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Everything posted by Servant4Christ

  1. What's cottage pie? I've only recently discovered (and fallen in love with) shepherds pie.
  2. Maybe we don't need a new math program, but just supplemental games to help him re-cement the math facts. How on earth can he master and then forget 2+5, but he remembers how to skip count by 7s all the way to 7x12?!
  3. Is this a real thing? Where? Link? I'm thinking this would make an excellent Christmas gift for Oldest.
  4. Newbie just turned 3 months old and I'm trying figure out where the time went! He rolled from his back to his belly for the first time yesterday by accident and then had no idea what to do next and started crying. Middle was an early walker. Never crawled or scooted. Ever. Started standing up on his own at 8 months and was full out running and walking up and the down stairs unassisted (independent, stubborn little guy) by 9 months. Oldest didn't even see the point in trying to walk until he was over a year old.
  5. Aw! Where's my 😍 reaction? Newbie keeps finding his thumb.
  6. How's Little Miss Empress doing? I laughed at your post about her watching food at the table hoping to get a bite. We're not there yet, but Newbie is growing sooo fast! Or is it because he's kiddo number 3 that it seems that way? He recently jumped into 12m clothes. 😭
  7. 1 box yellow cake mix 1 stick of butter melted 2 eggs Mix it with a fork and then add 1 cup Reese's pieces candies. Bake at 350° for 10-12 minutes Mmmmm
  8. I made chicken and dumplings tonight. Then I cheated (used a yellow cake mix) to make the BEST cookies EVER.
  9. Ugh. Don't get me started. That's a whole other battle. Gnashing of teeth as Critter calls it.
  10. Only 3 times a week?! I might have to rethink this as a possibility.
  11. I don't even assign all of the odds or evens. Only as much as I think he needs to understand or review. And he still balks. I'm telling you, I wish I could schedule a field trip to a public school classroom sometimes. I think he'd appreciate me more afterward. 😂
  12. Yep, I am not a fan of switching Iin the younger years either, unless you have no choice because it just ain't working. We used CLE until it started moving at warp speed last year and we had to switch to something slower paced. Remember, he was a year ahead in everything until last year? Enter R&S. He's done much better retention-wise, but it is absolute drudgery and some days he just outright refuses- even on the white board that we use daily in Math and English. I thought about Saxon but after CLE, I have a hard time believing spiral would be a good fit for him.
  13. Thanks. Good to know and moving on.... Online is not an option. He's in fourth grade.
  14. EdPo: Any of you use or have opinions on Life of Fred? I'm looking for SOMETHING Oldest will DO for math. CLE and R&S are what we've used so far. He seems to do better with mastery but HATES to write anything in any subject. He LOVES reading, so thought maybe this would work?
  15. I didn't actually mean to LEAVE leave. I pm'd Helpdesk to ask how to go about it if I decided to and they promptly deleted my account. Lol.
  16. Different image. Hard to find one/resize one to fit the size restriction.
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