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Everything posted by Agamemnonsmom

  1. Is there a computer program geared towards young children to learn Spanish? My son really enjoyed Hooked on Spanish but has finished the 12 lessons already. Thanks!!
  2. My son will be 5 in October. He finished the Hooked on Spanish (numbers, greetings, colors, shapes, and how to say "I am 4 years old"). He enjoyed the program and did it about 2 times a week. I wanted to find another Spanish program that isn't expensive but is enjoyable. What would you recommend? Thanks
  3. I've looked online and found models that are either very small or too large and expensive. I would like to find one that comes in a few pieces and are easily put together. Thanks
  4. Is there a way to download an entire grade into one file? This looks very helpful!
  5. I bought a package of Learning Resources cuisenaire rods and didn't really see an activity book for them. Is there a good one for my 5 year old? ETA: they are the connecting rods if that makes a difference Thanks
  6. Help, I can't decide on math for my soon to be 5 year old. Now I'm going back and forth between Earlybird Singapore B textbook or Miquon Orange with the Cuisenaire Rods. I don't want much writing. I can't decide which one since I can't look through the books! Thank you
  7. Would these be good manipulatives for K? I'll be starting Singapore with almost 5 years old ds once I decide what level to buy. Thanks!
  8. I have an almost 5 year old son with no previous math curriculum experience. Would I start with the Earlybird K Text & workbook A Standards edition or the Level 1A with the HIG? What is necessary to buy? I really want to use manipulatives. I would buy or make a few manipulatives. He's not writing yet so it would need to be mostly oral. (I just started working through HWT) Thanks!
  9. I made the wooden shapes with cardboard and it's working well. We just started the K book last week. He's using the slate board and cardboard cut outs right now.
  10. Is there much writing in level A? My son is working on prewriting skills right now and it's not going very fast. thanks!
  11. Which games did you get for your 4 year old? Did you get the Math Card Games book? My son will turn 5 in October and doesn't have much math experience (he can count to 100). I would like to do some games with him. I'm also thinking about starting Level A. If you've done level A, what items are a must have? Or should I just get the kit for $100? It's kind of expensive for me. Thanks!
  12. For those that have used level A, which parts did you use? I see the kit is $100. Am I better off getting the kit or only a few pieces and use household items for the rest. My son will be 5 in October and has no previous Math experience. He can count to 100 and that's it. Thank you so much
  13. I wanted to see what works for everyone else. My son will be 5 years old in 3 months. I started yesterday and here's how it went: After waking up, I read 3 books to him (keeping track for the library summer reading program). After breakfast, we do word games (he picks a word a day to learn), prehandwriting workbooks, counting money (coins) and a life skill. This week's life skill is planning and packing for a trip. It took us between 45 minutes to an hour. Yesterday he was begging for more "work" so I let him cut and paste in the afternoon. I discovered today we can not wait until the afternoon to "work" because he is too tired. So I think we'll stick to 3 days a week. Our afternoons are filled with outside fun during the summer. I'm almost certain I will order MUS Primer to start once we get into a good routine. Should I wait until he turns 5 for MUS? I'm also interested in the "Galloping the Globe" book for some fun activities. What has worked for your 5 year old and what didn't? Thanks!
  14. Thank you for the responses. I will skip the Latin for now. Especially since I will be doing some type of Modern Greek with him soon. I think I will introduce some Geography sooner than later since he loves maps. Any other thought??
  15. Hi, My son turns 5 in October so he misses the kindergarten cutoff in our state by 2 months. I wanted to start something at home with him to see how he does (and how I do :tongue_smilie:). These are my thoughts: Phonics (he's showing some interest) I'm not sure which book I'll use. I would like opinions on Phonics Pathways, Right Track Reading and Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading. I will take this very slow. Writing - I'm using the prewriting "Getting Ready for the Code". I'm not going to push the writing. He has a hard time with letters so we are sticking with prewriting exercises. Math - Either Math U See or RightStart A. I'm not sure which. Spanish - Hooked on Phonics that I just ordered with the coupon code :) I may wait to start this later also. Life Skills - planning and packing for a trip, sorting laundry, put away clean dishes, making grocery lists, etc. At this point, he isn't as independent as I would like. I've been doing too much for him. I thought I wold start with 5 minutes for each subject a day and increase up to 15 minutes. After we have a good routine and we are making progress, I would like to add: Modern Greek which he speaks now almost as good as English (my husband is Greek) I would like to teach the names and sounds of the letters and more words of course. Latin - starting out very slow. I'll probably order the Latin Primer 1 by Martha Wilson in 6 months to a year. Geography/Science - he loves geography. I'm not sure of resources for this yet (he has many maps) I haven't decided if I will homeschool after this year. I'll make the decision later. I wanted to get my feet wet and see how it went. What are your thoughts on the time I've allocated and the curriculum I've listed? Do you have any ideas/experience with other curriculum? We will continue doing activities such as cooking, gardening, reading aloud, books on tape, games like Uno, picnics at the park, nature walks at the state parks, and other outside activities. We usually go outside at 3pm and don't come in until 6 or 7 o'clock. I feel I need some sort of schedule or else I won't do anything. I've made a chart to put stickers on as we accomplish each item (he loves stickers) Any other advice you can give me? It's all very overwhelming to me right now. Thanks!
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