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Posts posted by bluemongoose

  1. Nakia...your description sounds like the Pacific NW to me. That is where I am at. In the country, with a view, on the side of a mountain, under 2 hours to the coast, and under an hour to the big city. 1/2 an hour to the nearest smaller city.


    The pros of my area: beautiful, great hiking, cooler weather, not too cold winters, 4 seasons, stuff grows here.


    The cons- there are a few months that just stay cloudy and this can get people down sometimes, it gets misty rainy a lot in the fall and spring, and the people here are not great drivers during snow/ice weather as we do not get it a lot.

  2. Personally I like getting the lapbooks on CD instead and them printing them myself. It costs only slightly more than an Apologia notebook to purchase the CD and then you can print as many copies as you like. Plus they are in color (or you can print in B&W if you want), which I dont think the notebook is, at least not the samples I have seen.


    I prefer the Live and Learn Press lapbooks and then sell them at rainbow.

  3. A medium sized 1800 sqft mcmansion or a townhome with no yard that is new in the new trendy part of town. Many of these are on narrow streets with rock or brick and made to look like New England type city townhomes.


    Or a larger sized (2200) older mcmansion that is starting to look a bit worn with a little more yard in a more established part of town.


    Or a run down '70s duplex with a large yard in the not so great part of town, next to the railway.


    Or 5 acres and a double wide in the country.


    Or 10 acres-no house.

  4. I am using the light blue (grades 1-6). It was my understanding, though someone else can correct me if I am wrong, but light blue series is the only full curriculum, the other series are supplemental.


    As for your question, we have gotten good use of it. We were using Singapore, but someone recommended MM due to the price and easier use, so we switched. We really do like it a lot, and have no plans to switch again until we hit 7th grade.


    I don't think it needs to be supplemented, but we do use Miquon as my DD likes working with the rods and figuring out many different ways to do math.

  5. I have singapore 1A & B and Singapore 2 A & B HIGs and I have 1-5th of MM.


    I have used 1A and am using 1B right now of Singapore, I am also using 1B of MM at the same time. Yes I am crazy:lol:. We are fazing out of Singapore and into MM.


    IMO there is a similar amount of instruction in MM as in Singapore. Although, sometimes it takes less on the page in comparison. In other words, MM seems to get the point across in a much simpler way that takes up less time and ink. I feel that the instruction is more than adequate!


    As far as the answers being worked out. The only HIGs that I have of Singapore have just answers written in the margin. It doesnt show any working out of the students work, maybe this is different in the later grades? I just looked at MM 5th grade answer book and it looks like many of the problems are worked out.


    There are some games shown in the student book that you can do. There is also a list of games in the beginning of a chapter.


    I have not used the softpac/ worksheet generator yet. I honestly feel like there is plenty of work so far that I have not needed to print anything else.


    I have found that DD can generally work more independently and confidently with MM than with Singapore. It seems to be explained in a more comprehensible manner for both of us.

  6. Question: For those that use the lapbooks with grammar stage (spec. Lower grammar) do you also do any of the print outs from the TOG manual, or do you think that would be redundant? :confused: I am in the process of printing out what I need for my first year.

  7. I need some help here. I have a DD who will be 6yo at Christmas time. We are looking to get her DS for Christmas/Bday gift.


    Yes, I know I am early on this, but I like to figure out what I am getting during the summer and then start looking for deals, and I plan to be finished shopping by Thanksgiving.


    Anyway, she has a leapster, and she loves it, but she has outgrown the level of games that the leapster offers. I have looked into the Diji (also made by leapfrog, but marketed for older kids), but almost all the games are commercial games (ie Disney princess, Sponge Bob etc) We only by the educational type like puzzle games, I Spy, Math games...


    I went on Amazon, and I see that there are several versions of DS. I am unsure of which to get, and what is the difference between them (other than price). I was hoping that I could get games at places like Costco or Amazon, if that matters. We would not be using the online features, and would like it to be relatively sturdy. So, which is the best to get?


    Also, what are some cool educational type games that have been hits with your kids?



  8. I voted stuff in pockets, but that is not really my issue. I dont have the inside out problem because I wash it the way it comes in. If you dont care enough to turn it the right way, I dont care enough to fix it for you. (this is for ages 5 and older).

    What gets to me is when they do yard work and then bundle up their clothes. Then I go to throw them in the wash only to be littering my feet and the floor with twigs, leaves, and grass. Plus this sends me into a sneezing fit with my allergies. So the stuff is not really in the pocket, but all over the clothes themselves. I really wish they would shake their clothes off first!

  9. Yes, it would be a good idea to also stop eating it yourself. It does pass through the b-milk. Some kids can still handle that when they are intolerant, some cannot, and you wont know how deep the problem is until you eliminate it all and slowly add it back in.


    Since you are nursing, I would eliminate for both of you and then add your diary back in (item by item) first and see how he does. If that goes well, and there are no symptoms, proceed with adding some to his diet. Or you can add one thing to your diet like cheese...if it goes well, give cheese to him. Then add butter to your diet, and later give him butter too.

  10. I have 2 kids who are growing out of what was likely a dairy intolerance, and I have 1 with a true dairy allergy who has to carry an epi.


    I am also intolerant to dairy.


    Here is what I have found out so far. With the intolerance...each person can be intolerant to different levels of dairy. Example. For me, cheese and butter is ok. Ice cream, a glass of milk, and yogurt will cause the bathroom issues you are describing (minus the rash as I dont wear a diaper:lol:). I can tell you this is very uncomfortable and it makes my tummy feel awful!


    My DS and DD would throw up and also have the diarrhea. DD could handle yogurt and cheese and butter, DS could only handle cheese and butter. As they have grown, they seem to be doing better and are tolerating more dairy. I think they may be outgrowing it as the DR said they might.


    Then I had YDS. He breaks out in a full body rash from a slight lick of butter and his eyes swell shut. So no trace dairy for him at all! He is my epi carrier.


    What I have found to work is to eliminate all dairy products completely for a few weeks. Allow time for all rashes and digestive issues to resolve. Then start with something less reactive like cheese and see if there is a response. There can be delayed responses, so watch for about a week or so. If that works ok with his system, try butter, then yogurt etc. As soon as you see a reaction, stop all dairy and let the body heal again. This should tell you what he can and cannot handle.


    If you are seeing more than just the diarrhea, like hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, then I would seek a DR and get some testing done. Of course you can also just see the DR now, but if you want to try an elimination diet at home first you can, as long as the reaction is not bad.


    It is totally ok to not give your child cow milk. Most "other" milks have calcium added. My children all drink enriched rice dream that I buy by the case at Costco. The only other thing that dairy is pushed for is the fat content that is needed for brain development. I am sure you can find other good fats in things like avocados.

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