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Oak Knoll Mom

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Posts posted by Oak Knoll Mom

  1. We have 3 phones with Virgin Mobile.

    Mine is $25/month and I get 300 anytime minutes, unlimited texting, web and email/im.



    I have the same plan with a Samsung Intercept smart phone. You can't beat that deal at the moment. They have other plans with more minutes if 300 isn't enough. The drawback is you have to buy the phone up front, but it more than pays for itself in the first few months.

  2. I just came back and reread all these wonderful posts. Right after I started this thread, I came down with the flu (the real flu--body aches, fever, exhaustion, etc). I was in bed for three days, and pretty wiped out for the next three days. I'm headed to the treadmill in a few minutes, but I'm going to take it easy while I continue to recover from the flu.


    I will lose this weight before I turn 40! :D

  3. No because it is not their job to watch my child like a hawk, that is my job. I am a firm believer that if you can not swim and you take your child to a pool, do not go in water over *your* head. If your child can not swim, they should not be within an arms reach away from you.


    I have a friend who took swim lessons as an adult so that she can swim with her kids.

  4. We have decided that our next trip will be in Oct. no more winter trips for us, the weather is too unpredicable.


    That might not be much better. We went in October of 2009 and it was almost 100 degrees and 90% humidity. People told us it was hotter that it had been in August.


    Can't win for losing. :D

  5. \ if people could determine that Marcia is Marsha, then it isn't that big of a leap.


    I would have pronounced it mar-see-ah. *blush* And I would have made the leap that it was gray-see-ah. Though I think gray-see-ah is pretty.


    And I had a friend named Marcia who does pronounce it Mar-see-ah.

  6. I try really hard to think of the best possible reason for something and then just assign it to the person. It makes my life more pleasant. For example, I assume people who cut me off in traffic have explosive diarrhea and could not possibly have waited that extra couple of seconds.


    I choose to believe that people who drive too slow are my guardian angels and since they've slowed me down, I won't get in that really bad wreck that was waiting for me. (It's either that or get really, really mad. And getting mad does me know good!)

  7. A student explicitly threatened me while I was pregnant with my youngest, and she wanted to keep him in my room while they looked for alternative placements.


    This happened to me, but my administrator said nothing could be done because he was labeled with a behavior disorder. I told her one of us wouldn't be in the classroom the next day--take her pick. She very quickly found somewhere else to put him and I never saw him again. I finished out the year and never looked back.

  8. I was in my local (very small) market a few weeks ago and the people in front of me were paying with their food stamps debit card. (I don't know what it is officially called.) I would think that if one has to pay for food with government assistance, they would be buying somewhat healthy foods or ingredients for meals.




    What was on the conveyor belt?

    Monster drinks, frozen pizzas, hot pockets, and candy. A lot of it. About $150 worth.


    And when the debit card wouldn't cover the taxes on the Monster drinks, the kind checker at the market took it out of the "give a penny / take a penny" jar.


    Or how about all those times when we are behind people at the stores that are paying with WIC checks or food stamps and they are wearing brand new expensive sneakers, have their hair and nails done, and holding / texting on an iPhone? Not to mention how their kids are all decked out in the latest styles and listening to an iPod or playing on a PSP.


    They could be foster parents. My friend had two special needs foster daughters and hated paying for groceries with their WIC allowance because she knew people were judging her. However, with all the doctor appointments, therapy, and parental visits, she lost a lot of work (self-employed) and needed that money to put food on the table. It was a short term situation, so why should she be punished by selling her nice things just because she was giving these girls a home?

  9. You're not alone. Two things like that that stand out for me are once, we were watching the 11:00 news and heard that someone had died in a single car accident. No other information was given, no sex, age, make of car, etc. I turned to my DH and said, we know that person. The next morning we got to church and found out it was a young lady from our church. I've *never* had anything like that happen before or since while watching the news.


    Another was a new couple joined our church and came to a young couples picnic we hosted. Something about him just sat wrong with me. He was nice, good-looking, educated, great job, etc. Fast forward a few years and found out that he beat up his wife on a fairly regular basis. We were the ones who helped her leave him.


    I have more, but I'm sick, sick, sick with a cold or flu. Yuck.


    Oh, we did a spiritual gifts survey at church years ago and I came out with "spiritual discernment." I've learned to be more proactive with my "leadings" (for lack of a better term). I wish, now, that I had gotten to know the abused wife earlier so that maybe we could have helped her sooner, but instead I didn't pursue a friendship with her b/c her husband made me uncomfortable.

  10. Hoping it's not a side-track to ask a question. I'm 47, currently walk 5-6miles/week, need to lose 50 lbs and seriously wonder if my knees could take this kind of pounding. It seems like I would need to lose the weight, before stressing my joints by running with an additional 1/2 person on my back. Did you have any difficulty with this?


    Not to discourage--try it and see--becuase I LOVED doing C25K. I felt great, had more energy, etc. But, about week 4 my right knee "gave out." It hurt for a few days. I still feel it acting up a bit when I walk downhill (lots of hills here!). I need to lose about 70 pounds. I decided that I would start walking as fast as I can (not so fast...) and see how my knee takes it. I always refused to run because of how bad it is for your joints, etc. Then silly me realized that bad joints are much better than being overweight and all the health risks involved with that.



    This article states that running uphill on a treadmill is easier on the knees. I'm hoping doing this will help my knees so I can actually keep up with a running program.

  11. A lot of this makes sense. When I did Weight Watchers, I was allowed to eat one extra point for every two points I burned while exercising. That way I did get to increase my calorie consumption, but not so much that I negated the calories I burned.


    All this talk inspired me to go get on my treadmill. I just ran/walked 30 minutes. Yay me! I'm prone to knee problems when I run (especially right now while I have this extra weight on me). I read an article that says using the incline on the treadmill not only activates more muscles, it also decreases impact on the knees. As much as I hate running/walking up hill, I followed the "Gut Buster" workout. Hopefully this will help protect my knee and supercharge my weight loss.


    I've been following the eating principles oof the No S Diet, and while I feel I've really gotten my eating under control, I've not seen the results I want. Hopefully starting to exercise again will get the weight off. I turn 40 one year from now, and my goal is to have all this extra weight GONE by then. I spent most of my 30s overweight and have no desire to repeat that pattern into my 40s!

  12. Another weird thing in my family is that I'm the oldest and I have three younger brothers. I have three boys, and my brothers have six girls/no boys among the three of them. One brother is expecting another baby in the spring. We're not holding out a lot of hope that it will be a boy. :-)


    I'm a carrier for a mild X-linked disorder. The geneticist said that, ironically, I'm more inclined to have boys. If I was pregnant with a girl (XX), my body would know that one of the X chromosomes was damaged (because it had a healthy X to compare it to) and would likely end the pregnancy in a very early miscarriage. However, with a boy (XY), my body wouldn't know that the X was damaged so the pregnancy would carry on. So far that theory has held out with all the affected people in my family. We've all either had only boys, or at most, one girl. Personally I'm hoping that my boys have all boys and that this stupid condition can die out in my family!

  13. In this thread Janie asks for help losing 25 pounds.


    StephanieZ responded (in part):

    Then I suggest exercise!! I love couch to 5 k. I started that Aug 31. . . then did Bridge to 10k, and am now aiming for an April half marathon.


    This morning on a typical training run, I ran 7 miles in 83 minutes, burned over 800 calories. . . Sure makes losing weight a whole lot easier when you burn those kinds of calories most days.


    In 3 1/2 mos, I've lost 17 lb & dropped from a size 14 pant to a size 10, and I now have a healthy BMI. I eat pretty similarly to how I usually have eaten, probably on average making healthier choices just b/c I have more respect for my body & the fuel it needs. . . But I'm burning 3000-4000 or more each week in exercise, so I'm losing a pound a week or so just from that. If I *dieted* then obviously I could have lost much faster, but I didn't need to lose it fast & I want it to be a life-long change, not a flash in the pan.


    Sounds great, right? But then Cadam responds:

    Stephanie, that is such an awesome testimony. Ok, it's really depressing because I have been running since May and haven't lost an ounce..... but it is inspiring me to keep trying so that's good. Thanks!


    I have some weight to lose and am trying to get up the motivation to start running again. If I could be guaranteed results like StephanieZ, I think I could push through it. However, Cadam's results *are* kind of depressing. :D


    So, my question is, why will one person lose lots of weight by starting a running program while another doesn't? :bigear:

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