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Posts posted by dsmith

  1. I thought I'd give an update - I had the first Pfizer dose on Wednesday. Wednesday night I had a headache, again, it could have been stress related. I slept about 5 hours and woke up from arm pain early Thursday morning. It was a pretty sharp pain that radiated down my whole arm, up the side of my neck and into my jaw a bit. It became worse as the day went on. I was pretty tired all day. Thursday night I couldn't sleep at all! I couldn't get comfortable and my glands started hurting. By the morning my neck was blown up and even my thyroid was inflamed. I also had a 'thyroid cough'. (I have Hashimoto's) I had a low-grade fever this morning and today, but I managed to sleep from 8 am until 2 pm and woke up feeling better. I still have arm pain but not as bad, glands are not as swollen, thyroid is not as swollen. MS symptoms are a bit worse, which happens when I have a fever - numbness creeping up my leg, spasticity in my arm, eye pain. I would say early morning was the worst of it and I feel so much better tonight. I'm a little worried about the second dose being worse, but it's worth it! My mil gets the second Moderna shot tomorrow and hopefully she won't feel horrible afterwards. 

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  2. I had my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine today at one of the mega sites in NJ. I was worried about long lines like dh and ds experienced, plus I tend to get out of breath easily in a mask and have trouble standing lately from MS. I was even a bit panicky off and on today to be honest. There was no line at all!! They almost didn’t let dh come in with me but he explained that I needed him there and it was fine. I can’t even explain the relief I felt. It was so well organized and I was in recovery 25 minutes after walking in the doors. Another plus was the awesome ventilation, which kept me from overheating in my mask. Apparently they only had 3100 doses for today so there were minimal to no lines all day. My next appointment is early am, which I was told is the best time to come to avoid lines. I feel a big headache coming on, not sure if it’s from the vaccine or from all the stress I had for the last few days. By May 1st our whole family will be at full immune levels from the vaccine, and after losing my father-in-law to Covid I can’t even explain how awesome that will be.

    • Like 22
  3. We shop the sales, and buy extra. Since the pandemic, we've had to bulk up our flour supply and a few other items, but otherwise we just always have extra on hand of what we use. We could go two months, probably longer on pantry items, and we also have some emergency buckets for another 2 months of food. We rotate the 24 packs of bottled water. I think we have about 12 - 15 right now. We didn't used to do this, but my mother-in-law insists on having bottled water, so we get it cheap on sale. We also have other water we've treated for storage and refresh every 5 years. We can run our fridge/freezers for a few days, but getting gasoline was an issue during Sandy, We have two fridges and two freezers, one very large and probably another few weeks of food in there if we can keep them running. We hope to get a whole house generator within the next few years hooked up to natural gas. We made it through Sandy without any major preparation, we just like to have a lot of food on hand lol, but we lost a lot of freezer food, probably about $400 worth. We were able to keep fridge stuff outside in a cooler with ice since it was cold at night. We did buy two kerosene heaters after Sandy - the last 6 days were getting very cold! But during Sandy you couldn't find them within hundreds of miles. We keep a rotating stock of Klean Heat on hand. It's come in handy for outside visits in the cold during the pandemic.

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  4. Ok, success!!! A few little blips - the line was long, which he has trouble with, and when they got to the door they sent them back to their cars for 10 minutes, which caused a mini burst of anger and made him ready to leave. He cooled off after a few minutes, which is huge for him. They were able to stay together and my husband said he was great inside. They both said the shot was painless. Their next appointments are early so that will probably be much faster. I got an appointment for Wednesday, my brother-in-law and his girlfriend are Tuesday and then the whole family will be halfway vaccinated.

    • Like 13
  5. 2 hours ago, Wheres Toto said:

    Is the Meadowlands an Atlantic Health location?   I know people who have gone to Rockaway and people in the same family were able to stay together, even without special circumstances.   So it doesn't seem to be against the rules from Atlantic Health. 

    It's Hackensack Meridian. I think it was more strict in the beginning, so I'm hoping they've relaxed the rules. Our friend went to Rockaway the first week and they weren't letting a woman have her daughter push her wheelchair for her. They had a someone there do it for her. My husband and son both have an appointment so I don't see why they won't let them stick together.

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  6. 6 hours ago, Ottakee said:

    Just a hint, make sure they all use the restroom before they get there as if the lines are long , esp for parking it might take time to get to a restroom...... speaking from experience.

    It took us longer to park in the parking ramp and get inside than it did to get the shot and wait.


    That's what I've been hearing, once inside it goes very quickly except for the monitoring period. My son has a bladder of steel. I on the other hand, am a leaky faucet!

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  7. 6 hours ago, MercyA said:

    My mom hates shots and medical procedures with a fiery burning passion, and she said she literally did not feel hers. She was surprised when they started putting on the bandaid. My dad said he "felt something, but it wasn't pain." 

    My mom also always, always has a disproportionate amount of anxiety about side effects of meds and shots. Neither she nor my dad had any side effects from their first shot except a bit of arm soreness. Believe me, if there had been anything, I would have heard about it. 😉 

    I imagine the doctor's note will be readily accepted. 

    Praying for you all.

    Ha, your mom and I are very similar! Thanks for the prayers!!

    • Like 2
  8. 7 hours ago, ktgrok said:

    As for needle..ugh, my ASD kid used to be really bad about them too....tried to climb out of a window once to avoid a shot! He's better now, but best advice is to tell him to relax his arm. The Daniel Tiger advice of "close your eyes and think of something happy" might help too, but today have him practice tensing and then relaxing his arm, like dead weight. A relaxed arm won't hurt at all. It's way less painful than flu shot, etc! 

    Oh! And call the doctor that gave the note and see if they will call in a script for numbing cream! EMLA cream will numb his skin, make him feel better and more confident. We use that for one of my kids with anxiety for shots/blood draws. Rub it all over that whole shoulder/arm area where you gt shots, and cover with plastic wrap so it gets absorbed by skin rather than by the shirt sleeve. Do it over an hour ahead of time, I think was the instructions. Doctors never think to prescribe it, but they usually will if you ask. 

    You reminded me of when he was younger, he locked himself in the bathroom at the doctor's, and then ran out her front door, lol. When she got him to come in she put him in some kind of hold and then gave him the shot. He then decided he made a fuss for no reason. He still gets a bit anxious but is ok with actual injections or blood draws now. It's really just the virus/lines anxiety with him now.

  9. 10 minutes ago, kristin0713 said:

    Which mega site? There is a Facebook group that can give you info on the process there. NJ COVID Vaccine Info. I got mine at Shop Rite so I can’t help but maybe someone has been to the one where you are going and can ease your mind on the process. 

    This is the Meadowlands site. I was thinking about reactivating my FB account today for an MS group I found, so if I do I'll check it out. I've heard from a friend who went to the Rockaway Mall site and they were having National Guard wheeling in anyone in a wheelchair when they first opened, at least when our friend was there. The doctor sent a very thorough letter, and they are both scheduled for the vaccine 15 minutes apart, so I'm hopeful! Even if they are in sight distance he should be ok. I have heard they are very helpful and friendly at the Meadowlands site, and usually fast moving.

    • Like 2
  10. 24 minutes ago, Spryte said:

    I’ve had one shot of Pfizer, seven days ago.

    I think I need to go to the ER, and will double mask but wondering if the one shot will offer any protection at all?

    Waiting on call back from doc, pretty sure she will say to go in.  (Sigh)

    We've had friends and family in our local ERs, and they have all felt very safe. They separated anyone with possible COVID before they even got in the doors, and there were plenty of safety measures. I wouldn't be crazy about going, being unvaccinated, but I would if I had to. 

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  11. Dh and my son have appointments for tomorrow. I'm so nervous - my son is on the spectrum and I've heard they don't allow people in to accompany recipients. Dh is scheduled 15 minutes from my son's time, so I'm hopeful they will let them stick together. I have his neurologist faxing a letter stating he needs to be accompanied by his father at all times- I really hope they will honor it. Ds has made a lot of progress over the years but he hasn't been out of the house during coronavirus and has a lot of fear about catching the virus. His grandfather died from coronavirus, so this is a very real fear for him. He also has a ton of general and social anxiety and doesn't do well on his own out in the public, even at 22 years old. It is very possible that he could completely melt down if separated. I'd appreciate any good thoughts/prayers!! I may have a panic attack waiting for them in the car! I'm expecting an appointment within the next week and I'm a nervous wreck about that. I still have trouble with masking and getting out of breath, but I've been practicing a lot and I've been doing better, so I think it's going to be a matter of not letting my anxiety get out of control. I'm one of those people that worry about side effects, allergic reactions, etc. I plan on taking Xanax when it's my turn, and my son will probably do the same. I'll be thankful when all of this is a distant memory because my anxiety throughout this whole pandemic has been so high. At least there seems to be an end in sight soon.🤞 Just writing this out has helped with my worries, so thanks for 'listening'!

    • Like 9
  12. I gave up on the usual houseplants and bought an Aerogarden to grow herbs and greens. I also grow micro greens from a kit I bought from Hamama. They auto ship new seed mats every 6 weeks and they are easy to grow. All of this goes in my smoothies and salads, but it looks nice when it’s growing so a definite win win!

    • Like 4
  13. It sounds like you are seeing these people now? Are all of you staying home otherwise except when you get together? Just trying to determine current risk levels I guess... We don't see anyone unmasked that doesn't live with us. None of us are vaccinated as of yet. We are very, very careful - most of our shopping is done online with delivery or curbside pickup, and we do occasional trips to Walgreens or our local vegetable market when they aren't busy. My sil has issues with us not letting her into the house and requiring masks, distancing, etc. but her and her family go to the gym, eat out, travel, visit friends often unmasked and no distancing. We are a multigenerational household with most of us in the high risk group. My mother-in-law will most likely be vaccinated first and I know my sil will be pushing for her to come to their house unmasked, but that will not be happening until all of us are vaccinated. Once all of us here are vaccinated we will let them in the house unmasked. They are willing to take that risk for themselves, so their choice. I would feel more comfortable if they were also be vaccinated when that time comes because the vaccine isn't a perfect guarantee, but the rest of the family is ok with the risk. I'm not in fear of being in that 5%, just a bit wary I guess.

  14. 47 minutes ago, Lady Marmalade said:

    If you want to.  🙂  You have the option of picking or getting a surprise box.  I have yet to go in for a full surprise, but I've been thinking about it.  Generally, the produce is sorted into 3 or 4 groups, and you go through each group picking a few options out of each.  So, in the first group of produce items you'll see about 12 options, and you are told to pick 6.  Then in the second group you'll be told again to pick 6 or sometimes 4.  Then the third group comes along and you can pick 4 or 2. Then you come to the a la carte portion where they offer up cartons of berries or bags of produce like green beans or brussels sprouts where they charge you per package on top of your market box.  There are options to add mushrooms, bread products, pastas, snacks, beverages, etc. All at additional costs to you. 

    With the produce you pick, you do not pick quantity, and it still isn't a guarantee.  I've had items come that I didn't have on my order, and I've had times where I ask for something like turnips and I get two tiny little turnips.  But then there are times I'll say yes to a radish bunch and I get two massive bundles of radishes.  I've also had times where I asked for something and it wasn't in my box, but something else was.  They still try to keep the same value to the box if they go to pack your box and they've run out of your requested items. 

    I've been especially pleased this winter with radishes, broccoli, celery, heads of lettuce, and Swiss Chard.  Big, beautiful bunches- way better than what I've seen at the stores.  At the same time, I no longer order cucumbers because I've had too many show up on the verge of going bad, or with a smushed spot already in place.  The last time I ordered gingerroot they put seven HUGE knobs in my box.  Here is a picture I took to share on FB of one of my boxes.


    I'm impatiently waiting for my box to show up today so I can plan out tonight's dinner.  I think I know what's coming, but I'd like to be certain before I finalize what I'm preparing. 

    That's a nice looking assortment! Is that frisee? I would order just for that, lol. I haven't checked out MIsfits Market yet, but Imperfect Foods didn't seem like it would save us any money, and that is definitely a consideration lately.

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  15. When my father-in-law, a very devout Catholic, died of Covid in the beginning of the pandemic, we were only able to do a brief graveside service with 4 people in attendance. My mother-in-law, husband, sister-in-law and brother-in-law were the only ones in attendance, but it was partially recorded. The plan is to do a memorial service when it is safe enough to do so. The cloth on the casket is symbolic, and a graveside service can still be lovely. My mother-in-law was still able to have military honors, which was important to her, and one of his favorite priests was able to do the service. What's very important for the devout Catholic, at least those I know, is being remembered in prayer. My mother-in-law says a daily rosary for my father-in-law, we have Masses said for him often, and say graveside prayers when visiting the cemetery. I'm sorry for your loss. 

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  16. On 1/26/2021 at 11:24 AM, easypeasy said:

    Try the blowing-out-a-candle test! If you still can't blow out a candle while wearing the mask, then it should still be protecting you and the holes/weave should be 👍!

    Thanks, I'll be trying that today. I'm sure my son will enjoy laughing at me though.😂

    • Haha 1
  17. 21 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

    If you think part of the issue is overheating, do you have something like a Frogg Toggs cooling neck wrap that you can wear when you have to venture out? https://www.amazon.com/Frogg-Toggs-Chilly-Sport-Cooling/dp/B06XQ7J2R8  When I lived in the tropics, I also had a small battery operated portable fan that I could pull out to blow on my face.


    I have these: https://www.koldtec.com/pages/ice-towel

    They help with the general overheating issues but I think it's the humidity in the mask that may be causing the shortness of breath. If I do get overheated I get what's called the MS hug, which feels like my chest is being squeezed, so combined with a mask it was impossible to go out in the heat for more than 5 minutes in a mask. Now my worry is long vaccine lines when I finally get an invitation to make an appointment. I'm having a lot of anxiety about how to deal with this. I'll bring my Koldtec ice towels, and I'm trying out different masks seeing how long I can tolerate them. I do better sitting, so I may buy a rollator just for that event. 

  18. The scam calls are out of control lately. My mother-in-law gets me at least 3 times a month for these types of calls. We go over what kind of calls to ignore and hang up on, but they constantly freak her out. My elderly neighbor had some trouble with these calls in the past, but luckily I happened to be walking in his house while he was still on the phone and hadn't given any information yet. They are pushy and scary, so I could see how this happens to so many people. I'm sorry this happened to your daughter, and I don't have any advice with her being under 18, but it's a good reminder to go over phone and email scams with my son. 

  19. 4 hours ago, MEmama said:

    Mine is new and I only wear it when I’m in public, which is rare—maybe 20 mins once every 2 weeks. I do find it’s easier for breathe in than other masks because the design allows some air space around my mouth and nose, so I don’t physically suck the mask in like with cloth masks. 

    I'm skeptical that it performs better than my other masks since my glasses still fog up, but I still wear it when I’m near people just in case. 

    eta I hand wash and air dry only. 

    I purchased a pack of the metal strips for masks on Amazon and ended up putting one closer to edge of the mask. The one they have is too low and didn't prevent my glasses from fogging up. It works much better with the added strip. I have to replace it often though as the adhesive isn't very strong.

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  20. 7 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:

    Are you air drying or using a dryer?  I notice our dryer takes a tonne of lint out of the clothes.  It could also be that the weave has relaxed over time making the holes bigger.

    I have trouble feeling like I can’t breathe as well the few times I’ve had to wear them.  

    I'm air drying - it says on the website and the insert that came with the masks that they are not machine washable. That is my worry, that the weave is not as tight or the membrane, and it's letting more in. I'm hoping to hear back from the company about this. It says 50 washes, I'm probably on 16 washes. 

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  21. 11 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

    As an aside, can I suggest you get a dr appointment to check out the problems wearing a mask issue? You should be able to walk around and do the basics without struggling, even if you have some mild pulmonary function issues. 

    That's on my to do list. I have the same issue in hot weather unmasked, which is made worse by MS-related symptoms from heat. I can be masked longer in cold weather. I make it about 15 minutes in a store, so I only go into small stores. It's very frustrating!

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  22. Just now, Seasider too said:

    I did not notice that. 

    What I did notice is that the second HM I ordered seems....different...from the first, even though I ordered the same style, size and color. 

    I have one of each size because the smaller size felt a little odd on my face, but the larger is a little too large although I don't feel any gaps. Is it the fit that's off or the materials? I'm hesitant to order any more, but I'll see what customer service has to say before I decide.

  23. 11 minutes ago, PeterPan said:

    My mask that I washed multiple times doesn't fog up my glasses as much. I assume it reflects a certain amount of wear/degradation, but I don't know how significant it is. You could call them and ask. 

    I'm going to contact them tomorrow. On the site they say it will get harder to breathe in the mask when it's starting to wear out, at about 250 hours of wear. I'm nowhere near that amount though. I probably do 20 minutes a week. 

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