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Posts posted by dsmith

  1. 7 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

    If puppies are hard to come by, perhaps if you put your name in now at breed specific rescues or responsible breeders, you might have one come up when you are more emotionally ready? 

    Thanks for the suggestion, I will definitely look into doing this. I don't see any local puggle rescues near me, but there are a few pug rescues. They do have the occasional puggle come through. 

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  2. We lost our beloved dog in March. He was the best dog we've ever had, and we are really feeling his loss - it's been harder than I ever imagined it could be. (I'm crying just writing this!) Before we got him I researched dogs for months before I settled on a puggle for our family, and I want another puggle when the time is right. In fact, I only ever want puggles from now on, although we will most likely add a larger dog to our family as well. It's too soon right now, but I do check petfinder for puggles regularly. The ones I'm seeing now are all seniors, and while I wish I could adopt every senior puggle available, I just can't emotionally. I want a puppy or very young dog, and the chances of finding a puggle puppy to adopt are slim to none. But I feel so conflicted paying for a dog, especially for a 'designer breed' when there are so many dogs in the shelters. And wanting a puppy when there are so many older dogs. I know we could walk in to any shelter and come home with a dog - that's just the way we are, but I will always want a puggle. 

  3. 49 minutes ago, Soror said:

    I wish our governor would do something to help with hesitancy. I was thinking I read a study that showed a financial incentive decreased hesitancy by a good amount.

    I read the same thing. I don't remember the percentage who said they would change their mind but they used a $100 incentive as the example. I would think if they rolled out the mobile units to underserved areas in my state (NJ) and offered $100 cash it would be successful.

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  4. I can't even tell you the hours and hours I have in with my mother-in-law's mortgage company. We've been at this for over a year. First the forebearance, and then they were to send the paperwork for a loan modification, which they sent with deceased fil's name on it, waiting months for them to re-send, then being told to get it notarized as is but bring the death certificate (which the notary would NOT notarize!!) and now waiting weeks for them to re-send paperwork without fil's name, again. Daily phone calls from their collection department even though they can see we are in the process of modifying the loan, scary letters which freak out my mil, etc. It's a nightmare. I can completely relate to your hate of mortgage companies. 

    • Sad 4
  5. All of our appointments were made at a time when it was very difficult to get appointments, so we ended up using a 'friend of a friend' and managed to get in within a week of contacting her. (All legitimate, although others in our not-immediate family used this person to jump the line.) I've noticed in the past 2 weeks that it is a lot easier to get an appointment for both the Pfizer and the Moderna shot in our area. I've been notified through Zocdoc multiple times of spots opening up, often for the next day. I've checked pharmacies, Walmart, etc, and have found appointments. I've never been notified by the system the state set up, though, and haven't heard of anyone who has. I'm in northern NJ. What's it like in your area?


    Edited to add: Dh just received an email from the state vaccine portal that he can make an appointment. We signed up in the very beginning, maybe the second day it was available. I thought that was funny, as it's so easy to make an appointment lately. I just received notice of 2 days of appointments open at our local hospital's vaccine clinic. They will be gone in a few hours I would imagine - they are opening up to 16 yrs and up today, and last week appointments were filling quickly. I'm hoping nieces and nephews get vaccinated, but I doubt they will. 

  6. I was vaccinated at one of the mega sites in our state. I noticed a big increase in the amount of people there when I went for the second shot, but it also went a lot faster. They had opened more check-in tables, vaccination booths and recovery areas. They do 1st and 2nd shots on the same day. I haven't heard of any places separating them, but I could see if it was a special vaccination event it would be handled that way. I can't say I wasn't tempted to get my second shot at a different location ( I hate crowds and lines) but where I went runs faster than the smaller venues in my area. 

  7. Giving this a bump in case anyone could use this info. Dh is on the phone now with them, after trying for a few days. My mother-in-law had to get on the phone first and give permission for dh to speak for her - she could never figure this out on her own. I think we then upload or fax receipts. It's possible she may get up to $9000 back. If life insurance covered funeral costs, not burial insurance, you are still eligible for assistance. 

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  8. 13 minutes ago, Dreamergal said:

    Anyone hear of tooth pain or other random dental issues as vaccine symptoms ? None of them who had them have dentures or work done except fillings. 

    Been comparing notes with friends and happened more with the Pfizer. Not a large percentage but like the GI issues that were minor but present  in my "research" of symptoms among our group who got the vaccine, dental issues seemed to be present too. More like tooth pain, swelling of gums then they went away after 2 or 3 days. Not enough to go to the dentist but definitely noticeable.

    After the first shot, the arm pain was radiating into my jaw and my ear. I was definitely feeling pain in my top teeth on that side. It faded when the arm pain faded, which took about 5-6 days if I'm remembering correctly. Thankfully I don't have anything like that this time!

  9. I'm trying to figure out what to do with all of our curriculum, science equipment, etc.. I had planned on donating some to Goodwill, but unfortunately they didn't survive the pandemic. I will list valuable stuff on ebay, but I'm not looking forward to it. I had considered rejoining Facebook to sell, but I don't want to do that either. I miss when this site had a thriving classified section!

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  10. I got my second shot of the Pfizer vaccine yesterday. Thankfully no headache! Last time the headache came within a few hours. I started with the sore arm in the evening (8am shot) but it didn't get worse and today it's actually a bit better. Overall I feel so much better after the second shot than the first. We'll see if my glands blow up - that took two days on the first shot, and my thyroid also blew up significantly. MS symptoms also became worse, but so far so good, just some extra feet numbness upon waking which went away within 20 minutes. The only weird thing that happened yesterday, which probably isn't related to the vaccine: I started falling asleep on the couch in the afternoon, but was having sleep paralysis, not unusual for me when I'm over-tired. But this time it was affecting my ears, and I kept hearing a high pitched screaming sound that was very, very painful. I always hear a high pitched tone, but I've never had ear pain. I can usually fall asleep after 5 or 6 episodes of paralysis, but the pain got me up off the couch. I hope to never experience that again! 

    It was busier at the mega site than the last time I was there, but it was moving quickly. Everyone was nice, but on initial entry they weren't going to allow my husband to accompany me. We explained why and he was allowed through, but the national guard person rolled her eyes at me. He was challenged the first time, but they were much more pleasant about letting him in. Otherwise everyone was lovely, and the young man who gave me the shot was amazingly nice about moving the injection down as much as he could for me, which I think has helped avoid the severe arm pain from last time. 

    Congrats to all who have been vaccinated!! I'm so happy to have both doses!!😀

    Edited to add: The vaccine tricked me!! I started last night with a really bad headache and low grade fever, slept almost 8 hours (that's really good for me) and woke up a bit achy, still low grade fever. I felt so good yesterday! Like better than I usually do every day lol. Oh well. Still better than the first time and barely any arm pain. I will happily suffer any side effects to be fully vaccinated! 

    • Like 11
  11. They do make accessible shower pans, so there would be no lip in the entry area, which should save money on tile.


    Not sure of the sizes you are thinking about, but if you have a ramp going in over the lip, would there be one going down into the shower? Otherwise there will be a small drop into the pan, and trying to get out of the shower may be difficult. (Can't tell you how hard it is to get the wheelchair over the lip of our back door!!) We've been in hotel rooms with accessible showers, and I find them very slippery! Also, with low vision, color changes may be helpful. So maybe one color tile right before the shower entrance, not everything all one color, especially white. (Just what I've experienced with our neighbor.) We are in the very early stages of planning out the upstairs bathroom which currently only has an old fashioned tub. We will probably do a fully accessible open shower than can be wheeled into when we do something. Hoping her upcoming knee surgeries will buy us a few years! If you can get an occupational therapist to come in and give you some ideas, that may be helpful. We were given great suggestions after mil came home from rehab after a serious fall.

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  12. I don't know if this has been mentioned on here, but if your family has had the great misfortune of losing someone to Covid-19 and it is listed on the death certificate, you may be eligible for assistance. Based on the FAQ I believe my mother-in-law qualifies, so we will be calling today - hopefully we'll get through. This is going to be such a help for her financially. 


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  13. We have 3 drivers, one car. We've been doing this for a few years now. We both work from home, dh has the occasional meeting in the city (not since Covid, but I'm sure they will start up soon with a few of his customers) and mil has doctor's visits and will want to be out and about once we are all fully vaxxed. Pre-Covid she would take the car and disappear for hours and hours and it was occasionally a problem. We always give notice for any appointments or meetings and write it on the calendar (mil not so much) and there is local family that can take her anywhere if there isn't a car. We have had to rent a car on occasion for meetings and trips, which we are fine with.  

  14. Our weighted blankets have 100% cotton covers and are made with river stone. (We have 3 from this company.)They don't heat up like the blankets that are all over stores nowadays. This is where we bought them, and after 12 years they are in perfect condition: https://www.saltoftheearthweightedgear.com/index.html

    Once when I was feverish and overheating I put it on our front porch for an hour during the winter and it got super cold. It felt great!

    Follow the washing instructions and they will last years and years. 

  15. We are allowing vaccinated family members in on May 1st, as well as 2 unvaccinated nieces and a nephew. I suspect at least one of them, perhaps all three had asymptomatic coronavirus, as their mother tested positive for antibodies. They see friends unmasked, have travelled to hotspots, etc. so they are aware of the risk. I'd feel better if they were vaccinated, but it's a mental health issue for my mother-in-law at this point. May 1st all of the adults in the family will be fully vaccinated and at the full immune response. This date is actually 17 days past the 2nd dose for the last person to be vaxxed. 

  16. During Sandy we ended up switching my phone to Verizon and keeping my husband on the same carrier, which I think was Sprint at the time. He was unable to use his phone at all for a few days, but we were able to use my Verizon phone to get online and working, as well as communicating, We've purposely kept two different carriers now so we always have options. We still have a hotspot device through Sprint that is quite a few years old now, but it works well so we are keeping it. We've discovered in our business that we need multiple back up plans for internet access and power. It has come in handy with power outages in NJ and the recent issues in Texas. (Currently having sticker shock from the increased utilities our TX landlord has passed on to us!) Sandy was definitely an eye opener!

  17. I think the worst we've received was a cabbage instead of iceberg lettuce, but the absolute worst was our own fault. In the middle of the pandemic our grocery store was having issues with online ordering, and adding to an order that was already placed was tricky. We had placed an order that included caffeine free diet coke, which was impossible to get for a while and the few family members that drink it were starting to become intolerable, lol. We had to edit the order, and somehow we ended up ordering 20 12-packs without realizing it.. And suddenly it was back in stock and we received all 20. Needless to say a few people in our house were overjoyed, but dh and I were really annoyed with ourselves.

    We've decided to continue with online ordering post-pandemic. It's been helping us with meal planning, staying in budget, avoiding garbage impulse buys, etc. We did it occasionally pre-pandemic, but never for meat. We've been pleasantly surprised at the quality of the meats our shoppers have picked out for us. We have also switched from delivery to curbside pickup. It's a chance for dh and I to be alone and to talk without interruption. I especially like BJ's and Target's curbside as well as two of the larger stores in our area. Delivery is just Whole Foods now, which is generally only for my food. One problem with them with substitutions - I have to specify a substitution or write a note to the shopper to make sure replacements are gluten free and/or vegan. Twice now I've had gluten-containing replacements.

  18. 15 minutes ago, kbutton said:

    So, my third day after Pfizer first injection. My armpits are sore like when my lymph nodes are fighting something off. I don't feel swelling yet, but the soreness started in the side I used for vaccination, and it's worse on that side. Ugh. I was hoping to avoid swollen lymph nodes as I have permanently swollen lymph nodes on one side from allergy shots. 

    I am also having some minor symptoms that seem like allergies, which is right on time for our area, but it's frustrating to not know what is shot and what is pollen/mold. 

    I noticed the lymph node swelling/soreness was worse on the side of the injection. Even the MS symptoms I've been having since the injection (low-grade fever likely the cause) are on that side, which is really weird. 

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