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Everything posted by wintermom

  1. @Laura Corin Love the coo photos!! The wee one would look just like a giant furry dog if its ears flopped down more. Re: oats - do you eat your morning oatmeal dry, or do you add some kind of cold or hot liquid? In Denmark and Germany, I've eaten dry rolled oats with raisins and nuts (the mixture is called muesli) cold with milk. In Norway they cook the oats and call it oatmeal porridge (havregrΓΈt), and it's a popular breakfast food (along with bread and cheese). Rice porridge/pudding, is a dinner food for Saturdays, sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar, and sour cream porridge served hot was a special breakfast treat. I loved them all! But the most decadent was the left over rice pudding/porridge, cold, with added whipped cream, topped with fruit sauce or caramel. This was a special Sunday dinner dessert called riskrem (Rice Cream?)Yummy! Canada is pretty boring with its porridge in comparison. We have oatmeal porridge and cream of wheat. Muesli and granola are also rolled oat-based breakfast cereals usually served with milk or yogurt. Our rice pudding is usually a dessert and it's served cold. I got in a couple walks, yoga, push-ups and raking today. I feel pretty much back to normal. Maybe my body just needed a rest day? Who knows. πŸ˜‰
  2. I seem to be back in the land of the living today. I had some weird lightheadedness all day yesterday. I did manage to get in my morning exercises and push-ups, but then I needed to lay down for the remainder of the day. It was a good day to skip the outdoor walk, as it was snowing, cold and really windy. My daily outdoor walking streak is over, sadly, but I will get back to my routine today, I hope. πŸ™‚
  3. Thanks for including the recipe! It was really interesting reading about the history and culture around oatcakes. I thought I was eating oatmeal, but it appears I was wrong. I eat rolled oats. I love red squirrels. They seem to have more character than grey squirrels. But that 'character' can have its annoying side. My dd used to volunteer at a wildlife rehab centre, and the reds were escape artists from the cages. They needed a cage within a cage to contain them because they are so fast. πŸ˜…
  4. Rock picking is grueling work! Way to go on all the activity yesterday and today!! I just googled 'hollow body hold' as I was envisioning some kind of wild yoga pose. πŸ˜„ In our martial arts school, we used to call them 'banana' and the opposite was 'superman.'' We would roll on the floor mats going from 'superman' to 'banana.'
  5. I went for 2 really nice walks, and did my morning exercises and push-ups. No bike ride, as it was cold and I preferred to walk. I also did some raking in the backyard and I'll get in my relaxation yoga at bedtime.
  6. I didn't accomplish much yesterday. One walk with dd, which was heartbreaking as our dog watched us leave from the front window. I couldn't do that to him again. πŸ™ I hope his paw is back to normal really soon. It is improving, thank goodness. I did more yoga yesterday, and more eating. πŸ˜‹ I hate it when it rains all day. Fortunately the scale says I stayed the same weight! I was fully expecting it to jump 5 lbs. I'm going to try and go for a nice long bike ride today. I haven't rode in many days.
  7. We've had similar weather, that seems to change drastically within minutes. Fortunately, today is sunny! I don't know exactly how warm it is, though. πŸ˜‰ Motivating myself to do much of anything these days is getting harder and harder. Glad your Fitbit is helping to keep you accountable!
  8. It's raining here today, but I'll still get out for a couple walks. I'll keep up with my regular stretch, strength and push-up exercises as well.
  9. Great job getting the painting nearly done. Better to have more paint than too little for outdoor surfaces, where the sun and rain will still be working away despite the lockdown. Enjoy your bucket-carry work-outs! 5 gal buckets are pretty huge. The minestrone soup sounds delicious! I'll have to try making some. My family aren't much into soup, so I usually end up eating it all myself. I love soup, though. 😊
  10. Our golf courses are all closed, but I don't think they'd be open now anyway. Congratulations on the side crow!! The garden video sounds like an excellent idea! I hope the sale goes through.
  11. Great job figuring out how vital the head position is to balance! The head weighs so much more than we expect. Keeping my head forward really helped my balance in so many things, like ice skating, gymnastics, and various martial arts movements. Quick question sort of exercise related; are all the golf courses closed in your area? I was wondering whether they would allow individuals to play, or whether they shut everything down because of social distancing and it being a non-essential activity. I'm sure that there are many sad golfers waiting for the chance to get out and play.
  12. It was a pretty full day. Went for 2 walks through the neighbourhood, walking through as many wooded areas as possible. Enjoyed seeing and/or hearing the various birds, ducks, geese and squirrels. I missed my furry walking buddy, though. I hope his limp disappears quickly and he can join me again soon for our walks. I also did some more trim painting, furniture moving, vacuuming and other house chores. I did my morning stretches, strength and push-up routine. I'll go do a little night time relaxing yoga.
  13. I have some Jamie Oliver knives I bought at the grocery store in a promotion. They weren't expensive and I really like them. I even have a Jamie Oliver cookbook, which has some really great recipes. In the book I have, there is no special veggie chopping required or even recommended. The recipes are all meant to be easy for people of any skill/experience level to achieve success. I've watched several different TV series of Jamie Oliver, and I like his message that cooking your own health and delicious food doesn't have to be difficult and doesn't require a lot of expensive tools or ingredients. If you feel like you could benefit from new knives, then go for it. I sliced myself plenty with my Jamie Oliver knives until I got way more respectful of their sharpness. They have dulled down a lot over the years, and I don't sharpen them.
  14. Yes, the balance point would be key. What do you do if you start tipping over and fall on your face? Ouch! πŸ˜„
  15. @IvyInFlorida What an amazing roller coaster ride you've been on. So happy you are feeling better physically, and that all is well with the baby. Thanks for posting the photo!! @FarmingMomma That is a lot of mama cows! Hope all is going well with all the mamas and the calves. How long will you keep the calves? The exercise program does sound really fun. It's awesome your ds is doing it, too! @soror Great job with all your painting!! It is so satisfying to see the finish line. We ran out of paint and our Home Depot isn't selling tinted paint right now. So we are in holding pattern for painting and moving on to the basement renos and the backyard. @Laura Corin All the best mastering the side crow pose. I had to look it up on-line and it looks pretty challenging. I could see where having short, light-weight legs would be an advantage. Something like a puppet body would work. πŸ˜„ I had a great 2 hour walk with the dog and a friend yesterday. It really tired me out, and I didn't end up doing dog walk #2. That was a good thing, though, as the dog was limping last night. He's a little better this morning. I'm not sure if it was the walk or his giant leap out of the car afterwards. He jumps like a deer. So I will have to rest him for a few days, which he won't like much. Otherwise, I'm trucking along with the push-ups, restorative yoga, and my personally developed 'Rationed Snacks Weight Maintenance Program.' It is inspired by packed lunches, where you can't keep eating because the baggies are empty. The tough part is trying to forget that there is actually more food in the cupboard right beside the computer. πŸ˜‚
  16. If you had included wiping the kitchen counter, that would have been my first priority. That's not 'dusting' though, right? There's never enough time for dust to be noticed under all the other stuff left there with 3 teen boys and a husband around all day everyday! πŸ˜‰
  17. Wow! That is amazing news!! So happy for you all. 😊
  18. I just successfully completed 40 push-ups!! One set of 30 + one set of 10, with a little stretch break between. It felt pretty good. My neck has been quite sore. It could have started with my ceiling painting, and not helped by me trying the 'bridge' pose. I think it just caused too much tension in the muscles. I've been using a heating pad and it helps a lot. I'm going for another walk with a friend this afternoon. We're walking on a trail that used to be a railroad track, so it's nice and wide and easy to maintain our correct distance. πŸ˜‰
  19. Happy Birthday to your dd!!! Teen-ager at last! 😊 Enjoy your yoga and push-ups!
  20. I just watched a really nice interview of the family telling about making the video. What a sweet family!
  21. Completed my morning yoga, push-ups and extra long dog walk with a friend. We had snow flurries during our walk. Typical early spring weather here, where it can be +20C or - 5C with snow. Don't put away the winter coats, hats and mitts just yet! πŸ˜‰ The last couple evenings I've been adding in some relaxation yoga in the evening before bed. It's nice. I'm going to try and keep this going. It didn't really help me sleep any better, as my neck was sore, but I did enjoy it and it stopped me from snacking in the evening. πŸ˜„
  22. I could get really irritated about dh's health management habits. He's overweight and eats too much junk food. He is trying to improve his eating habits, but it's usually 1 step forward and 2 steps back. On the bright side, my dh does a good job doing the activities he likes. He loves outdoor tennis, so in the spring/summer/fall I feel a little like a 'tennis widow' and only see him when I'm playing tennis with him. He is doing a fantastic job with all our house painting and renovations as well. He'll also go outside and play basketball with our boys. He even mentioned that he's like to do some stretching and walking with me. I don't know if this will actually materialize, especially if we do manage to get a backyard tennis court working.
  23. I always wondered what 'bracken' was. We call them ferns. And when some varieties look like that people eat them as 'Fiddle Heads' or 'tΓͺtes de violon' (as I first learned about and tried them in Quebec). Great photo! That's nice to have grass that stays green but doesn't grow during the winter months. Looks good and you don't have to mow or weed it! Perfect!
  24. So your lawn mowers never get a rest? At least we can put ours away for several months. Many people swap them out for snow blowers. πŸ˜„
  25. @Laura Corin Beautiful photo! You have leaves already - and green grass! I saw some buds on a few bushes today, and there are a few pieces of green grass pushing up between the brown, dead ones.
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