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Everything posted by Agamemnonsmom

  1. Thank you so much for such detail!! We'll be starting tomorrow. Looks like I'll be teaching him how to fold. Thanks for listing what your kids could label before moving on from blobs. I hadn't thought about that. Jennifer
  2. My son is almost 7. I want to start having him draw maps according to the core. I'm looking for a printout I can use that has the grid for the 5 great circles. Do I need to make the grid myself or is ther a free one online? Also, how often do you have you first grader draw? Everyday? How long does it take? Any schedule or ideas you have would be a great help.:001_smile: Thanks
  3. We read "The Giraffe, Pelly, and Me" by Roald Dahl in one long sitting. My 6 year old loves anything by Roald Dahl so far. Now we've started Pinocchio.
  4. Yes, you can click on the calendar date to see what you'll be doing each day. I love using Skedtrack. It takes a while to get everything in but it's so worth it and saves time later.
  5. We're on level one step 19. Now that we have a few rules he needs to apply, he's having trouble. He can apply them with the tiles on the board with no problem. But when it's time to write the list (a list that I make with words practicing all the rules), he doesn't think. I've tried asking him which rule he's going to use before starting to write the word and he gets it right. Then when he goes to write the word, he forgets again. I think he is concentrating so hard on writing the letters neatly that he forgets to apply the rules. Do I need to wait a while? Keep going? I don't understand why he can spell with the tiles but not when writing. He'll be 7 in October. Thanks
  6. pretty easy to make are: Tsazziki (dip toasted pita in it) cucumber and tomato salad with feta not easy to make but may be able to find a bakery that makes it is baklava
  7. I'm using a ream of zaner bloser 1st grade paper this year. It has the top line, middle dashed line, and the bottom line.
  8. I've gone into Track A and see on the instruction sheet which part I'm supposed to say for each screen. I thought there was some video with it's own sound for this program. Maybe I'm mistaken?:confused: Do I need to narrate each lesson as we view it on the computer?
  9. My spine is Singapore but would like MM for any topic he needs additional help or a break from SM. Is there a table of contents in the light blue series so I can pick out a topic if needed? I like the idea of having the series in a logical sequence but still be able to find topics easily. Thanks
  10. My son liked the Nora Gaydos books because they're funny. If a book is funny, he likes it. ETA - I also typed up very silly sentences for him to read using the phonics rule he was learning.
  11. We review memory work in the morning in between writing and math. It takes about 10 minutes. Once he knows it, we review it every few days while still learning new memory work. I anticipate keeping a binder with memory work filed behind different tabs: everyday, once a week, and once a month to make sure he doesn't forget it. That's my plan.
  12. I used the modern Greek textbook and workbook. I also used the 333 verbs book. (I only speak English so I needed extra help with the verbs) The teacher explained everything as went along so I don't remember how well the grammar was presented in the book. We skipped around some. I really liked the layout though and plan to continue on my own once we finish moving and everything is unpacked.
  13. I'm having my 1st grader (almost 7 yr old ) do 1 page a day in Zaner Bloser. Then he has copy work from WWE twice a week. On the days WWE is just narration, I have him copy a sentence from his memory work, history, or science. I print this one out using the worksheet maker on Zaner Bloser's website. I do the "try it free" right now. I may end up buying start write or something. He did HWOT in pre k and learned how to form the letters. Since then, he's been to an occupational therapist who recommended he use something with all three lines. He happens to do better when he has the lines though others do great with the 2 lines in HWOT.
  14. I'm using the elementary resources from http://www.greek123.com with my 6 year old. I also took an adult Greek class last year and they used the same publisher.
  15. Thanks for all of the information! Yes, he has had therapy last spring. We are moving in the next week or two and the therapist feels he doesn't need more therapy other than what I can provide. We do some theraputty and yoga poses right now but I didn't think about doing the putty during read alouds. I'll check out those websites.
  16. I'd like to start teaching my son life skills and handicrafts during the school day. I've been able to teach him cooking, laundry, etc already but I really want to teach him something like knitting to help his dexterity. I'm also thinking about doing a 10 week block schedule starting with knitting for the first 10 weeks. If you do something like this, how often do you schedule it? How many minutes each day? What types of things do you teach? He's six (7 in three months) and is slightly behind in gross and fine motor skills.
  17. I have the book Home Cheese Making by Ricki Carroll. It's on my list to actually use soon :tongue_smilie: but I've read through it and it has good information in it.
  18. We'll be starting SOTW 1 and I read the list of Great Men and Women to Cover for 1st grade in TWTM. Are there specific books that I shouldn't miss? I can't buy a book on every single person but I wanted to buy some before leaving for India where it'll be harder to find what I need. Thank you!
  19. When I was researching which suncreen to use a few years ago, I chose one with titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, no other active ingredients. I don't remember the exact reason now. The brand I use (& my 6 year old) is Blue Lizard baby 30 SPF. Hopefully it's still considered safe.
  20. I just ordered Weekly Reader (with Science spin insert) for first grade. When I put in a quantity of 2 instead of one, the total ended up being $21 since they offer a quantity discount starting at two kids. I guess I'll find out if it worked in September.
  21. Thank you everyone for the information. I'll check out everything. We will be living in a house and I know there are a few neighborhood kids. We haven't hired house help yet but I hope she'll speak Hindi and I can get her to speak Hindi to our son and English to me:) I sent Cammie a message back in April with no response. Maybe she found a great homeschooling group and isn't online as much! Thank you everyone
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