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Oak Knoll Mom

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Posts posted by Oak Knoll Mom

  1. He is going to fly into the local airport, then take Marine 1 to a local town to speak with local business owners there, then fly back to our airport and take the presidential motorcade to another small town, then return to my town and have a town hall meeting. Should be a really neat experience, regardless of ones feelings towards the current president.


    The Obamas are in my area this weekend for a vacation. We heard Air Force One fly over the house this afternoon! I'm not a fan of Obama, but it is an honor to have the POTUS and FLOTUS visiting.

  2. I got the pan in the self-cleaning oven now. And I was wrong when I tried to read the name through the rust. After we scraped a little we found out it reads:

    "Wagner Ware" 10.5 inch chicken skillet"

    I hope this oven method works for me. Thank you for the tip!


    Wagner is one of the most sought after brands. Great find!

  3. I had a friend whose dad is in the antiques business. He always said that if you have a rusty piece of cast iron to put it in a fire and let the fire burn off the rust. You have to let it cool, then you can scrub it clean and re-season it. You cannot do this with certain cheaper brands, from what I've read.


    You can use a fire, but I use my self cleaning oven. You don't have to scrub at all! The rust and old seasoning just fall right out. You just put your pan in the self cleaning oven for about 1-1 1/2 hours. Make sure you get some ventilation going before starting because it does smoke really bad. If you have good ventilation, though, you shouldn't notice any smoke roiling around your kitchen. After it's cooled off you just dump out the ash, wash, and reseason.


    I like to season with sunflower oil because it has a high smoke point. I usually get the pan as hot as I can touch, rub on a thin layer of sunflower oil and heat in a 400 degree oven for an hour or so. Sometimes I do this a few times. After seasoning, use the pan to cook sausage, bacon, and/or chicken with the skin still on a few times to really get that nice shiny surface.


    After it's seasoned, wash your pan with a nylon scrubbie, warm water, and elbow grease--no detergent! I usually set my cast iron on a hot burner for about 20-30 seconds after washing and drying just to make sure it's good and dry so it won't rust.


    I buy cast iron at thrift stores and reseason it and give them as gifts. People love beautiful, shiny cast iron. Congrats on your find!

  4. We have quite a bit of furniture we're wanting to sell. I'm just so tired of our living room and den furniture and after 15 years of marriage it is way past time to get something we *want* instead of whatever our parents have cast off!:D


    We're having a large neighborhood yard sale in a couple of weeks and I can let people look at it then and after that I can list what's left on Craigslist. How do I know what to ask for this stuff? Two of the sofas are in decent condition--just need to be cleaned. Two of them will need small repair, but probably not need to be cleaned.

  5. Call Poison Control! 1-800-222-1222


    My husband did that and the lady from poison control told him to turn on a hot steamy shower and shut himself in the bathroom and breathe steam. I'm not sure how much the going outside and breathing deeply would help. It was scary, serious and poison control called us back every ten minutes for quite a while.



    Please, please call poison control. 1-800-222-1222

  6. Does anyone do year round school? I want to try it, but am looking for some suggestions as to how to plan a typical week/quarter. Do you think it is reasonable to try and do just a half day of school most of the year?





    I did year round when my kids were really little with no set schedule. We did school and took breaks when we felt like it. The problem was that I felt guilty when we would take a break b/c I never felt like I knew how much we were accomplishing and how far we had to go. I was so envious of the mom who would say things like, "We only have five weeks left until we're done with school for the year." I guess you could say I was jealous of my friends who had set schedules and long summers. So, last May 29th I declared school over for the year and took the whole summer off. It was wonderful. I started school back just before Labor Day.


    However...I missed those little breaks throughout the year that I would take to catch my breath, get caught up on things, go on little trips and the kids started getting board after several weeks off. This coming year I'm going back to year-round, but I'm doing it with a plan and a set calendar. We're ending school on May 26th and taking off about six weeks. We'll start school back up in July and do a 9 weeks on, three weeks off schedule similar to the year-round elementary school in my area. We'll end up with four weeks off at Christmas and a spring break during the middle of our fourth quarter. I plan to schedule out a quarter at a time using a form I found on donnayoung.org.

  7. For as long as I can remember, I thought water had to boil before you pour it over the tea leaves.

    Recently someone has challenged my assumption and said it should be hot but not boiling yet.


    I usually brew Rooibos from the "leaves" (that look more like rice) but I suspect this is irrelevant. The all important question on this rainy afternoon is: Should the water boil? :001_smile:


    You're both right! It depends on the type of tea you're making. Some teas do best when the water is boiling and some do best if you catch the water just before it boils.

  8. Is it that you want to keep your son in the nursery? I'm not disagreeing with you, but just wondering. I know the Abecedarian class is supposed to be VERY geared toward the little ones ~ very sweet and fun. (I also know this isn't the case in all campuses, though!)


    No, I want to keep him with me as a lap child (we don't have a nursery at this point--no need at this time).

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