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Posts posted by dsmith

  1. I've been using these N95s from Honeywell: https://www.honeywellstore.com/store/products/n95-mask-flatfold-disposable-respirators-df300n95bx.htm

    The straps are a little small, so not good if you have a big head. My son can't use them, but dh can. We also have the 3M Aura from Home Depot. They are the most breathable, but the fit changed from the ones we had bought pre-pandemic. The upper strap keeps sliding down and pulling my ear down with it. I have not found a KN95 mask that I can breathe well in, so it's N95 only for me. 

  2. I've been doing this for quite a while now, and I stick to the original method. I don't have time for making my bujo pretty and colors don't do anything for me. Instead of two pages for the monthly log I have the calendar page and task page together on one page. I never migrate unfinished tasks to the future log, they always go to the next day, which I make at the end of the current day. One thing I do for each work related task: as we have two business I put a letter to represent which business it is related to. My bujo is an extension of my brain. I have a lot of MS related brain fog, and the bujo is the best option I have found to stay on task. I mostly use it to keep track of work and personal things I need to do but I do have some pages for books I want to read, audiobooks I want to listen to, event planning, gift ideas for holidays and birthdays, etc. I don't need to do anything special for 2022 with my bujo. I start a journal, fill it up and migrate any important dates, unfinished tasks, lists or info pages to the next one. I put a sticker with the dates the previous one covers on the spine. Sometimes I get a month out of a bujo, sometimes 3 months. I take 15 minutes to set up a new bujo. I never make any pages beyond the index, future log, monthly log and starting a page for the current day unless I'm migrating a page of info or a list I want in the new one, like the list of books I want to read. Sometimes I'll just cut a page or part of a page out of the old one and glue it into the new one. 

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  3. 52 minutes ago, Ethel Mertz said:

    Oh no! I have PPMS so we too have been super careful. I would be livid too. I guess I’d be wearing a mask around them and have your husband sleep in the dog house. I mean, on the couch. So sorry.

    My neuro wanted me to wait until December to get the booster with medication considerations, and now they're harder to get in our area. That's what is the most upsetting to me - we were so close to having our boosters. Nasty viruses have been a factor in all of my major relapses and a few of my minor ones. 

    • Sad 8
  4. 1 hour ago, Catwoman said:

    Oh no! I’m so sorry they were so careless and inconsiderate! Can you make them wear masks inside your house for the next few weeks? Can you run air purifiers and wear masks yourself?

    I would be LIVID. How dare they put you at risk like that???? And what possessed them to take that level of risk themselves?


    Sending lots of hugs and prayers, and hoping that none of you gets sick. This is going to be a long 2 weeks, and right around the holidays, too! 🤬


    I'm hoping our two shots keep us from any serious sickness if we get hit. We are almost 8 months from the last dose. My neighbor is here all day, he's immunocompromised but did get the booster. He can't stay at home for the next two weeks - the two people living at his house were also there without masks. Thanks for the prayers - they are needed! 

    • Sad 3
  5. 11 minutes ago, katilac said:

    I think you should go stay at a nice hotel until they're in the clear. 

    What is up with grown people being worried about what other people are doing, anyway? Others are not wearing masks, but you can still just . . . keep yours on?? 

    I would if I could afford it right now, and there is just not room in our house to stay separate. The logistics of trying to stay masked and separate - I can't even figure it out. 😟 

    • Sad 9
  6. They are at a wake right now, and nobody was wearing a mask, so they all decided to not wear masks. Dh, my son and I haven't had our boosters yet, and we've been so damn careful up until now. He's a smoker, I have MS and worry about a relapse if I get Covid, and my son is overweight and had a lot of respiratory issues the last time he was sick. I'm going to be a nervous wreck for the next few weeks. My neurologist was very clear that I should be wearing an N95 when in public places, and avoiding crowds, etc. because a number of her patients that got Covid had relapses, but what does it matter what I do when the people I live with just do whatever the hell they want?

    • Sad 50
  7. 2 hours ago, PeterPan said:

    Ooo, that is seriously stepping it up! Totally saving that list. 😄 Btw, what did he use for the dough? 

    He makes his own pizza dough, so he decided to use that recipe. I'm not sure where he got the recipe from, but it's good! We do a pizza night the 2nd Saturday of the month and we like to make thin crust bar pies. He rolled out the dough the same thinness, and he wasn't sure if it would be too thin for stromboli, but we all loved it like that. I've had stromboli that's too doughy, this was perfect.

    • Like 1
  8. 20 hours ago, Storygirl said:

    I make a pizza bread (or stromboli), inspired by the Pioneer Woman. I looked on her website and can't find it exactly, but she has other stromboli recipes posted, if you want to see photos and get ideas.

    I buy Rhodes frozen pizza dough. I follow the directions for following one (or two, if I'm making double) of the loaves, and I let it rise. Then I roll it out, using flour to prevent sticking to the rolling pin, until it's a large rectangle shape. I sprinkle some shredded mozzarella, then layer pepperoni, then add more cheese. I fold in the short ends slightly to close up the ends, then I start on the long end and roll it up, jelly roll style, and pinch it closed. Place it on a foil or parchment covered sheet pan. Using a serrated knife, slash the top of the bread every two inches or so. I add some Italian seasoning to some olive oil and brush over the top, sometimes also sprinkling with parmesan. Then bake until done. I believe the Rhodes package has the directions for the temperature and time when making pizza bread. When done, slice and enjoy.

    You can make this ahead, then pop in the oven to reheat at party time.

    I also have made and would consider some of the things already mentioned -- ham and cheese sliders are always a hit; sausage balls, meatballs in red sauce. I have other appetizers that we like, but these are the meaty ones that could count as heavier. That reminds me that I saw Ina Garten making kielbasa recently as an appetizer. We like it for dinner, and I think it could be an easy and popular appetizer. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/kielbasa-with-mustard-dip-11926660

    Dh recently made a batch of stromboli and it was delicious! He stuffed them with mozzarella, pepperoni , roasted red peppers and some thinly sliced chicken italian sausage that he browned a bit. We sliced it a bit thin and arranged the slices around a bowl of marinara. It was a big hit for movie night. It's definitely going on our Christmas eve menu.

    • Like 2
  9. 21 hours ago, TechWife said:


    do they have a grabby stick yet? Those are amazingly handy. We use ours all the time & my parents used one for years as well. 


    When MIL was being discharged from the hospital after her knee surgery they talked her into one of those. We already had a cheap plastic one that FIL bought, which was handy for when I inevitably dropped an item of clothing behind our heavy couch, but this one is metal and has a magnet on the end, and it's just awesome. My husband thinks I'm the biggest dork for loving it so much. 😂

    • Like 1
  10. Yep, unfortunately my husband still smokes. I do see smokers but the numbers are dwindling. I was wondering how many people quit because of Covid. I know so many people who lost weight and/or changed their diets because of Covid, I would imagine some must have quit smoking for the same reason. I was hoping dh would be one of them.☹️

    • Sad 1
  11. We are definitely feeling it at the grocery store. We've been buying more from Aldi. We have to have cookies in the house for the elders or there is a revolt lol. Aldi's cookies have made that much more affordable. They are also cheaper on milk and some staples that we use for baking. We buy large quantities of sale stuff. If any meat is on sale we will buy as much as we can. There are usually limits so we each have a discount card to double up. We do this with any canned items we use, or anything that we can store. According to our receipts, by buying mostly sale items and very little regular priced stuff we are saving about 40 - 60%. This would be harder to do if we didn't have a substantial amount of food on hand at any time, because sometimes we are not buying certain items for a month and up to 4 months. We've also become much less wasteful. We never used to make our own broth, but now when we roast 2 chickens we will get a meal for that night, another meal with the chicken meat, make a huge pot of broth, make a pot of chicken and wild rice soup with that broth, and still have enough broth left for various other soups or meals. 

    We've noticed various services have gone up in price. We needed plumbing work done, and it was about $800 more than it would have been 2 years ago. Dh has been doing his own appliance repairs by watching youtube videos and ordering parts. It's saved us at least $800 over the last two years.

    • Like 2
  12. I usually have some frozen brown rice on hand, so I do that with Fillo's or A Dozen Cousin's beans on top. I add avocado and Tajin - yum!! But I'm the only one who eats that around here. For the rest of the fam it's usually hamburgers and/or hot dogs, homemade chicken pot pie or about 5 other things we keep in the freezer, spaghetti with jarred vodka sauce, open face not-grilled cheese (toast bread, add tomato slices, cheese, sprinkle of pepper and oregano and put under the broiler) or various leftovers. We always have homemade soup in the freezer to bulk up lighter meals. Oh, and Trader Joe's shakshuka is a current easy favorite. I just bought 8 boxes of it the other day.😁

  13. On 10/21/2021 at 12:42 AM, Jean in Newcastle said:

    When we have had to do similar tests the instructions were not to let it go in the bowl. We were given special paper that is affixed across the bowl. It kept the sample from getting contaminated/diluted by the water. I would call the doctor’s office (or the lab), explain your role in assisting the neighbor and ask for their suggestions for how to do it. 

    This test is literally running a paint brush across the poop that's floating in the bowl and depositing that water on a very small square on a sample card, which is why neighbor can't do it with his shaking hands. They don't actually want any poop, so that's a relief! Except he's unable to poop now because he's mortified that I have to do this for him. I've never seen a test like this before, wondering if it's a new thing.

    • Like 1
  14. 3 hours ago, wendyroo said:

     My elderly grandfather has taken to calling the fire department for things like picking him up after falls, changing blood soaked bedding, helping him get his cpap working again, etc.


    When dh was on the squad a good deal of calls were for similar things. (We’ve called for help getting fil off the floor more than once, police or ambulance squad were always wonderful!) And teenage girls fainting at the mall, every darn Saturday, at least once!!! 

  15. 3 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

    District nurses are attached to a hospital, but go out in the district doi g exactly these type of things. They change dressings, do well checks on elderly, check for bladder infections etc. They work very closely with the doctor and the age care workers 

    Our hospital actually has a service that is similar. I considered it, but I just couldn’t figure out the logistics - I don’t think if I called them and said the poop is ready, come and do this thing that they would rush right over, so who knows how long I’d have to keep this thing floating around in the toilet bowl lol.

    • Haha 1
  16. 23 minutes ago, Laurie said:

    This probably doesn't help at all, but the instructions that you're describing sound somewhat less disgusting than what I've had to do to collect samples from my child.  I had to use a spoon-like thing to dig down in several areas of the sample to remove chunks to put into collection containers that had some kind of fluid in them.  And shake well.  

    I'm a squeamish person but managed to do this without losing my stomach contents.  The suggestion to use something like Vicks is a good one!  I used something perfume-y.  

    It's good that you don't have to take the sample to the lab.  I had to drive a fresh sample to a hospital lab one time...it either had to be fresh or refrigerated, and there was NO WAY that I could put it in my refrigerator or even a cooler.    Another time, we had a number to call for pick-up by DHL, I think.  I was very careful to keep the outer packing material free from any possible "sample" contamination by washing my hands really well after handling the containers, etc.  But it was still gross to watch the man take the package from our porch, get into his vehicle and put the package on his lap while he was drinking something before driving away.  

    Good luck!  I'm sorry you have to do this, but thank goodness your neighbor has someone to help him.  (Hopefully he's fine and his dr. won't order a colonoscopy next as the prep could be a more messy/smelly ordeal than the paint-a-square!) 


    I’m very thankful that I don’t need to actually collect any poop! The test says just the water, so not too bad. I just know from being in the bathroom after him and having to go use a different bathroom instead, that it will smell bad!

  17. 15 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

    Maybe a little vicks vapor rub on the lip?  would that help at all?  

    I was actually thinking of that. Dh used to do that in his fire department/rescue squad days when they were dealing with not-so-recently-deceased people.

    • Like 2
  18. Just now, Katy said:

    If you don’t want to, a CNA could do it. Do you know anyone?

    Nope, I think I'm stuck with it. My mother-in-law would have done it if she didn't recently have knee surgery. I need a day or two to work myself up to it! I'll be wearing a mask and gloves, but I know I will be gagging.

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