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Everything posted by Familia

  1. Our dd's hair (waist length) is tangled in a brush to the scalp on one side. Dh is trying to untangle and not getting anywhere. Conditioner? Any advice is appreciated. Blessings
  2. I'm thinking of using this for ds sometime in high school. It is recommended in the wtm. The Author is Jack Landers. Thank you!
  3. This is what Andrew Pudewa from IEW has to say about that. I found this relieving since we have always been a super read aloud family. http://www.excellenceinwriting.com/files/1_myth2_truths.pdf
  4. DD is reading about animal anatomy. She wants to look at an overview of an animal (any animal) that is like the human body overlays in one of our books. Any suggestions for a website to give us a great look at the inside of an animal? Thank you,
  5. So many I have loved. Log of a Cowboy by Andy Adams stands out or Captain Singleton (the first 1/2) or Secret Garden or Little House on the Prairie series or Who Gets the Drumstick or The House of the Seven Gables or, or, or....
  6. Thanks Heather, I should have thought of yahoo...they have a group for everything! FWIW having another day under my belt and really thinking through it, I think that I can adapt the example plan from the teaching guidelines. A week for us could look like this: Mon - Recitation, Watch new lesson on DVD, Workbook 1 & 5 Tue - Recitation with pronunciation CD, Workbook 2 Wed - Recitation with pronunciation CD, Workbook 3 Thurs - Workbook 4, Oral Drill, Vocabulary Drill, (maybe) Quiz Friday - Quiz if not done on Thurs. / Test if applicable Sometimes I just need to ask the question to find the answer:)
  7. I would like to use the scripted lessons over the course of a week. We are also using the DVD. I think that the notes for "preparing to teach a lesson" in the "teaching guidelines" section and the scripted lessons look good, but I want to know what exactly to do each day. Doesn't that sound lazy!:blush: We try to keep it to keep our week to four days but testing can happen on Friday. The example in the "teaching guidelines" sections has workbook listed alone on two days. Is that enough...or should I be reciting with them those days too? Can anyone share or point me in a direction for this resource? Thank You,
  8. I've downloaded a file from IEW for $5.00 that Jill Pike put together that lays out a year schedule for the two w/ selected literature. Thanks for the suggestion! So, the dc read the selected literature as they progress through the program. Is that correct? In TTC, in my brief look at it, it just uses excerpts to work on. I'd rather work through whole pieced with it.
  9. Thanks, Lisa. I think it would benefit both. I agree that it would be silly not to use it, unless it was totally unnecessary since we are going to use wttw later for sure. Well, probably:001_smile:. Any other experiences out there?
  10. If I do not firm up ds 9th grade year soon, I'll go nutty:glare:! I own Teaching the Classics, but I have not used it. Do I just watch on my own and use the knowledge gained to talk about lit with ds next year more intelligently? That is probably my preference. What about dd 6th? Is it (TTC) even necessary if I plan to use Windows to the World with him later? Aren't they redundant? Ahhh, so much IEW, so little time! Thanks,
  11. I am long time member but usually a lurker and I don't know how some things work. As the day's gone on, I have added a number of items to my 'for sale' post and sold some items. The title no longer really reflects the eclectic mix I have. I don't want to annoy anyone by setting up a new post. How would I prevent people from getting lost when looking at my old post? Can I delete it? Does it really matter what my title says? I usually find things through advanced search, not browsing, myself. Thanks for any advise,
  12. I want to send a gift to the UK. Can I buy through AmazonUK and somehow pay USD and have it shipped for free? Thanks!
  13. I am a cradle Catholic (age and dc same as yours) who never left the church but wished that we had all the social support they had. I found that in our early years of family life, it was our protestant friends who could support us in our faith better than our Catholic friends. We stumbled upon a Tridentine Mass and DH said, "This is where we need to be." He feels that now he really worships; it is just him and Jesus for that 1+ hour every week. For the weeks he has, he needs that time to connect, to take him out of this world to the closest thing to heaven we have here, the holy Mass. BTW, we pinch ourselves b/c now our IRL friends we've made at our Mass "think" like us and, generally, educate like us. We always thought we were "weird" and "different" out in the world. Now we are surrounded by friends who are as "weird" as we are:lol:! God bless you on your journey,
  14. This is really painful; I like to pick something and stick with it. I make myself dizzy when I read the posts about math (any subject) selection b/c each post makes so much sense when I read it...which is why I stick with my guns usually (if I think or read about it too much I will start to question.:)) But LOF isn't working. Everyone's input has been so helpful. I'll do some research here (so many good posts on math selection.) then walk away and make a decision. Thanks again!
  15. I could have written your post myself just one month ago. Then I made the decision to try IEW student writing intensive B for "tying up loose ends" in writing for ds's last semester b/f high school. High school is when I had planned to hire a tutor to teach writing b/c I did not have the confidence to be objective as a mom/teacher in his writing. I wasn't going to mess up writing by attempting to teach it myself. (btw, dh and I put being able to communicate clearly and persuasively at the top of our list of hs goals since we believe the lack of these skills hindered us in our professions.) I had no idea all that IEW would offer! It is easy to follow and completely "objectifies" the process of evaluating writing for me and for our students (both ds13 and dd11 use it.) Just the free articles on the IEW website helped me b/f our package came. I was so excited the week the package came that I wrote it on my calendar as an "event" that happened! Dh is sold! He loves where the company is coming from (he has no interest in looking at the curriculum itself...he completely defers to mo in that area.) I could go on and on. IEW has changed my attitude 100%, it is as revolutionary to our homeschool as WTM was when I found it 9 years ago! HTH!
  16. Thanks everyone. Sue, teen-brain-fog definately isn't helping...either does mom brain-fog lol!
  17. Hmmm...I am not a curriculum jumper but this may have to be an exception. I'm not math-phobic just lazy lol! I want to have him work semi-independantly like in the past and jump in as needed. I am perfectly willing to do some of the problems at night ahead of him to be ready to help but I find that difficult so far with LOF. Thanks for your opinions.
  18. He is following the home companion book which assigns each day's work. Two cities are assigned at once. Perhaps I should slow that part down. Otherwise, he reads one to three pages a day and does a your turn to play. Ds seems to have not cemented the concept of distributive property (pretty major imo) since he doesn't seem to be applying it when new things are taught. For example, he is getting tripped up by exponents outside of parentheses with an exponent inside. (10x^3)^2 (^ = exponent) Even though he knows what an exponent by itself is. Also, distributing negatives when a problem has subtraction: 6-2(5x)= (bad example...short on time) He's sailed through math all his school life, but he now seems to make mistakes that show a lack of grasp...or is he just learning to put it all together in new format (algebra)? I am "blaming" the way LOF is teaching it b/c the program is talking about and showing through story but what about just teaching how to solve the problem? I can't just jump in and help and say "see...look at this example". So, I am not sure how to assess with LOF whether ds has missed an important concept or I just need to trust LOFs method. Thanks
  19. Our ds8th is working his way through LOF. We love the concept but still find it confusing, especially the "teaching through the answers" process used at times. His time spent on lessons concerns me, but the cities can take him forever! Usually 1 to 1-1/2 hours a day over two days to do the two cities. Is this normal? He is a chatty person and tends to have to work things out verbally. (I tell him that I will just put a cardboard image of myself in his room so he can ask it and therefore save us both some time as he often answers his own questions by asking them!) But when he comes to me I feel like I cannot help him much as I find the way the questions are asked is confusing. He comes to me a lot! His slow speed at doing the few problems asked concerns me. Main concern: The way ds solves the problems concerns me. It seems he doesn't have enough problem solving strategies. He often relies on past examples instead of solving the problems. Is this due to lack of enough example in LOF? Any btdt advice about if this will all work itself out or if I need to change our tactics? Thanks
  20. Thanks Kathleen and Abbeyej for the links. I like the look of the Gail Wilson dolls best, but I like the price of the saccitydrygoods better=) DD wouldn't like the head on the latter though.
  21. Does anyone know of a good source for a hitty doll. My dd loved the book and I am looking for any related items. I'd be particularly interested in supporting a small business but any leads would be great. Even a fan club? Thank You.
  22. Thanks Tess and Stephanie! Just like the encyclopedia I am off to find these new ideas (quizlet looks great!) I am thinking of other subject than math and imagining lists of say states next to the capitals with perhaps an index card to block the answers as one quizzes oneself. I guess I am answering my own question. What a first day this has been...my brain has already clocked out:001_smile:
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