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Posts posted by bluemongoose

  1. We do them. My DD is doing one with the Apologia Science text. We bought the CDrom from Rainbow Resource and just printed all the pages.


    DS is doing the free ones from homeschoolshare.com with the Before Five in a Row and Five in a Row books.


    We just add them in with what they are already doing, I have never done them as something on the side.


    One thing I found helpful to know...you can get a huge box of the file folders at costco (sams club etc) and it is very helpful to have a long bed stapler.

  2. Carters, Gap and Gymboree here. I am not partial to them for brand name sake... it is that the clothes look great after the kid is done and can be passed down, and that they actually fit my kids. I have not had luck with old navy & target clothes fitting my kids and 1/2 of them look bad after 1 kid too. I hit the clearance when they have 20-25% of the already clearanced price. I can easily land shirts for $2-4 at Gap and Carters. At Gymboree it is usually $4-8, but I only go during the gymbucks time...so it evens out!


    For myself, I look for jeans at American Eagle because they are what fits...shirts I will get anywhere if it is cheap. DH is the same...it can come from anywhere.

  3. I have not tried the REM cycle thing...how does one do that?


    He already has quiet music in his room on repeat all night long. Just soft classical.


    We live in the country, so no noise except the occasional storm or coyotes. And there aren't lighting problems except his own that he keeps switching back on!


    He does not have toys in his room (which is why he was trying to sneak into the playroom before) and we took all the clothes out of his drawers as well because he started playing dressup. When he gets out of bed he is just wandering around in his room. His walls are light blue!


    He cannot have milk, and I have been unable to get him to eat turkey...are there any other sleepy foods???


    He has stuffed animals, his lovey, and some books that we put him to bed with.


    We have been getting him up earlier. He had been starting to sleep until 9-9:30am, we do not allow him to sleep past 8 now.


    When he gets up, we just say "it is nighttime, stay in bed" and either send him back to his room, or take him back and cover him up. We are not laying down with him or restarting cuddles and things that we do when we put him down the first time.


    The last couple of nights he has stayed in the room better, but he is still going to sleep somewhere between 11 and 2.


    All the children have been on the same schedule, so it does get quiet in our house at 8pm. It really has been out of the blue that he changed his sleeping behaviors. It was never a problem until now.


    I am going to read through all the suggestions you guys posted, and try some things. Thanks for the suggestions!

  4. These are all great thoughts! Thanks for taking the time to help.


    To answer some of the Q's:


    We did try putting him to bed earlier because he was so cranky we couldnt stand him any longer LOL! It didnt seem to help. He just stayed cranky until midnight and then went hysterical-completely melted down until he zonked out.


    As for the sun...what sun??? We wont be seeing that for a few more months yet. There is not a great way to get outside right now it is a cold rainy mush pit out there. We do chase each other around the house for exercise and my two toddlers are always active. DH also wrestles with DS after dinner for a bit to help him get out extra energy.


    Wired Tired is exactly how he is! Great term!


    VA- I think you might be right...it might just be time. Bummer, I was hoping I could fix it!


    We don't do TV and he very rarely gets to do the wii before bed.

  5. I did cut out the nap for a whole week and it didnt do any good at all, he was just more miserable, and so was I. My DD 5yo does quiet time as you described, so I had planned to do the same with him anyway, but he just cannot seem to make it through nap time!


    I already know he has a dairy intolerance, so he is not on that, I know of no other issues though....

  6. I actually just asked my Pedi for a language development chart because my DS 3yo has a lisp. I wanted to know when I should be worried and seeking help. On the chart I was given it does say it is a concern if they had words before and are not talking now. It says that if they had not been talking before it is ok if they say little at 2yo.


    So based on that, ya, I would have him evaluated if he were my kiddo.

  7. My DS 3yo is having trouble with bedtime out of the blue. We have always put our kids to bed at 8pm with the whole bedtime ritual of pjs-brush teeth-story etc. All of a sudden he is not going to sleep until really really late. At first he was getting up and sneaking into the playroom or just wandering around. He just kept getting up again and again and again!!! We have been working on getting him to stay in his room and quiet so the rest of the family can still sleep. He is doing better with this, but he still gets up after an hour or two, looking for company:001_huh:.


    He has always been a really good sleeper. He normally sleeps from 8pm-7 or 8 am and would still take an afternoon nap from 2 to 4 or 5ish. However, last night, I tucked him in the last time at 1:30am and I am exhausted. Between him and the baby that still wakes in the wee hours to nurse, I am not getting more than a couple of hours at a time. And DS is not doing much better. He is so crabby!


    So far we have tried: waking him up earlier in the morning and less of a nap, no nap, not coming to retuck him back into bed but just telling him it is bedtime and to go back to bed etc...no luck. He just doesnt seem able to go to sleep. We also do not give him anything with sugar after dinner. Nothing seems to make a difference. This has been going on for almost a month now and I am so tired at this point that I cannot think of what else to do!


    Any ideas??? :confused:

  8. We will have finished:


    Singapore 1A and most of 1B

    Miquon Orange

    Galloping the Globe and 1/2 of Portraits of American Girlhood

    Sing, Spell, Read, and Write 1st and 1/2 of LLATL Red

    2/3 of Apologia Astronomy

    K and part of Book A in A Reason for Handwriting

    Lollipop logic

    Speedy Spanish Primer and part of Passaporte al Espanol

    Little Annie's Art book of Etiquette and manners (Art)

    Lots of library books

  9. I have the wii fit, wii fit plus, and the wii active (got as gifts!!)


    Features wii fit plus has that the wii fit doesnt:


    Workout routines that go from one activity to the next on its own.


    You can keep track of steps and waist measurements as well as weight.


    You can switch between players without having to go back to the main screen.


    There is a multi player mode that you can select and it will automatically have people take turns.


    It has new games that are very fun-Marching band, juggling, kung fu, and others. It also includes all the games from the original wii fit.


    It has a couple of new yoga and strength exercises.


    It has a feature where it calculates how many calories you burned.


    It can be used to weigh babies and pets.



    As for the wii active. I love the workout I get from the wii active. I definitely get into a full sweat. It also can use the wii fit board, which gives you more workouts to do with it. I like to do my wii active 30 day challenge workout, and then do wii fit plus for a fun cool down.


    Personally if you are looking for fun and slightly active get the wii fit plus. If you are looking for strictly a challenging workout, go with wii active.

  10. My DD also has this problem (as do I) and also both of my DS. We are the flat butt family, so they tend to slide down. We also try to do the long shirt thing as even the higher rise jeans slide down for us and really are less comfy anyway.


    My DD does wear a lot of dresses with leggings as she gets frustrated with her pants slipping....but it sounds like that probably wont work for your DDs taste.

  11. I do pretty much what you said that you are doing, but I also make in known that I do hold veto power if I feel it is inappropriate for whatever reason. (nice event or something or modesty issues.)


    If the weather is not going to danger them (like frostbite or something), I do not make them put additional stuff on. I comment on the weather and make a note that I will be grabbing a coat or sweatshirt etc and allow them to decide what they are going to do. If she agreed that it might be cold and chooses to put on leggings, great. If not, she will learn from the experience.

  12. I agree with other posters about invitation and a Montessori type, but I do not follow it.


    My DD will also be 5 in two weeks. If she were in PS I would have fought to put her in kindy this year. She has been doing formal school since she turned 3. She begged for real school at that age, and could do 1 hour of seat work at that time. She is now up to 2 hours and still loves it. This child also has a switch in her that if she is not stretched this way she really acts up. I have to exercise her mentally each morning or she is a crazy girl all day.


    I honestly feel that she is an exception though, and if she were not this way I would be doing what the other posters mentioned.

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