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Oak Knoll Mom

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Posts posted by Oak Knoll Mom

  1. I appreciate all the replies! I have just about decided on Town. However, I just ran across Cathy Duffy's review and she said:


    Despite the grade level recommendations, I would suggest starting at the beginning of the series in most situations since there is a cumulative “building†process that occurs with these books that might be difficult to plug into midstream.


    Do you agree? Should I back up even farther to Island?

  2. I think we're going to take the plunge and switch over to MCT. I have a bright, language oriented rising 5th grader. He remembers everything I teach him (only have to tell him once)! I feel that we need to move beyond and take a break from FLL/WWE although they've worked very well for him. He scored in the 99th percentile in Reading and Language on the ITBS he took this year.


    So, what level do we start with? Town or Voyage? I feel that I've slowed him down so much in the past and it's time to bump it up a notch and really challenge him.


    FYI: We finished FLL 3 this past school year and started a quick race through FLL 4. He seems to already know it all, but I'm still going to try to finish it before we officially start 5th grade.



  3. Any child who is on campus and old enough for CC must be enrolled. If you have a child who doesn't want to participate, you'll have to find alternate, off-site childcare.


    As far as another parent being in charge of your child: our group has no problems with that on occasion i.e. one of your other children is sick, family emergency, etc. It is definitely not a permanent arrangement.

  4. I was just reading about VSLers and spelling....several books mention using color to help.


    I got these ideas from a book about ADD, actually, as my son show some signs of this.....but learned that many kids labeled ADD are actually just right-brain learners. Almost all ADD children are right-brainers (VSLs).


    Anyway, sorry so long. This has been a subject I've been immersing myself in....teacher in-service/training...as I prepare this next school year with my boys. Hope something here can help your obviously intelligent girl!


    What is the book? Sounds interesting!

  5. I took a break from our regular math program to do the Level 1 lessons. There aren't that many of them. I've got the set put away currently but I want to say there were fewer than 10 lessons.


    Then I have my DD work through one or two of the Verbal Problems Book questions as a "warm up" prior to the regular lesson. Some days I'll take a break from the regular lessons and just have her do a page in the VP book instead.


    This is exactly what I do, based on the advice of another WTM mom. Works great!

  6. Does anyone know for sure if this is real? We were discussing it yesterday in school and someone googled this "Guatemala sinkhole" video from 2007 (look ON the video for the date). When one stops the video and compares the hole to the supposedly current one, they appear one and the same. There were other stories about the 2007 hole that google brought up.


    If you scroll through the pictures at the top of the National Geographic article, you'll see a picture of the 2007 sinkhole. It is different than the 2010 one.

  7. DD was talking in single words and short phrases before 6 months (I have notes for 55 words/phrases at her 6th month appointment, when she surprised the pediatrician by saying hello, asking "What's that" (her favorite phrase) about almost all the equipment, and generally talking up a storm), and was carrying on multiple sentence conversations that others could understand by 11 months, leading to some rather surprised salesclerks when this baby started talking.


    However, she didn't learn to crawl until after she was 1, and didn't learn to walk until she was 19 months old-so at that age I was a lot more worried about motor skills than about verbal skills.


    My son was the same way! He talked in phrases at 9 months and quickly progressed in speech and language from there. But, he started crawling just after his first birthday and walked at 18 months.

  8. When you take six pages of notes on why a 12 year old hates you, you are sending a message that you deeply care about why she hates you and you deeply want to change whatever is bothering her. Why not just say, "Yeah, I remember feeling that way about my parents when I was your age. Anyway, that garbage isn't going to take itself out, so hop on it and then finish your math." Shrug. You are giving her complaints too much validity.


    You have a life. Model that to these children. I can't imagine indulging a 12 year old's drama enough listen to 3 hours of talk and take notes unless we were in a counseling session. Yes, make them do what they have to do and make them do their school work. It's worth fighting for. But it's not worth 3 hours of conversation, and it sounds like you think talking (and listening) solves problems. Talking (whether it's you or your daughter) doesn't always solve problems. As an experiment, try reducing the talking you do with the child by half. Don't try to convince her of things. Just tell her "this is the way I want this to happen." Pick your battles, but win the battles you pick.


    I had one who was more this way - he took so much energy and would just nag and harass me to tears. But it really did get better when I chose not to engage. Honestly, I found that just having a really good book helped. I just let him know how much more interested I was in the book than in arguing with him.



  9. Hey all, just wanted to tell those who didn't see it that the original post is 2 years old. She no longer needs our help choosing.

    So, Oak Knoll Mom, what did you choose?:D




    Funny thing...I chose Core 1 but ended up not using it that year. I'm actually going to use it this coming school year with my 8 yo (he was the 6 yo when I wrote this post and he's still a struggling reader) and 5 yo. My (now) 10 year old will probably listen in, but he has other history and literature assignments.

  10. I loved how they ended the island story with Jack killing the smoke monster and then sacrificing himself and Hurley taking over, ben staying w/ them, the rest leaving yet we don't see what happens to them....I like to not be told everything.


    I hated how they resolved the sideways story (ie...the afterlife is reliving your life differently until you realize what your life really was and you meet up with other people in a unitarian church and your dead father tells you, you made your own meet up place.) puke! blah!


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