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Everything posted by TexasProud

  1. Forget sbout multiple. Even 1 isn’t safe in my eyes. Not willing to support me in marriage, not safe.
  2. I am sorry. I am fine for settling less than success. I don’t want to work on it. My choice. ( Not all the time, maybe 30 percent. though. )
  3. True. But in my eyes it isnt safe. I could get pregnant. I need commitment for that. Being that intimate is SO vulnerable. I don’t get being that open eoth more tgan one person. Hard enough for me in a committed relationship
  4. But I would suggest that for many of us , our first time is less than spectacular, maybe even bad. See my earlier post. Move on? Feeling broken ??? If I had done that in high school and failed at penetration that boy would have left me!!! I guess I am not compatible with him. And sex would have been ruined for me. ( I read tons of books beforehand btw) But by having it with my husband, we figured it out together. He has never made me feel broken. My sex life isn’t ruined. And sSneezyzone, I am glad you found compatibility, but that is something my husband and I had to work on. He thought if I didn’t have an orgasm, he was a failure. I felt so much pressure, especially when on anti-depressents. He had to accept that I felt satisfied without it. The more I feel I have to to be successful, the worse it is. Way too much pressure for me. I am feeling like you are saying I am not a true woman for feeling that way.
  5. But once again, if he is willing to put your needs above his in other areas, then sex will not be different. Sex should me mutually satisfying which takes practice and communication. Hubby was not a great kisser at first , (Despite being 25 , he didnt have much practice) In a couple of months he was spectacular. We were both virgins. Maybe TMI, but our wedding night was a bust. We were not successful. I was so upset and said “I’m abnormal.” We went to sleep. Later got something to eat. Tried again and it worked. After 35 years, we are so much better now. Every now and then after really good Tea, he will joke, “so glad you are abnormal.”. But we dated for 3 years before we got married. We talked about everything. He has always been super considerate and worried about my comfort and satisfaction. So it is changeable. And as others have said life, hormones, medical issues change things. What worked well at 20 doesn’t work well at 60.
  6. Amen!!!! There is so much more to marriage than sex.
  7. I know I started this thread, but thank all of you for making me smile and laugh. ❤️❤️❤️
  8. Sounds fun. I haven’t kept in touch. Most of my friendships are activity related and when the activity ends, I don’t see them again.
  9. I have never taken a girls trip. Hubby has not taken a guy trip. Not close enough to anyone to travel with them. That would feel weird.
  10. Well I wasn’t part of the purity culture. Wasnt a thing when I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s, but also somerhing you did not discuss in public. Never came up nor would it with any of my friends.
  11. I agree. The OP said that premarital s’x was essential. I completely disagree. That is all. I honestly don’t think about it other than my own kids. And they haven’t done much so it hasn’t been an issue. Just don’t want STD or pregnancy to derail their life goals. But if it does, it is their life and their choices. not all if my choices were perfect either. 😀
  12. Why on earth does that make you sad???? My husband and I have only had it with each other. I have never had to worry about disease. I have not missed out. S’x takes practice. You talk and you figure it out. If you communicate well about other things, than this is no different. Plus, as I mentioned in my other post, sec means a possibility of pregnancy. My husband is tge only one I trust that much. I have never been tempted by anyone ekse and don’t really get affairs. I cannot imagine this overwhelming attraction to someone other than my husband. He is the only trustworthy person for me.
  13. @lewelmaThank you so much for taking the time to do that. Impressive, but yeah, no way for that to happen here. Our town of 14,000 might have been able to pull that off IF there had been the will. And I am still not sure how you balance free press and misinformation. Things like where the virus started can so easily go either way. Some cases the line is clear, but others not so much. Again that took so much time. I appreciate it.
  14. Just wow. So many people here would starve. How long did this go on? How did people earn money or even survive. I am trying to picture that for more than a weekend and just cannot imagine that amount of lock down. There would be riots.
  15. Well, we moved the summer before my junior year of high school. At my previous school, everyone in honors classes, or really any classes, helped each other out. The goal was to understand, not to get grades. I didn't know anyone that drank. I remember the teachers always talking about our class and how wonderful we were. ( As a teacher later, I got that comment. Classes have personalities.) So it may have just been my class and not the overall area. I was thrust into a totally different world. Competition for grades was fierce, top spots separated by .001 or less. Keg parties were rampant. People whined about the terrible car their parents bought them ( not a BMW or some other fancy car) and bragged about their 80-100 dollar shoes. ( In mid-eighties that was really expensive.) I got along fine, but I did not have any close friends or friends that I kept in touch with after I graduated. On the other hand, the teachers were amazing. My Latin teacher taught 5 classes a day. She made it fun. We had a Latin club, and they went to Rome every other year. ( I could not afford to go.) My AP English teacher was also amazing. Also, choir experience was night and day. I got to be part of a show choir that didn't exist at my other school. Also found out I was a 1st soprano and not a 2nd alto. Crazy, probably because I could sight-read. But I had no idea I could hit those notes. Mixed bag.
  16. Yes, at church we have the church van and then the people mover.
  17. Yeah, we call vans people movers here as well.
  18. Thank you all for educating this uneducated Texan.
  19. I will say that most of the people that I know are Trump Republicans have gotten the vaccines. They didn't mask, but got the vaccine as quickly as possible.
  20. YES!!!!!!! He is authoritarian. I voted for Biden last time. 3rd party first time. Biden felt like at least he had a moral bone in his body even if I disagreed with some of his policies. Trump was borderline insane at the end.
  21. Yes, I am a Christian, but honestly tge Republican party no longer represents me. I an pro life…ALl life including Black lives. I am a fiscal conservative.(Which Trump was not) I believe in common sense gun control. I have no party
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