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Oak Knoll Mom

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Posts posted by Oak Knoll Mom

  1. I've recently started the "No S Diet." I need to lose at least 40 lbs, but would really love to eventually lose 60 lbs.


    I know No S is a very slow way to lose weight, but after several times doing WW, I realize that I will never keep up with counting points. Getting into the habit of "no snacks, no sweets, no seconds (except on days that start with S)" will be more sustainable.

  2. I found a new advantage of the filing system. We went on vacation for nine days and after we came back I front-loaded their Monday and Tuesday folders with all of their independent work for the week. This kept them on track for the week, but still gave me some time off to get unpacked and everything sorted out after being gone. Of course the rest of my week will be heavy teaching days, but it is worth it not to lose those school days for the kids. Yay files!

  3. I currently view all our different calendars at once while online at Google, but do you happen to know if I can view them all simultaneously and color coded on the iTouch? Generally speaking, technology hates me and since the iTouch calendar has been working well for me if I just type events into it directly, I've been afraid to jinx it by trying to sync it to my iTouch calendar. I'm a wimp. :tongue_smilie:


    I don't have an iTouch, so I can't help you there! (Wish I did have one, though :D)

  4. Google calendar will sync with the calendar in the itouch. It's been REALLY helpful for me - I've managed to get rid of my paper calendar and the itouch fits much better in my purse (or back pocket ;) ).


    The only thing that would make it better for me would be if I could have events be different colors on the same calendar (rather than having to toggle between different calendars). Then I could color code each kid (different hockey practices, etc) and family activities.


    You can show more than one calendar at a time. Each person in our family has a different colored calendar and I can show however many I want.

  5. That is so reassuring to hear! :001_smile: DS10 is a young 5th grader and is in lightunit 308. When we switched to CLE he tested into a lower level so that is where we started. He gets the concepts so easily, but struggles with memorizing facts...but we are planning to double up this year and get him into the 5th grade level by spring...we'll see how that goes. I'm not so worried about it though after reading this!


    My son is in exactly the same spot. We figured out that if he does one lesson every day (including weekends and holidays!), he will be able to start 601 by the beginning of his 6th grade year.


    CLE has been such a blessing for him. The flashcards and drill have really improved his basic fact recall and he loves that each workbook has a different theme. He actually enjoys math--and it's been a very long time since he's enjoyed it!

  6. I am the leader of a group. I have an assistant and we are part of 1 large group that is broken into 5 smaller groups geographically. I am the leader, but my assistan does everything. If an email comes in from our chariperson that need to be forward to each smaller group, within minutes my assistant has sent it out, she email things that are supposed to be my responsibility, and for our first meeting she and another member already have papers printed, and all the info rready to give out.

    Most would say, "well, good less you have too do". But- I look like an idiot to our other members because I am hardly in contact with them. A few of them don't know she is the assistant, because she is emailing so much info, and running so many things. When I first agreed to be a leader our agreement was that I am in charge of business items, she is in charge of social fun things for the kids. Well, she has taken over pretty much everything!

    My question is, do I just step down? This is not fun for me, causes me more stress than happiness, and I really don't feel called to do it anymore.


    I'm afraid this is where you have to be a leader and tell her she's overstepping her bounds. I also might try to talk with her some and see why she's doing this. Does she think she's helping? Does she think you're not doing a good job? Do you *want* to resign and let her take over?


    *ETA: Somehow I skipped over the "don't feel called" part of your post. So, I agree with the others...just step down.

  7. The word "bed" helped sometimes, but what made a bigger difference was learning that when we say "b" our lips start in a straight line, just like on the letter. When we say "d" our lips start out open, just like the circle in the letter.


    You beat me to it! :D I learned this from Jessie Wise at the WTM conference last year. It has made all the difference with my son. And any time he does get b / d confused in his reading, I make him tell me why that letter is a b or d. He has to say "This one starts with a line, just like my mouth when I say /b/" or "This one starts with an open circle, just like my mouth when I say /d/." Explaining this over and over and over has been the best thing for him.

  8. I haven't read all posts so please excuse me if I cover something again. Do your in-laws live nearby or far away?


    That's the problem. They only live about one hour away and can see the grandkids whenever they like. Their whole reason for coming down to the beach is so they can "play in the ocean with the grandkids." They go to the beach with their friends several times a year. They stay for free in their neighbor's beach house and never invite us to join them.

  9. Oh, no, no, no! Do not change anything you would have done! Do not plan to have to entertain the grandparents! They decided to be tag alongs and as such they do not get the best of Daddy!


    Please do not make your plans revolve around them. You will all be miserable. If the grands want to get in the pool and join the fun, so be it. But make it very clear by your actions and attention to your kids that you value the time with your nuclear family.


    I know you are disappointed but you don't have to throw in the towel.



    Thank you! I needed to hear this! It's good to hear from people who aren't emotionally involved. Of course what you've written is what we need to do...it is just too obvious for us to see it on our own! I'll make sure my husband and I reassure the boys that we'll still be playing with them even when Grandma and Grandpa are there.

  10. Thanks for the sympathy...and so many of you had great advice. We have looked at several options such as staying an extra few days and inviting them down then, to offering to go back with them the next weekend. Nothing we could come up with was workable, though, so we're going to tell them to come on down.


    The biggest reason DH and I said "ok" to them coming is we thought the boys would love to have their grandparents with us. The sad thing is the boys aren't even excited that they are coming. My oldest, who is not my most perceptive, said, "Daddy will have to spend all his time talking to Grandma and Grandpa and won't be able to play with us in the pool." :crying: (And it's pretty much the truth.)

  11. We leave Sunday for a week's vacation at the beach. Just my husband, boys, and me. My MIL called my DH today and said, "What do you think about your dad and me coming to the beach with you? We'll get a room at xyz hotel right by your condo." :001_huh: DH was very non-committal to her idea.


    This vacation is something my family and I look forward to all year long. We relax, we have fun, we reconnect. Having the in-laws there will so change the dynamic. They stress me out, my MIL drives me up the wall, and my FIL is bull-headed. I guess it would be different if we planned to go to the beach with them, were splitting costs, etc. But this just feels different--it's like they're gatecrashing our vacation.


    We can't really say no because they don't need our permission to rent a room at the nearby hotel. And we don't want to be rude if they do go down and want to see us--our relationship is not *that* strained. I just wish they didn't know when and where our vacation is going to be.

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