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Posts posted by dsmith

  1. Our elderly neighbor was staying with us during lockdown, but now he sleeps at home and stays with us all day. I take him to all appointments, handle his meds, he eats with us, etc. but he is otherwise able to care for himself. At his latest dr. appt. his bloodwork had some issues, and they sent him home with a mail-in fecal sample test. There is no way he can take a paint brush, run it along his poop and dab a smaller than a centimeter square on a 2 inch sample card, twice. Ugh! I need some strength people!!! And an iron stomach!! 🤢🤮

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  2. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I remember being in the same state of shock, disbelief and anger after repeatedly catching family members being less than careful around my mother in law after my father in law died of Covid and the vaccine seemed years away. Thankfully we’ve had no vaccine hold outs on that side, but I’ll feel better after we’ve all had boosters. My sister couldn’t get past her anxiety to get the vaccine and decided going on a bar-hopping vacation to Nashville was a good idea. She got Covid and got the antibody treatment right away, but she only got tested after telling me she had the flu and me asking if she verified it was flu. 🤦‍♀️ At least I can finally have her in the house. Even though we’re all vaccinated we haven’t stopped masking and probably won’t for a while. A breakthrough infection may not kill us, but it could definitely cause an MS relapse for me or cause my mil or elderly neighbor who stays with us all day to become very ill… 

    • Sad 12
  3. I purchased a fudge-making kit, and I was supposed to add 2 tbsp of butter, but misread it and added a whole stick. It was delicious! We bought the kit again and I realized my mistake and made it correctly, and it wasn't even close to being as good as the first batch. I add the whole stick whenever we buy the kit, which for obvious reasons is not very often.😁

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  4. I just can't wrap my brain around the idea of savory oatmeal. Grits, yes, no problem, but oatmeal I think would kind of gross me out. I have used it as an ingredient in meatloaf instead of breadcrumbs, and I liked that. It may be one of those things that I would have to try if someone else made it, but I'm not going to make it.

  5. 4 hours ago, Pawz4me said:

    We're sisters! Seriously. Down to the DS on the spectrum and the MIL having a hard time.


    So I worry about that just a wee bit sometimes. But I can only remember one time in my life when I truly felt lonely, and it was for a short time when I was a young adult and had much more energy than I do now. So I'm kind of doubtful my much older, much less energetic, more-happy-than-ever-to-sit-at-home-with-a-book-self will struggle with it. But I don't rule it completely out, either.


    Dh is still smoking and is at that heart attack age for men, so I have the same worry. And the book thing, yeah, that is totally me. 🙂

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  6. 5 minutes ago, DawnM said:

    Does it really do much?   I have wondered about these and similar items.

    I can't say it's helped him lose weight - that was more diet than exercise. I was more interested in something to keep the blood flowing as he will sit for hours no matter how much I try to get him to move. I've used it vigorously sitting in a stuffed chair and I definitely felt it. One thing that I have used and I definitely feel it in my legs is this: https://store.bobandbrad.com/products/bob-brad-knee-glide I bought it for mil for pre and post knee surgery but she rarely uses it. I use it on the couch while watching tv. I can feel it in my calves and above my knee, but I have MS related weakness in my legs, so I feel everything, lol. Not sure how much someone in very good physical condition would get out of it. Mil's physical therapist loves it and is now recommending it to her patients.

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  7. I have one friend that I keep up with on a not very regular basis, and that's it. When ds was in school I never clicked with any of the parents. They all knew each other for years and I didn't find them very welcoming. I had work friends that I hung out with frequently before moving in with dh. I tried keeping up with them but it was too difficult. Dh was a firefighter for a few years and that was fun, but once I became pregnant and I couldn't drink, that ended. (Big drinking scene there!!) Now dh and I are very content with each other's company and visits with family. Ds is on the spectrum and not interested in connections beyond family and online at this time. The three of us were perfectly fine during lockdown while mil was having a very hard time with it. We could do it again for a few years and be fine lol. I find it very draining to cultivate friendships or deal with groups, so I'm very content with the way my life is socially.

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  8. Just saw my neurologist today, and she is recommending I wait until 8 months after my last dose for better protection and less side effects. In the meantime we have never stopped masking and avoid higher risk activities like eating in restaurants. I will take my elderly neighbor for a booster after I speak to his oncologist. He just had some really wonky bloodwork, so I don't want to do anything until he gives the ok. Mil had the Moderna vax, and it looks like the FDA advisers are recommending boosters, so hopefully that will happen soon. If Covid is going to hit this house it will be from her. She's the only one in the house that has gone out to eat, plus she has been in the hospital twice now. I know the staff masks, but the patients do not.

  9. I have one TJ about 10 minutes from me, but the parking is horrendous if you don't get there very early on the weekend. The other is almost 20 minutes from me but the parking is better and it's just a nicer store - wider aisles and much better layout. We just went today and stocked up on the shakshuka, which I'm totally addicted to. I bought a gf cauliflower pizza crust which I hope is good. We do a big homemade pizza night every 2nd Saturday and I'm tired of missing out or suffering when I give in. 😊 I also bought some PBJ bars and organic frozen broccoli florets. We purposely didn't get a cart this trip so we wouldn't buy a lot. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Kassia said:

    I drink a lot of diet soda and DH is so sweet but buys a TON of it every time it goes on sale.  At the time I think he's crazy but it is definitely more expensive now and goes on sale less often so now I'm grateful that he buys so much at once.  We literally had a wall of diet soda 12 packs in our basement at one time!  

    In the early days of the pandemic it was very hard to get a spot for grocery delivery, and the cart was often wonky. Diet coke was out of stock for weeks and suddenly it was in stock, so I ordered about 8 12-packs. Dh had a saved cart and added that to our order and didn't realize I had diet coke on the order already, so when the delivery came I think we had about 20 12-packs. I wonder what they must have thought of us! 

    • Haha 5
  11. We have been trying to buy extra sale meats because the prices have really gone up. Dh has been making soups and stock but I'd like to buy some veggie and chicken broth to have on hand. We have a lot of beef broth at the moment. We've recently discovered Aldi, so we've been stocking up on favorites there. If we don't have cookies in the house the elderly folks get very upset, so I'm very thankful they love Aldi's cookies. I need to increase my stock of almond milk. I used to have 8-10 on hand at any given moment but I'm down to 3!!😲 We plan on making some freezer meals for the winter to have on hand for busy days, but we always have enough food on hand for 3 - 6 months. The perishables are the problem - milk, half and half, eggs, etc, but unless they start restricting amounts again on those we'll be fine. We have a two supermarkets in town, literally down the street, so I'm not worried about not being able to get out over the winter. We need to replenish our butter, flour, sugar and other baking supplies, which we've been slowly doing every time we shop, but we will put in a few large online orders for flour soon. We have a few diet Coke drinkers in the house, and that's been difficult to get on sale lately. When it does go on sale we buy a lot. I don't know what it is about diet Coke, but heaven forbid we should run out!! You'd think civilization was coming to an end lol. 

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  12. We don't get many ToTers, so we will go lights out and watch a movie or something. We usually have stuffed orange-colored peppers carved to look like mini jack o'lanterns, and that is the extent of our Halloween celebration now that ds is an adult. 

    Thanksgiving and Christmas will be us and local family, who are all vaccinated. Last year we were in shut-down and it was the first holidays without fil, but it was such a strange holiday season anyway, so it was different and weird without even factoring in his death, but also quiet and enjoyable. This year will be the first year we are all together without him, so in a way it's going to be more difficult than last year. On a positive note, I will finally be able to see my sister. She was afraid to get vaccinated and ended up with Covid. She was able to get monoclonal antibodies and thankfully had a somewhat mild case. She's just out of quarantine today and we are planning on having her over on our next homemade pizza night. Can't wait!! 

  13. When I was growing up my older brothers had drums, baritone horn, saxophone, trumpet and trombone, while my younger siblings and I had recorders.  (Probably why I value silence so much!) I don't know how my parents ran a business in the front of the house lol. Good luck!!

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  14. I can't imagine not having Prime nowadays. We use Prime Video a lot, the music service not so much. Subscribe and Save has been awesome, but you have to watch out for sudden price increases. One tea I used to buy suddenly increased by $15 but luckily I caught it before it shipped. We have enough items on S & S that we get the 15% discount on most items. It's been useful for various items I need quickly for our business, and for health care items for my mil. Two weeks ago I was able to order all the things I needed to have in the house for her knee surgery in under 15 minutes. I would have had to stop at 4 different stores if I had gone out shopping. Physically that's a little difficult for me to manage lately. I also appreciate the free delivery from Whole Foods. I place an order in the morning and usually have it within 6 hours. During the height of the pandemic last year we were unable to have WF deliveries for a few months, and I really missed the convenience of it. An Amazon Fresh store is opening up early next year near us, so that will be another free delivery option. In some areas they have started charging for deliveries - hopefully that won't happen here. Another plus - I joined Amazon Preview and occasionally get paid in Amazon gift cards to watch upcoming movies and shows. It's not as frequent as it used to be, but one year I almost made back the cost of prime.

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  15. I was putting together a curbside order and got a notice about deli meat shortages. I can't say I've seen that before. A few stores near us are starting to limit certain items again, and I'm hoping they don't start limiting milk again. We've also noticed a sharp increase in prices lately that has us a bit freaked out. Quite a few fast food places have notices about difficulty getting supplies with certain menu items being temporarily unavailable. We're generally well stocked but may start stocking up on sale items that we use a lot of.  We've been trying out various Aldi products since the prices are a lot cheaper than the supermarket. Dh is getting ready to purchase a lot of flour, sugar, spices, etc. for holiday baking in case we have shortages again.

  16. On 8/15/2021 at 7:53 PM, Carrie12345 said:

    Wait, wait. Store brand is still the same. 


    Have you noticed with the Bowl and Basket chicken that it is tougher? It's been fine for slow cooked recipes, but when we've grilled it it's been tough. We love most of the Bowl and Basket things we've tried so this is disappointing, especially with the price being so much lower.

  17. On 7/17/2021 at 11:31 AM, Farrar said:

    I'm very dubious that people who refused any of the options so far will take the Novamax. Like, maybe a tiny handful, but not a significant percentage.

    I also find it hard. And I find it especially hard that so many people I know who are usually compassionate and kind are reaching a breaking point where they don't care and think the people who refuse to get vaccinated deserve what they get. There's a part of me that feels that way too, but the suffering is so big. I don't want to feel that way. They've been misled by conspiracy theories and hatred.

    My sister wouldn't get the Pfizer of Moderna vax, because the technology is too new for her comfort. She was on her way to get vaccinated with her daughter when she got a call from someone who told her the vaccines would cause infertility. She has told me that she thinks she is going to die if she gets those vaccines, and that she is going to die from Covid because she's unvaccinated. She is waiting for Novamax because that vaccine technology is already in use. I don't know what I can say to change her mind, so I can only tell her to be safe and mask up. But she goes out to eat with other unvaccinated friends, goes to parties, etc. I'm full of worry for her, so I will be very happy if Novamax becomes available, because I don't see her changing her mind on the other vaccines.

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