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About reggid

  • Birthday 06/06/1990

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    detective series, netflix, jogging, hiking, arts

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  • Biography
    kind soul, creative mind combo, dog lover and a kind girl
  • Location
  • Occupation
    teacher of arts in a private school
  1. So - which water problems again? I use a Brita to make our water, which tastes of chlorine, taste better. The filters are pretty expensive, but I really can't stand the taste of chlorine, so we use a pitcher. DH had years of wrestling water softener into a water system, and he flatly refused to install and maintain a filtration system under the sink. But I think that might be a better way to go. At any rate, Brita works fine. You do have to change the filter frequently - if you go too long the water tastes funky. With a fresh filter, the water tastes much better.
  2. Well done! ✌️ As a control freak myself, I understand you. But try not to overwork yourself and make sure you have both mental and physical resources to do other's work.
  3. Long story short. My DS - who is 6 y.o. - is learning to sew and I thought that it would be a good idea to get him a simplistic sewing machine. But here comes the problem: we started learning with my old machine which is way too complicated to handle, so now we are looking for a basic one. I'd like to spend no more than $500. I think a mechanical machine would be better than a computerized one because they are simpler and have easier repairs. We don't need fancy stitches or extra functions since we just learning. I have some options in mind like Janome HD3000, but that's a heavy duty machine so even though it seems to be more practical solution to me, it might be just an overkill... or not? Just wanted to add that I don't like the idea of getting him a used serious one. I've been there, my previous one I got from the flea market was such a pain to repair 😳 Also I came across some reviews covering so-called sewing machines for kids. But that's not clear to me - if they're really adapted for younger sewing enthusiasts or just have childish design. Have you ever had any experience with them? And if you have any tips and tricks or any interesting tutorials for young sewists - feel free to share. Thanks in advance 🙂
  4. Any sales on musical instruments? DS requested a harmonica for a Christmas and I'm pretty confused. From what I found they're pretty expensive.
  5. If stored in oil, they last a really long time (because of the occlusion from air). There could be balsamic vinegar as Lady mentioned. Try a small one, if there is no sign of mold or altered taste - they should be ok.
  6. My son's favorites are book store, craft store, iTunes (or other streaming service), Steam, Starbucks and movie theater cards.
  7. My DS is a cat lover too (when it comes to choosing books). So we have Warriors and Vardjack Paw (by S. F. Said) series. The second one is pretty gloomy in my opinion, but maybe you should give it a chance.
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