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Everything posted by OH_Homeschooler

  1. And if you use the right paint outside, it should be okay. Just good to know before you paint exterior brick!
  2. Like I said, the building was already in terrible shape and was going to fall sooner or later. But the fact that the slumlord painted it came up in many discussions about the collapse, and how that likely hastened it. (I live a couple miles away from the building so I was very interested in this horrible event and understanding its causes). https://www.reckon.news/news/2023/06/this-tragedy-was-altogether-avoidable-lawsuits-mount-in-davenport-condo-collapse.html#:~:text=“Painting over the bricks acted,building had prior water damage.
  3. I don't know if you remember around Memorial Day, a building in Davenport, Iowa collapsed. There were many, many structural issues with the building. But the owner decided to paint some of the brick buliding as a way to cover some issues, and there seems to be a consensus that that contributed to the building's collapse. That's when I first learned that painting over brick is a bad idea. https://www.houselogic.com/remodel/painting-lighting/paint-brick-house/
  4. I just made my first order with Schwann's! They have a lot of individual meals (and it looks like some of those are 2 servings) as well as family meals. They're a bit expensive but still cheaper than the typical meal delivery kit. And they don't require prep. Apparently they're changing their name to Yelloh this week.
  5. I can personally recommend Ally. I put my emergency account there. Very easy to transfer to/from my local bank. It currently has a 4.4% APY. You can also easily set up specific buckets if you want to do any targeted savings, which is kind of fun. I started one for a new bathroom, and it's where I put all my interest earned.
  6. Kids can be dumb. They can be bullies. It's not right for them to insist someone is non-binary when they say they are not. But Ginevra seems to think people in authority are all forcing tomboys to become boys, and that's simply not the case.
  7. Yes, I already said that. I live in the real world though. Yeah, this just isn't a thing. We're talking about a small but not insignificant minority of people. Certainly not "most people." The norm is overwhelmingly that people feel they are the gender that goes with their chromosomes and external genitalia. Haha, yes I actually did read it but remember the movie more clearly. There are women, in this very day and age, who identify as women that date women but dress like men. They are not necessarily trans. I think you are the one putting limits on gender.
  8. Then I don't understand why you're reacting this way. We are not asking for more than this. Maybe you're just taking it all a bit too personally. Or creating some crazy made up scenarios in your head.
  9. I thought my post perfectly illustrated why I don't think enby kids are at the top of the disadvantage heap. I don't think it's a disadvantage. So you can't be bothered...to read?
  10. No, I think the greater point is that NO ONE IS ASKING YOU TO DO THAT. If someone says they are a they, just go with it, call them they. You can still be a her, I promise, you don't have to announce that you're a her. If you think that's creating a haven, again, very sad.
  11. I assure you, the vast majority of enbies are NOT doing any of that. Read through all the responses on this thread. That just doesn't happen. At most, they provide a polite correction. Often, they leave it alone. They are actually too freaking scared of being harmed to speak up for themselves. If you really think the only reason this person didn't shout TERF at you is because you were feeding them, then I think I'm really starting to understand your worldview. It's actually very sad.
  12. Never asked you to do a pronoun circle. And as someone else pointed out, that's actually not encouraged. I don't know why all of the people disagreeing with me think this is my child's only problem. First, it's not actually a problem. As I responded to someone else, two of my children were sexually abused by their father. As a result, my oldest child has been fighting depression, anxiety, and suicidality for half her life. She has been hospitalized for suicidality um, 7 times? That's a problem. My child being non-binary is like a blip on the radar compared to that. It's not a problem. It's just part of who they are. They are funny, smart, love nature, struggle with math.
  13. No, this is utterly ridiculous. This is not reality. My teen daughter is very into Minecraft, eSports, and is excellent at math. But she fully identifies as a girl. If she told me SHE felt like a boy, I would accept that. I would seek counseling because that's a big thing to work through. NOT to get her to become a girl again, but to help her achieve HER best life. My nonbinary child mostly dresses like pretty much any kid, leans masculine, but got a dress for the new school year. This doesn't mean they suddenly identify as a girl again. But actually, they feel they have MORE choices now than when they were a girl. They have no desire to alter their body at this time. But they have a counselor to discuss these things with. No indoctrination or encouragement to lean one way or another, just a neutral place to discuss their feelings. I doubt any parent would condone their child altering their body without going through some form of counseling first. I have to think the medical establishment would require it, but like I said, I haven't been there yet. NONE of this is done lightly. I really don't get your point about how this is affecting men. If you're a man, be a man. Do man things. Or be a man who does women things. All of this so-called restriction is just in your little made up scenario. All people are free to do all things now. Don't y'all think encouraging children to live as their sex assigned at birth (if they don't identify with that) could possibly lead to a stronger urge to change things quickly? What do you really think you're accomplishing by denying their reality?
  14. OK, that looks like a study. So where's your objection? You realize no social survey will ever be 100% "clean." It's not chemistry research. But there are plenty of ways for survey researchers to ensure the data is valid and representative.
  15. There is plenty of context if you actually go to the link. Not every piece of data is invalid just because it's not part of a study.
  16. OK, so you think they just made these numbers up? I don't know why I'm bothering. You have your mind made up. Just be nice, people.
  17. Yes I realize but I don't have all day to do deep dives into research. It is compelling evidence.
  18. This is just the first google result. There are many. https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/suicide/documents/pronounssuicideprev.pdf
  19. Providing reassurance so they don't feel the need to kill themselves is unconscionable?
  20. Exactly. For my child it's a simple "them" when someone says "her" or whatever, and it's mostly appreciated (because most people aren't actually assholes). And my child doesn't bother correcting random strangers they'll never see again.
  21. Preach! No one ever gets it right 100% of the time, but it makes such a difference just to know people try.
  22. It's almost like they only object to specific language changes and don't really mind most of them. Wonder why that is.
  23. Well, my child is also a member of a single parent family (due to the above described sexual abuse). I don't know what your point is. No one fits into one little box. There are so many things kids go through. Some you can fix, or help. Others you can't undo. Will using a child's preferred pronoun undo their sexual abuse? If only. But it adds a little less friction to their life. Why the heck wouldn't you do it?
  24. OK? I identify as a woman and I am proud of my boobs that are a part of my female physiology. Does that make you feel better?
  25. I actually have my PhD in Social-Cognitive Psychology. Humans have an amazing capacity to adapt. Sounds like you're just not willing to. 5% of kids feel they don't fit in with either gender. That's not insignificant. It's not just my one little precious child I'm talking about here.
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