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Denise Still in Florida

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Everything posted by Denise Still in Florida

  1. In my opinion the author IS saying that in the world as set up by the Omelas all happiness is at someone's expense. I see many parallels to our society. I don't think is HAS to be this way only that it currently IS that way. Jesus definitely was teaching a different way. That is why his teachings were and are radical. The lesson I would see if I compared Omelas to Christ's teachings is that the way they are treating the child is in fact the way they would treat him.
  2. Thank you for the book recommendation. One of the things I love about discussion here is the wide variety of reading we can connect to. 🙂
  3. Thank you for the response. I think the part that stuck with me was the 'walk away' part. Those who walked away were not even given names. This is not a story about heroes. I think we as a society have accepted a level of inhumanity in the name of 'Happiness" and "Security". But both the happiness and the security are illusions. Do we rock the boat or walk away? Do we need to change the system or is it enough to not profit personally. Like I said, it is possible I have too much 'thinking' time on my hands. I tried this conversation with some IRL friends but some are not readers and some see only solutions in terms of favorite politicians.
  4. I also saw the link to factory farming. Not only is it morally suspect but the extreme 'economic' efficiency model has led us to a brittle system that might not provide for our needs in a crisis. The second question I asked myself was 'what does it look like to walk away". I don't know. I have always supported local agriculture, I will focus more on that. I have taught an after school cooking program and led a school garden, I will definitely do more of that. But that is just the surface, as you pointed out. How do we walk away from an unstable, unjust system? Food, Prisons, Wage Disparity, Foreign Intervention. The train of thought could follow many different topics. Thank you for your response.
  5. Several stories around the pandemic have brought the Omelas to my mind. Over crowded prisons, homelessness, dependency on low wage foreign labor, but in particular the agricultural system. My thoughts have focused on our agricultural and food distribution systems. Many of us have lived with the comfortable delusion that anything we need (or want) will be available when we need it. The system as it is runs to an extent on underpaid labor , ecologically unsustainable agricultural methods and inhumane treatment of livestock. Why is something so central to human lives based on efficiency over humanity? How much of our comfort has been based on suffering and struggles that are 'out of sight, out of mind'. If we did want to 'walk away' the story never says where they go. I am not really sure where I am headed with this or if I just have too much 'thinking' time on my hands. Just wanted to kick it around with people whom I know have already taken one step (home school) away from our default cultural setting.
  6. She mentions that in the introduction to the story in the version I read. I loved her comments that her inspiration included Dostoevsky and reading road signs backwards. 🙂 🙂
  7. Mean spirited yes, but accurate. He is choosing to put these students and his employees at unnecessary risk. If the virus spreads through campus it would be no less than he deserves if he gets it too.
  8. Has anyone read this short story by Ursula Le Guin? I would really like to discuss it especially in light of the pandemic. Is the pandemic a call for us to walk away from an unsustainable culture? Am I just over thinking things? I am having a hard time framing my thoughts and would like to have a sounding board discussion. Thanks Denise
  9. White Fox Chronicles by Gary Paulsen (Author of Hatchet). Set in 2057 after many years of war the United States is basically a prison. I remember my girls loved it. It was well written, exciting and had a 14 year old hero.
  10. I second Shitt's Creek. I would add Grace and Frankie and Good Omens.
  11. This is me!!! I burst into random song all the time. I also chatter away to myself and to the cats. I try to hold down the volume when I am in the car with DH but he is always asking me what I am saying, I tell him I am talking to myself and he says to stop that. Yeah, right, I would if I could. LOL Hello Quill, it is nice to meet another chatterer.
  12. Focus. I apparently have ADD and had it as a child. I have developed enough coping mechanisms to get by without medications but I can sink into entire wasted days of ineffective hyper-focusing mixed with scattered attention. sigh
  13. I am currently attempting to de-clutter my stash. I have more than enough craft projects, fabric, and yarn to last until the end of time. 🙂 My 28 yo dd is home for a visit and is helping me de-clutter. She makes it much less painful by ohhing and ahhing over each project, telling me how lovely the fabric or yarn is and then asking if will actually get to it soon or if I should 'set it free'. Support really helps. My current creative project are based around making jellies and candies for Christmas.
  14. Well organized people who know where they put stuff and send thank you notes promptly.
  15. 5 Best habits 1) Reading every day. 2) Ongoing education. Both in traditional classrooms for Continuing Education requirements and through informal groups and podcasts. 3) Composting - I try to lead a low waste lifestyle including reduce, reuse, recycle but the biggest change in the quantity of trash at the curb has come from composting. 4) Daily prayer 5) Emptying and cleaning my kitchen sink every night (thank you FlyLady). It makes such a difference in my morning attitude.
  16. I have recently rejoined wtm forums. I used to be Denise in Florida but had to make a new name. 5 Happy things: 1) Listening to my children discuss the world and their plans. 2) My husbands retirement career path. 3) My cats (yes, I am now an old cat lady. 4) Fanfiction and any thing in the Marvel Universe. 5) The abundance of creative ideas that seem to swirl by. Fear the most: My children needing help and not being able to reach them or afford to help them.
  17. I think it would be a boost to the local economy. I could see people getting necessities they have been putting off like dental work, new tires, new glasses, replace an old appliance that type of thing. It would make the families life less stressful and boost the local dentists, auto shops, etc. I don't know how it would work as a long term regular thing but a one time 'boost' it could be great.
  18. Wow, this one hits home. I regret not being closer to my parents. I got married right out of high school and my dh and I moved away for college and then jobs. We never returned to live in our home town or state. We visited once a year and called home a few times a month but we were never as close as I know my mother wished we were. Both mom and dad are gone now and I regret all the times I did not stay in touch.
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