girlhood this year which uses the Felicity, Addy, Kirsten, Josefina, Samantha, Kit and Molly books. We are reading through the Kit books right now and will be finishing with Molly next month.


    I asked my 5yo which she liked the best, she said Felicity. The Grandfather part didnt seem as sad to her as it did to me, but the dad losing his job and the hardship in the Kit books has bothered her a lot. The same thing with the Addy books, it bothered her that the family was all torn apart.


    I cannot vouch for Molly yet, as we get to that next week. She has read half of the Julie and Kaya books independently, and we have not read any of the others...Rebecca etc.

  8. We are using:


    Math-Singapore/MM/and Miquon


    Phonics-PR 1


    History- Portraits of American Girlhood (uses American Girls Books), we are nearly finished though and will be starting TOG after that.


    Art- Artistic Pursuits


    Handwriting-A reason for Handwriting


    Science- Apologia Botany


    As far as writing, I have her practice writing a sentence or two. She is spelling phonetically as best as she can and the sentences are not always clear, but I have seen improvement by just practicing. She usually writes a sentence about what we read in Science.

  9. Well, I have not been married as long as you all, but after 6.5 years of marriage I found out my husband is allergic to penicillin.


    Even though he often went to Peds check ups with me and the kids, and the Dr always asks about a family history of allergies to medicine, he never once mentioned it. Then our youngest got a really bad ear infection that had to be treated and he had an allergic reaction to the penicillin. That was what finally prompted my husband to bring up that he too is allergic to penicillin:001_huh:.

  10. We just did that recently. I believe she just uses the red on the Building Code page for those markings related to each rule. Normal markings that are unrelated to that particular rule use regular pencil.


    Ok, I guess that makes sense, I just wish she would have stated that better! Plus, I am unsure how to explain that to DD.


    But then I thought the "l,s,f" song said "always" even though I'd read it a dozen times and even questioned it, so I'm probably not the best one to answer!! :D


    lol:lol: Thanks for replying anyway!

  11. Week 6 Day 4+5


    Building Code 6 and 7 are introduced including the spelling word little.


    On the DVD instruction she mentions that we will be using the red pencil to do the markings on the two building codes, but then she uses white chalk (with no explanation) on the vowel teams. After completing these building codes with some markings in white and some in red, she returns to the Week 6 Blueprint with the word little and uses white for all markings.


    Please explain when we are supposed to use the red pencil for the markings, and when we are not. Maybe it is obvious, but I just want to be sure I have it straight before I teach it:D.




    Also, my copy of Building Code 6 is not showing the underline on the er vowel team in paper, but she shows it on the DVD. Just a typo, right?

  12. In general: enough sleep for everybody, good breakfast, and some organization.


    Lately though, it hinges on whether or not DD has decided it is going to be a test mommy day. When she starts the morning with drama and ignoring or disobeying everything I ask her to do, I know it is not going to be a good day:glare:. Please tell me this stage is not a long one! She is about to turn 6!

  13. My DD went to her first Court of Honor for Scouts last spring. We also had the cake problem. By the time DD got to the cake there wasn't any left. Many of the scouts had gone back for seconds before some people got firsts. Nobody in our family received a piece and DD started to cry. She is 5 and it was bedtime for her and it was a big night for her, so the disappointment about the cake sent her over the edge. :glare:


    This year I am an assistant leader, one thing I plan to do is suggest that the cake server only allows one per person until everyone has had cake!

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