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Oak Knoll Mom

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Posts posted by Oak Knoll Mom

  1. I haven't used any stores to do this. I just use a very old HP Scanjet 5000C.


    Perhaps you know someone who has one you could borrow for such a project? Also' date=' I think scanners have come down in price and a fairly cheap.


    I use mine for it's copying feature. It's a flatbed, so it handles all shapes and sizes of pictures as well.





    I also have an old flatbed scanner, but right now I just don't have the time to do it. The school, though, has given me a budget to get things like this done. Thanks, though!

  2. Is it the norm now to put an ending time to parties? I remember growing up being told that you could not put an end time on invitations as it was considered rude. I still don't put end times on invitations. I would have done the same thing you did.


    When I was young, an invite with a beginning and ending time meant it was a drop-in.

  3. I want to use my van less, and if all things go as planned in the next few months, I'll soon be forced to drive less, but unfortunately, we live in the 'burbs, where everything is nice and spread out.


    Is public transportation an option? We too live in the suburbs, but I can drive 1 1/2 miles to KMart and catch the bus there. I can't walk to the bus stop because the last mile is a large five lane road with no sidewalks or crosswalks.

  4. Recently, she went to a homeschooling event and one of her friends had taken pictures of many of the kids that were there.


    Your privacy settings don't control who sees this picture because the picture belongs to someone else. That person's privacy settings is what is allowing others to see and comment. He or she must have the pictures set so that everyone or friends of friends can see it. Also, your mom could have hit the share button which would put the picture on her page for her friends to see.


    The best thing for your daughter to do is untag the photo. People can still see it (since the picture belongs to someone else), but random people won't be able to follow the tag back to her page.




    Edited to add: I just saw Tangerine's post and did some investigating. You *can* control who sees pictures in which you've been tagged. Go to Settings->Privacy Settings->Profile->Photos and Videos of Me

  5. That sounds great to me. Lot's of children do not learn their letter sounds or names until they are several years older than your 3 year old. It is not necessary to learn the names of the letters before learning the sounds. It is the sounds that we use to read with. The names of the letters come in handy for other reasons, such as spelling, but they are not necessary to learn to read. She has plenty of time to learn the names.


  6. We do both. If there paper towels and soap available (amazing how often they are out), we wash with warm water, use a towel to open the door, then use hand sanitizer outside the bathroom. We also use the hand sanitizer after we are done unloading the cart at the car.


    Normally I don't use much hand sanitizer, but when we went to Disney World earlier this month this is what I did.


    I also sanitized after every ride and whenever I saw my kids touching the handrails in the queue. I was so determined not to get sick on vacation!

  7. we'll go through the laborious process of sounding out each part of the word and figuring out which letter makes which sound.


    I would just tell her how to spell the word. Stopping to sound out a word just prolongs the process and makes it more likely that she'll forget the dictation. Like Susan says: This is not a spelling test. Maybe you could make a note of the words you have to spell for her and add those words to her spelling lists.


    (I know you didn't ask for advise and I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds, but this just jumped out at me!)

  8. My ds is struggling with the dictation in the WWE 2 workbook. This week we are on week # 10 and this was his dictation sentence:


    "I shall give you half an hour to be up, dressed, washed, teeth cleaned, pajamas folded, windows opened, and beds turned back."


    My gifted *9* year old balked at this sentence just a few weeks ago. I told him to think of it as exercise for his brain, just like swimming laps exercises his body. I repeated it several times until he could repeat it back to me. When he got stuck in the middle of writing it, I stopped him and we went back and I read the sentence *in its entirety* back to him and had him repeat it *in its entirety*.


    My seven year old is still in WB1 copying the easier of the two sentence choices. :-) There's no way he could do level two at the moment!

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