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Posts posted by bluemongoose

  1. Mine does it to, but he always says he has a sore throat. And when he has a sore throat he cannot get out of bed, and he changes the way he talks and everything. IT DRIVES ME MAD! I find it very difficult (thought I try really hard) to be sympathetic to him when he really is sick because he acts this way over the smallest ailment. When I get sick he tells me to buck up and walks out the door to work. Even when we are both sick and I obviously have it worse, he will be the one in bed!


    In all other ways my DH is awesome, so it is only a mild beef on my part. I think you are being sweet to your DH and having more patience with it than I think I would be able to!

  2. I do a mass planning session in the summer and a 2nd go around in Jan. During this time I enter in my lessons into HST+ (thanks all those who recommended this!)


    On the weekend...sometimes Sat sometimes Sun...I print out the week plan from HST. It comes complete with a check boxes for when it is accomplished. Then I look over the list and print/copy/purchase/pull together all needed supplies. I then put the week plan in a folder for each child. Then as we complete the work they check it off. I also enter in what we completed in HST and reschedule anything that needs it.

  3. I have used EB 1A US edition, EB A &B Standards edition, and Essential Math K.


    I thought the US edition was pretty lame. I thought EB A Standards edition was better than the US edition, but was really more like preK. I thought EB B Standard Edition was a good K level math, especially the second half of the book. I used it with Essential which was very similar in content, but was in B&W and often presented in a slightly different way. Also a couple of topics were covered in EB that were not in Essential and some were in Essential and not in EB.

  4. I've used all the available MM levels except 3 (which I'll do next year with DD), and I also own a complete set of Singapore from 1A-6B. From looking at both programs, I do think MM is as rigorous and thorough as Singapore. The thing I love about MM is that it's the first program I found where rigor and ease of use were not mutually exclusive. There are some really advanced concepts in there and some challenging problems, but everything is explained so clearly that she is able to lead students into those areas step by step. I think of Singapore as a program for "mathy kids," whereas I think of MM as a program that can take any kid (even remedial) and make them think like "mathy" kids.




    Thanks! This helps me a ton! My kid is mathy so far, but she is young and we are hitting our first wall with the addition of a two digit and a one digit number. There was literally only one page on this and that was it. Fortunately, I also purchased the extra practice book. I was beginning to think it was a waste of money, but now in Unit 6 I am finally dragging it out.


    My understanding of your answer on the HIG vs MM instructions is that MM is written well enough even at the upper levels for parents to understand if they have been using the program (or similar one like Singapore) all the way through, right? Just making sure I understand.


    And again, thank you for your thorough responses to my questions!:001_smile:

  5. Chiguirre-We also use miquon, which I will keep no matter if I switch to MM or not. I appriciate your point about the incremental aspect of MM. We are working through addition about 10 and it seems to be going a little fast for her all of a sudden. Prior to this she got it the first time. I think I would like something a little more incremental.


    We have a laser printer, so I am not too worried about the cost of the printing.

  6. Corraleno- What level are you using? I am reading mixed reviews of parents about MM instructions. Some are saying it is easier and some are saying there were not enough instructions and the parent felt they couldn't teach from what little they had. Do you have any difficulty with this compared with Singapore? And did you use the Singapore HIG? If so, how would you compare Singapore's HIG to the instructions in MM?

  7. So I am seeing a lot of discussion about MM lately, and now I am curious. We use Singapore and we really like it, but the cost difference of MM has got me thinking about switching.


    I know it has been discussed that the style is very similar between the two, but I have not been able to decipher if they are equal in rigor. My DD has been doing very well with Singapore, so I really don't want anything easier. I am curious about MM because everything seems to be included, so I wouldn't need to purchase extra practice books or test books or anything right??


    I am really hesitating the switch because "if it isnt broke".... But saving the money down the road and having it all included is very enticing.


    WWYD in my shoes? :bigear:

  8. Thanks for that book wizard link! That is very helpful.


    Dont worry about the reading level mistake...I am only guessing her reading level myself based on the words I have seen her tackle. She could easily be above what I am guessing, but I know she is not below it. I figured I might as well shoot for slightly easy and build her confidence. She is kinda quirky about her confidence. She asks for something big, like the "adult book", but then gets overwhelmed by the thickness of it and the amount of words on one page. Ability wise, I know she could probably do it, but I dont want to stifle her newly found love of reading by overwhelming her. I figure I will get several of these books mentioned to have on hand for her choosing.

  9. I am looking for beginner chapter books for my DD. She is reading at around a 2nd-3rd grade level, but she is young... I am trying to find something that is aproppriate for her (she just turned 5) in both content and amount of words per page. She gets overwhelmed when there are a ton of words, but she is asking for an "adult" book-her term for chapter book.


    She is interested in animals, fairies etc, but is scared easily.


    And of course I would like them to not be too twaddle-ish!


    Is that too tall an order??? Anybody have any ideas?:bigear:

  10. Our Library also doesn't have it...I decided to just look at the Before FIAR book list at homeschoolshare.com and do some of their free lapbooking ideas for each book. I started when DS was 2.5yo. Now that he is 3 he is getting more out of it, but he did enjoy it even then.

  11. I have two children with severe allergies. I am thinking strongly about getting them medical bracelets or something to let others know of their allergies. I have found a couple of sites online, but I thought I would check in here in case someone else had done this.


    Also one of the children is only 1yo. Many of the ones I am finding say not for under 3yo-choking hazard. Has anyone found these for very young toddlers???


    I am hoping to get this done soon as my 1yo managed to steal a bite of his brothers toast this morning that had a tiny amount of butter and his eyes swelled up. It is really that bad! I am so afraid someone will unknowingly share with him in our homeschool groups (or other public places) something that could send him over the top.


    Thanks for any help!

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