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Everything posted by Kidlit

  1. I have a friend who is vegan, so I have observed this similar lifestyle. I always say it wouldn't be that much of a stretch for me because "I don't eat a lot of meat," but when it comes down to it, I always just default to eating what the family eats. (For the record, my teens don't always eat with family due to their work and school schedules, but my 9 and 12 year olds have the typical kid palate.). This is the kind of mindset shift I am hoping to achieve with this new brainspace afforded by my new job. ETA: thanks for sharing your success! And congratulations!
  2. Didn't reference it, but did think of it ✅🤣
  3. I loved Small Things Like These by Clare Keegan. I know it was available on audio on Hoopla through my library's catalog. I imagine it would be especially lovely with the right narrator.
  4. Bumped for progress. I think I might go upstairs and watch a movie and wrap gifts now. Dh put our little portable electric heater in the bedroom to warm it for me. 🥰
  5. Thank you for mentioning this. My husband actually mentioned PF yesterday. My teens go faithfully and finally, I might have the bandwidth for it. Your trainer is at PF?
  6. Thank you for sharing your amazing story. Would it be weird for me to print it out and put it somewhere I can see it for motivation? I have considered hiring a personal trainer but am slightly embarrassed about my physical condition and overall lack of athleticism (a lifelong condition).
  7. I am starting a new job next week. While the details aren't very important, I am going from a high stress career that has always taken more of my life than I wanted to give (teaching, fwiw) to one with a slightly later, year 'round schedule but much less daily stress and no off-hours work (public librarian). This is the perfect opportunity for me to do a badly needed reset in terms of diet, exercise, and mindset. I have gained about 30 lbs over the past four years of full time teaching, and as I'm nearing 50, I have also developed aches and pains and the beginnings of some mobility issues that I desperately want to overcome/reverse. If you've ever reset your life in one of these ways, please share what was most beneficial for you. I am looking both for specific ideas of what I can do and how to do it AND inspiration that it is indeed doable.
  8. Added a nap by the fire to my list ✅ 🤣
  9. Still have a bit of baking to do, but I'm taking a break. Rolling blackouts were cancelled 🎉
  10. Cross stitching in a quiet room (perhaps while listening to or watching something) is restful for me. Perhaps some kind of handwork that is appealing to you would have a similar effect.
  11. I relate 🙋🏻‍♀️
  12. Update for a teensy bit of progress. Also, we will be having rolling blackouts for 30 min at a time across the city's circuits, so I'm trying to figure that out with all my prep that needs to happen. 🤔
  13. Has anyone seen my motivation? I seem to have misplaced it. 😜
  14. I also wanted to add that in my circles (& I can only assume it's true regionally), it is also customary for close friends to bring finger foods (sandwich trays, fruit and veggie trays, etc) to the appropriate home between the death and funeral. This is to afford the family the space and time to be together and grieve without thinking about meals, etc.
  15. I'm sorry. Are you able to enjoy any sedentary activities (movies, reading, crafting)?
  16. Everyone's warm and well here! It's around 4 degrees I believe currently in my neck of the woods. Our second floor is cold--I suppose our heating just can't keep up. We're toasty enough downstairs, though. Today is a continuation of yesterday with the noted exception of I have no intentions of leaving the house. coffee + quiet ✅ cinnamon rolls for Christmas Eve brunch (& I just remembered that I no longer have a bread machine, which is how I always used to prep my dough 🤔)✅ (followed one of the comments on the Allrecipes recipe I've used for years as to how she adapted it for non-bread machine use, and the dough turned out beautiful) finish cranberry bliss bars✅ (dd17 helped 😄) Prep breakfast casserole✅ Make orange/cranberry scones (?) make 2 chocolate chip/pecan pies✅ cut out, bake, and decorate remaining gingerbread dough✅ WRAP PRESENTS ✅ (I watched the newest Little Women while wrapping. I didn't finish, but I got a lot done.) Clean (mop floors/dust first floor)✅ (dh did this) Decorate some more before tomorrow's brunch (having company)✅ (dh got out the mantle decor and I might call it good 🤣) look through Christmas books with whichever kids are interested (though the 18 yo is gone to work already)✅ whatever else I find to do Stay warm and safe, everyone!
  17. I've always found comfort in these types of events. However, it should be noted, in my adult life I have not lost anyone excepting the very elderly whom I was close to.
  18. My experience in the Deep South is that a meal post-burial (usually, though could be post-funeral or memorial or whatever) is customary. It is often hosted by the church associated with the death (the deceased's church or the church of a close family member). Usually, the meal is provided by church "family" and friends in my experience.
  19. Final bump for the night. Also read our Christmas read aloud to the 9 yo. My teenagers moved our dog's kennel inside from the outbuilding where she usually sleeps (she's an outside dog in the usually temperate south), and I'm sure she's wishing we'd go to bed already. 🤣
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