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Everything posted by Servant4Christ

  1. Today I decided I'm going to buy Middle his very own box of crayons (with just the basic colors) for school after searching for a plain ole blue crayon for more than 15 minutes in our giant crayon bin of doom. It's like searching for a needle in a haystack!
  2. I cannot stand rootbeer (or rootbeer floats), but the rest of my crew love it. I'm willing to give making it a whirl as long as I don't have to partake.
  3. I did some research and if I'm reading correctly, the sugar you'll add to the bottles after fermenting is what will do the carbonating, not the yeast. Don't know how much this helps, but it was an informative investigation. I may have to buy a kit for Oldest, if it works well for you. I was surprised to see that by making the rootbeer via the yeast method, the resulting brew will have 1% alcohol, though, so that could account for what you're smelling.
  4. I love the idea of trying to make rootbeer, but not mummifying a chicken. Have you googled to see if you can find help with the rootbeer kit? Maybe you'll find others who have used it on YouTube.
  5. Rootbeer Chemistry!?! Oh, my oldest would love that! Off to look. I'll be watching to see what you find out.
  6. Stinky pants in the schoolroom has serious hang time, but the door must remain closed or littles will escape! Cue the opening of windows despite my outdoor allergies.
  7. Coffee. Breakfast. Bible. School. Construction. Keeping littles alive. Potty training...
  8. Good morning! Coffee, morning routine, then first day back to school! Wake up all the children! Squee!
  9. I cannot see when you are typing. I didn't know that was a changeable setting either. I only noticed recently when it started popping up as well as showing me what other members are on each thread in the forum.
  10. It's in a yellow box right above my typing box. You just can't NOT notice it.
  11. I'm reading some of the stories in R&S grade 6 reader. Some of these are very interesting and will lead into some great research and discussion of the time periods they were written in or about! I'm usually very cautious about Anabaptist-specific stories, but the story called The Executioner (an account from the Martyrs Mirror) really makes you think about the time period when being rebaptized as an adult (because they were first baptized as infants) was a criminal offense that was punished by execution!
  12. Elderberry syrup made with local honey is fantastic. My kids absolutely love it. Add a splash to fresh lemonade and it tastes like Snapple iced tea. Belated sweet elderberry syrup booyah!
  13. Does this go all the way through writing sentences or just properly forming the letters and words? Oldest already can correctly form all the letters, just doesn't have a couple of the upper case letters memorized and has to look. He needs a bit more instruction on connectors and rules for which letters don't connect (some upper case letters). After that, it's just a matter of regularly writing in cursive until it's second nature. I may just buy both because even if he doesn't actually need ROH, I'll use it with the 2 youngers later on.
  14. I meant helpful but autocorrect corrected to that which I use most often. Sorry, I thought you were being a smarty pants (not serious) by suggesting french cursive. Almost 12. He already knows how to form all letters in dnealian so I'm not planning on changing styles on him.
  15. EdPo: I am waffling between cursive workbooks for Oldest. Do I want Rythm of Handwriting Cursive Book or Character Handwriting Beginning Cursive (D'nealian)? For reference, he knows how to form most letters from memory and signs his name in cursive on everything. He can read cursive, just isn't used to writing in it regularly.
  16. Send some Krissi's direction! They still need it, right?
  17. Oh good! I thought I somehow missed a day somewhere and that would not be a good thing this week. I'm trying to get everything ready for the new school year to begin next week. Willy Nilly!
  18. Night night. Or morning morning? It's technically morning here by about 20 minutes.
  19. We don't school year round or 7 days a week, but we have a LOT in common on how the day to day schedule goes! The bolded in particular. I'm copying your number 6 because I need to be more diligent in that area. I never would've thought about taking a picture to show my littles where everything should go!
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