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Oak Knoll Mom

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Posts posted by Oak Knoll Mom

  1. I wouldn't put that much money into training yet. That's just a lot of money to spend on a (as yet) non-existent business. I'd use ElizabethB's program and tutor a couple of kids at a discounted rate to establish yourself as a tutor and make sure you even enjoy tutoring. Once you're established, take some of the money you earn from tutoring and get more certifications if you feel it will help.

  2. Oh, my.


    I saw the title of this thread, but didn't read it. Then I went downstairs and watched the local news and saw that this happened at the middle school my children would attend if they went to public school!


    I hope none of my boys' friends have been subjected to this man. Apparently, though, he is highly regarded by the students. You can read comments supporting him and his style of teaching on the local TV station's Facebook page.


    Edited to add: The little girl is now getting bullied. According to the local news:


    Clement says her daughter is now getting texts, emails and Facebook messages calling her names and threatening physical violence.


    Messages sent to the 11-year-old call her a freak. Some use gay slurs, others use obscenities. One says the 6th grader did a "bad thing" and for that she must be punished. Another message says I hope you grow up to work third shift at McDonalds because the strip joint turned you down.

  3. See, I don't understand this. The grandchildren don't automatically get anything.


    The children of the living child get the benefit of parents who come into some (possibly large) amount of money. Vacations, nicer Christmas presents, college tuition, first home, etc. are possible scenarios. If the children are still at home when their parents inherit the money, their benefit will probably be even greater.


    That's why I see it as unfair. I guess I'm biased, though, because I saw my cousin go through this over the past few years with the other side of her family. Her cousins were getting large portions of their grandparents multi-million dollar estate while she got nothing--just because her dad was killed when she was thirteen. (She had to hire a lawyer just so she could get her aunt to let her see the will. Turns out she was supposed to get part of their estate.)


    Then again, it's your money--give it to whomever you choose! :D

  4. I would have guessed not accepting the money at all was going to be part of the options. That is the one I would have taken as it is what grandmother said even if the will wasn't valid.


    I assume there were other issues so that grandmother's will couldn't just be accepted despite it not being legal? Sad. Seriously, I think the last big of honoring one could do would be to fulfill the loved one's wishes to the degree legal and reasonable. In that case, no, I wouldn't consider taking 1/4. If they needed to work out something for some reason, I'd accept the 1/4 then put it to use in terms of charity, schooling or the like.


    However, I DO agree with you that they have some nerve to even ask. Is that based on need? greed? or something completely reasonable, such as how the numbers would have worked out under another circumstance?


    My cousin just went through this with the other side of her family. Turns out the living children crafted a new will leaving my cousin out. Her grandmother signed it, but because she was pressured to sign it (among other things), the will didn't hold up in court. All that to say, maybe the OP's Grandma didn't even write this new will. Maybe her living children typed it up just to cut OP out?


    My dd eagerly, with great interest, did the work, listened to the teaching portions, responded appropriately (and proving that she had listened). The other two children (ages 10 and 13) sat there with their thumbs in their mouths (I'm not kidding), staring dumbly at me. I scarcely got anything out of them.




    Sounds terrible! Thankfully this isn't one of my concerns--the oldest daughter already comes up 2x/week after she gets home to do Latin with us. She's a great student.

  6. Anyone homeschool with another family? I'm not talking about taking on an extra student, but actually homeschooling with another family where both moms do some of the teaching. How do you do it? What does homeschooling with another family look like for you?


    I'm considering approaching my neighbor about homeschooling our children together. Her kids are in public school right now, but they're looking to make some changes. I think this would be a great option for both of us and sharing the homeschooling duties would take care of at least one of her major obstacles to homeschooling. Kids get along great, similar ages and ability levels, it's legal in our state, etc. :-)

  7. I'm hoping that if we have to skim through chapter 2 again that it won't affect him in future courses.


    We did book 1 (skipping that nasty chapter 2! I tried, really I did.). ....


    I had to skip that ch. 2 as well.


    So far we are really enjoying it. Now I'm going look ahead farther in Chapter 2 and see if there will be an issue for us.



    What's wrong/difficult with chapter 2?

  8. can be found? I'm getting fed up with this crap. These people went to high school with me, you'd think they'd know better than to annoy me.


    Two ways: When they send you an invite for an application, you can choose "block application." Or, if the application shows up on your wall, hover over it and "hide" will appear on the right hand side. Once you click "hide," you can choose between hiding your friend and hiding the application. I'm proud to say that through my diligent use of these things, my wall is app free!:D

  9. I have the newest edition of TWTM and notice that from 6th grade on there are no lists of Great Men and Women or recommended biographies. Was this published in prior editions? I know I can use the grammar stage list, but does anyone have a list of logic stage biographies that they would recommendation?


    What is SWB thinking, taking away my security blanket? Does she realize I can't function without her help? LOL


    They are in the most recent edition for 6th grade (pp 313-314). It looks like she replaced the great men and women with "Topics to Explore" for 7th and 8th.

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