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Oak Knoll Mom

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Posts posted by Oak Knoll Mom

  1. Wasn't there this poll SWB did about who would be more interested in WWE higher level or a history series?


    From that I picked up that she isn't sure yet about what she'll do next.


    She mentioned in a Twitter update that she's working on Writing With Skill.

  2. Actually, the Pearls and Tripp (and Dobson, to a lesser extent) all base their child rearing/pedagogy in behaviorism.


    No, Tripp actually goes to the heart of a person. He's not a behaviorist the way Dobson is--simply addressing behavior and not the underlying sin issue.


    I disagree on several counts, Michelle.


    I agree with Michelle. Tripp rails against parents who focus on a child's behavior and not their heart. Could you elaborate on how you believe he's a behaviorist? (I know you disagree with Tripp on spanking, so you don't need to elaborate on that.)

  3. angela in ohio wrote:

    The "How to Proof" sheet is also a parent handout (it is labeled as such in the CC Portal.)


    That's where my frustration lies. If I'm the one helping my student prepare for Memory Master, I need to be fully aware of the expectations the tutor will have when proofing.

  4. It states on the "How to Proof" sheet that I printed off the C3 Community and was also given to me by the director that the tutor should "pick up randomly," "select different weeks at random," and "select locations randomly." That seems pretty clear that the tutor will be picking and choosing at random what info to test.


    I really don't want to make this a bigger deal than it is. :-) My kid knows his stuff and shouldn't have any problem making Memory Master. It's just that I've been with CC a lot of years and my patience for these kinds of discrepancies is waning.

  5. Thanks, again. This is our fourth year in CC and I used to be a tutor, so I know some of their inside info. This is just the first I've heard about the tutor proofing everything since all of the written communication states the first parent proof is "the student's most thorough proof" (from their handout "Memory Master Proofing Process" and the tutor can pick and choose at random which info to proof (from their handout "How to Proof").


    Since you have an inside connection :-), please pass along that we parents are tired of reading one thing and being told another. It puts directors in a tough spot because they have to contradict CC's written policy. I'd like CC to submit an official statement revising their policy on Memory Master proofing. I pay them too much money each year to be jerked around like this.

  6. I have a printout from CC titled "Memory Master Proofing Process" that my director gave me.


    The sheet states that the first proof must include all the info, the second proof should include all the info, but if that's not possible you can focus on areas missed in the first proofing, and in the third proof a tutor should be able to pick any piece of info and have the child recall it effortlessly.


    I take all this to mean that the first proof is the only one where all the info is to be proofed, but my director says that all four proofs are complete proofs of all the material. It's frustrating because on the "How to Proof" sheet she gave me, it tells the proofer not to have the student do the whole timeline, but to start & stop them due to time restrictions. How does that jive with my director's statement that the tutor had to do a full proof on all information?


    I love CC, but I'm tired of the errors in the material and the lack of consistency in applying the guidelines.

  7. What a great list, with great artists! Thanks!


    I've really enjoyed putting it together! Our church focuses more on modern praise and worship, but I prefer the old hymns and carols. I really wanted to make sure my boys know these beautiful songs!


    As an aside, I *love* lala.com! You can listen to any song for free once, and then after that you can buy a web version of a song for only .10 (listen to it only on the web) or the mp3 for .89 or so. I love making playlists and being able to share them on facebook (or anywhere, really). I plan to pick about 5 hymns a month to learn with the boys and lala is going to make that a lot easier (and cheaper!) than iTunes.

  8. Maybe it's time for a break. Put the books away for a few weeks and work on getting everyone, 14 yo incuded, on a schedule. Get those kids helping with chores. Work on any discipline issues. Then get the books back out and ease back into things. Start with the core subjects then add in the things you consider extra.


    I would also consider having your 8 year old evaluated for a learning disability and go from there.


    :iagree: Great advice.

  9. If you've got time to do this, put on pandora.com radio, and select the '80's channel --could give you some inspiration while you multitask :).


    --Sad but True Story: I went to a small Christian high school (read: "secular" band t-shirts were not allowed), and took my driver education at the city's (public) central campus. A good number of the kids were wearing "Guns and Roses" t-shirts the day we all signed up.

    ...I thought Guns and Roses was an anti-violence movement. Not kidding.

    <Monty Python voice> I got better... :lol:


    I can one up you...I went to Bob Jones Academy. Yep, that one. The current president of Bob Jones University, Stephen Jones, was a grade ahead of me in high school. I didn't invite him. :D I went back and forth on the kind of music to play, but seriously, we all listened to it and it's one thing that really brings back the memories from my teen years.

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