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Oak Knoll Mom

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Posts posted by Oak Knoll Mom

  1. Is anyone trying this? Thoughts? I just found out about it and I am starting it today. If you don't know what it is you can click on my blog and it is the newest post. It is very different than anything I've tried before.


    I found it the other day when I was searching for a new devotional for next year. I printed out the bookmarks and have just finished Day 5. I really like it so far! I like the variety and I like reading through all the genres at once and seeing how it all works together.


    Are you on the facebook group? http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=46416541831&ref=ts

  2. If you read carefully, they define the types of shows they call educational:


    Ostrov's team sat down and watched several programs on PBS, Nickelodeon, and the Disney Channel. Ostrov saw that, in some shows, relational aggression is modeled at a fairly high rate. Ostrov theorized that many educational shows spend most of the half-hour establishing a conflict between characters and only a few minutes resolving that conflict.


    I don't think we need to get caught up in defining "educational TV." They are referring to shows that create a conflict so that it can be resolved in the last few minutes. Whether or not that's a good definition of educational TV isn't really the point.

  3. :grouphug:


    The funeral home director will be a wonderful resource for you in figuring out these kinds of things. If you haven't found one yet, start calling around and find one who is knowledgeable about non-religious services. The funeral home hall is a perfectly acceptable place to hold a funeral. Even many church goers have services there for one reason or another. It's not considered tacky.


    Blessings on you and your family as you enter your father's last days.

  4. My vent for the day is very minor: my FIL just sent me a friend request on facebook. I don't wanna have my FIL as my FB friend!! I have fun on FB with my college friends who all live far away. He will comment on my posts and post things and he's so hard to be in the same room with! It's not his fault--mostly--that he's annoying as all get-out, but I still don't wanna be his friend. And I'm going to have to. Sigh. Is there a resignation smilie?


    Easy to deal with. Create a "Restricted" friend list with him on it, then set your privacy settings so that people on your restricted list can't comment on your posts. Also, you can make it so that he can't write on your wall, see your pictures, read your status updates etc.

  5. I already tried that, LOL! They also sent me a facebook message.....and I can only access them through there....I befriended them last night so I can't imagine it is taking this long to update....Oh well....another mystery.


    Are you sure you're actually fb friends? If someone sends you a message you can access their page for 30 days even if you're not friends. Maybe one of you accidentally (or purposefully) defriended the other?

  6. I wouldn't lower myself to responding in kind. I'd ignore it or block him and if it really bugs you, talk to him about it in person. If you engage his banter, you look just as immature as he does, kwim?


    You can block him from being able to make comments on your fb posts without defriending or blocking (if that's the route you want to go.)


    Settings-->Privacy Settings-->Profile-->Profile Information-->Comments on Posts-->Custom-->Brother's name.


    Once you've done that, he'll be able to see everything on your page, but there won't be a place for him to comment. If he wants to say something to you he'll have to write on your wall or send you a message.



  7. BTW, I was a young student. I skipped K and went to 1st grade at 5. This was AWFUL for me. I was always younger than all my "peers" and I knew it. I kept up academically, but not socially, and felt I never fit in. I went to college 3 months after I turned 17, and that didn't work out well either. So, if you know that she's young at heart, take the opportunity to fix her grade level now. I wish my parents had done it for me.


    :iagree: I could have written this. Being the youngest wasn't so much of a problem when I was in elementary school, but it became harder socially as I got older. If I were you, I'd sit my daughter down and say, "Daughter, I'm so sorry, but I made a mistake. You are X years old and should be in X grade. We're going to go ahead and fix this problem. Here are some ways we can do that--" (and then give her some of the options mentioned above such as having a 4/5 year)

  8. I find the idea of duct tape to be beyond nasty. I would never want to be forcibly attached to my own bodily fluids! I cannot imagine the outrage if this had been a post about Grandma and the duct tape techniques used by the workers at the nursing home.


    All children in diapers are "attached to their bodily fluids" for a time, even if it's just long enough for Mom to notice they need to be changed and get them over to the changing table. No one said anything about leaving them in their dirty diapers for an extended period of time--that's abuse.


    No, we're talking about a two year old child who takes off his diaper and spreads his poop around before Mom has a chance to notice that he needs a change. Poop spread around the house is a health hazard and must be contained in a diaper until Mom can change it.

  9. Why do you think the issue is so critical? I don't think a description change would hurt, but I'm uncertain as to why it's currently such a source of discomfort for you.


    :confused: :confused::confused:It's certainly not a critical issue or a source of discomfort for me. I'm just joining in a discussion that interests me.


    What was the moderators response?


    And no, I haven't contacted a moderator about this topic because they are not interested.


    From the board rules:

    Don't use board space to talk about the boards

    You can always email the moderators with suggestions, but we've been doing this a long time and probably have heard it all before. (In other words, don't expect an answer.) Threads about how the boards should be run differently, laments about how much more/less welcoming the board is/was now/in the past, and criticisms of the moderators should be posted on...someone else's board.


  10. I for one don't see it as a problem.


    neither do the moderators/owners. :D


    I do see it as a problem. If the mods don't want to create a separate chit-chat board, then they need to change the board descriptions to reflect how they are used. As of now we either have to--1. follow the rules and have our general homeschooling questions lost among a sea of recipe, hot dads, and horrible mother-in-law posts. or 2. Ignore the rules and then end up with people who are mad because we didn't follow the rules.


    Maybe we need to start posting links to dubious political sites, flaming each other and giving this thread a low star rating so we can make sure a moderator sees it! :lol:

  11. Memory work is part of school so it belongs on THIS board not the general board.


    If you look at the description for the curriculum board at the top of this page it says:

    For questions about specific curricula and their relationship to classical education.


    And the description for the general board states:

    For general questions about classical education methods, teaching techniques...

    Since my question was about method and technique, not a specific curricula, I posted it on the general board as requested by our gracious hostess. (And like Sue said, I'm very grateful for what we have here at the WTM forums.)

  12. I wish there were separate boards for general hs'ing and general chat. OTOH, I'm grateful to have what we have.



    Yes, yes, yes! Homeschool posts get lost on the general board. I asked a question yesterday about memory work and got one response. Within an hour it was buried on page three under post about non-homeschooling topics. I was tempted to post it over here on the curriculum board b/c I knew it would get lost on the general board.

  13. How many new pieces of memory work do you have your kids working on at one time? Right now I have my kids memorizing Luke 2:1-7; An eight line poem; and a 17 card section of the VP timeline cards. Should we only work on one new item at a time or is working on three at the same time ok? Or, should they be capable of memorizing even more new pieces at once?


    I just set up a notebook like the card file described at Simply Charlotte Mason so we will (hopefully) be reviewing our learned pieces with more regularity.

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