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Oak Knoll Mom

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Posts posted by Oak Knoll Mom

  1. Just like others mentioned, pay extra on the capital every month. When we started out, I got an amortization table and saw how much of our loan payment was going toward capital and then paid that much more each month. I was basically paying two payments every month. The amount I paid in capital each month got bigger as the years went on, but by that time we were making more money.


    droning would be dron ing (based off the grammar, right?)


    Structural grammar teaches syllabication based off of syllables that we actually speak. When they come out of our mouths the syllables in the word droning are


    dro ning



    It's the opposite here. I say dron ing, but in teaching my kids to read I've always divided it dro ning. That's actually what causes the "o" to make its long sound.

  3. Were you listed as beneficiaries?? In my state, if someone is listed on a bank account say, just for example, they can be listed as a beneficiary on the account or the account can be joint using the word John OR Jane Doe or it can have both John or Jane plus additional beneficiaries (like children). So if John dies and it is a John OR Jane account with no other named beneficiary then Jane only has to provide a death certificate proving to the bank that John has passed and the account becomes hers soley. The will is never taken into account (if a will exists at all) since it is all done outside of Probate. That's how it is in Florida anyway.


    Yes, the bank account is done that way. Also, life insurance payout is outside of probate. Other assets and debts go through probate. It doesn't matter that my mom has her name on every thing they owned. The law considers her 1/2 owner and she inherits 1/2 of my dad's half and we four kids split the other 1/2 of my dad's half.

  4. Yes this is true. If his property and accounts are in both of their names then she can have ownership transferred to her soley by just producing his death certificate without having to probate.


    I'd call the probate office anyway just to be sure. I wish you luck. :grouphug:


    Apparently this is not true in all states. My mom just went to an attorney this morning concerning my dad's estate and was told that she owns half of everything, and then she will get half of my dad's half and what's left will be split among the kids. I know that one of my brothers and I will sign a waiver of inheritance, but I'm not so sure my other two brothers will be so generous. (I can't believe my dad didn't have a will.)

  5. How often this happens. :grouphug: May you, like many others have, find sweet memories greeting you at every turn.


    I pretty much believe that he waited for me too.


    Yes, the ICU nurse says it happens all the time. It is a very special memory that I know my brother will cherish.


    My dad was able to leave this world with his wife, four children, Daughter in law, son in law, brother, sister, brother, and niece by his side.

  6. I've mentioned here before that my dad had leukemia and had a bone marrow transplant. He was doing great until about 1 1/2 weeks ago, but started running a fever and slowly went downhill, but it really seemed like he was going to pull through. The day before Thanksgiving, though, he took a nosedive and all the family was called to the hospital. He wasn't conscious, but we talked to him a lot and told him we loved him. My brother was out of state with his in-laws for Thanksgiving, so it took him longer to get there than the rest of us. My dad passed away within about 10-15 minutes of my brother arriving at the hospital. I think my dad was waiting for him.


    It is all still such a shock. Yes, he had been sick and battling a horrible disease, but he was doing so, so well. The funeral is tomorrow.


    Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.



  7. It also assumes a certain level of maturity both in terms of the math and life experience, and I personally wouldn't use it before mine finished CLE Math 5, but some may differ on that.

    Would you wait until after CLE 5 because of the math or because you feel the child should be older? My son is actually in 5th grade, but is doing CLE 4 at an accelerated pace. (I had him take the CLE placement test when we switched away from RightStart. He placed lower than grade level because of RS's unusual scope and sequence. So far he's doing great with the accelerated pace and should be through with CLE 5 by the end of the school year.)

  8. For one thing LOF is a story, and my kids have never been able to stand just using it once a week. We've used CLE for quite awhile now, and I've always used LOF as "summer math" because it just didn't work to jump into the story only once a week. It also assumes a certain level of maturity both in terms of the math and life experience, and I personally wouldn't use it before mine finished CLE Math 5, but some may differ on that.


    Great thoughts. More for me to think about. :-)

  9. I know nothing about CLE so I don't know which volume but can tell you taht the student needs to have mastered addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They don't need any prior experience with fractions. Sorry I can't help more! I use MUS so it's easy to know when to start LOF with it:lol:


    Yeah, in CLE fractions are all mixed in.

  10. CLE is a little advanced. If a child has completed the 400 level and is doing well, they should be able to do the LOF Fractions book.


    Thank you. He'll be finished with CLE 4 soon.


    I'm definitely planning to continue with CLE, but I just think my son will like the LOF format. I think I might have him work through CLE 4 days/week, and LOF 1 day/week. Do you think that would be a good schedule?

  11. Since I posted the question, I found this from MCT himself:


    With diagrams there is good news and bad news. The good news is that it is

    visual and separates the modifiers from the modified. The bad news is that with

    diagramming you have the method itself to learn, unlike four-level in which

    there is no artificial ingredient. Also in diagramming you have to answer fewer

    questions than in a four-level. Finally, in diagramming you do not see a visual

    representation of the four levels operating simultaneously in our minds, and you

    do not see in front of you that at level one DOG is a noun, and at level two the

    same word is a SUBJECT and so forth, so I think that four-level is more

    complete, more realistic, and more pure.


    8FillTheHeart, you would disagree with this? (I don't know enough about upper level diagramming to know what it does and doesn't show. I need some experts here!)

  12. I'm putting together a proposal to teach MCT grammar, vocab, and poetry at a middle grades co-op. My son is using MCT now and we love it and I can see it working really well in a co-op situation. However, one of the women who will be directing the program wants to know why MCT doesn't diagram. Many of the kids who will be in this co-op will be coming straight out of FLL 4 where they've just finished two years of diagramming.


    So, is the 4-level analysis superior to diagramming? Or is it just an alternate way to analyze a sentence? My initial thought is to let the ones who want their kids to continue diagramming do that at home with the practice sentences, but in class we will do the 4-level analysis.

  13. I'll be there! I grew up in Greenville and my family is still there. It is a wonderful city and all the attractions listed above are great.


    You might also want to check out the Bob Jones University art galleries. They have a large gallery on campus and a smaller gallery downtown next to the children's museum.


    AND Bryan Adams is going to be in town at The Peace Center on March 17th. I say we all skip out on the first night of the conference and go together. :D

  14. I was gonna buy 21yodd a Kindle as a rather unexpected Christmas surprise, but since I am really disheartened over Amazon's choices, I am now contemplating the Nook. Why, or why not, make the switch?


    For me, the biggest advantage the nook has over the Kindle, is the ability to check out digital books from the library. My sister-in-law has a Kindle and has to pay Amazon for most of her books. I get most of my books free from the library.

  15. I have the Nook and I like it ok. I'm not sure I would like a Kindle any better.


    I bought the nook to read ebooks that were not offered by Kindle or Nook. These books that were written by individuals and sold on their website. Most of the books are in pdf form.

    One thing that disappointed me was how non-nook books are accessed and used on the nook. If you buy a non-nook book you can't use the features of the nook. You can't use the dictionary to look up words, you can't used the chapter option and go directly to a particular chapter. The pages on non-nook books don't line up with the numbers shown on the nook page so finding the start of a particular chapter is very, very hard.


    I bought Laying Down the Rails, a book from simplycharlottemason.com. It had side notes on the page. Because the Nook only reads the book as a document, the side notes were inserted into the text. It was very random. The only way I could see the side notes and text correctly was to use the smallest size font. Then it was WAY too small to read.


    The difference in text size between the medium and small is huge. The nook really needs more text sizes to choose from. If you could choose what point size you wanted in text, I could probably read the book I bough with side notes.


    I guess I have been spoiled with the ability to resize text to my page on my little itouch.


    I have been disappointed in the free books you can get for the Nook. BN says that you can access the free books from google books, but what they don't tell you is if BN has a nook book for sale that is offered for free in google books, they don't add that google book to their free book list.


    There have been many, many books I could get free on a Kindle, but not my nook. There are also many books that I wanted to buy that only come in Kindle format.


    I like reading in bed and dim lit rooms. You have to have a lot of light to read the nook. I have a book light, but book lights cause a really irritating glare on the Nook. What I really wanted didn't exist: a 7" ipad. If I had a 7" ipad, I could resize the text to fit my page and use google books, Nook books and Kindle books.:glare:


    Couple of things. Calibre is a free program that will convert those pdf files to epub. I did that with my copy of Laying Down the Rails and can increase the font using the regular controls.


    Also, you can get any of those free google books at books.google.com -- you don't have to get then from B&N. Search books.google.com for the book you want. In the top right hand corner click on download-> EPUB, then download the book. Then connect your nook to the computer and transfer it into My Documents. (Not all google books are in the epub format yet, so in that case you download the PDF, use Calibre to convert to EPUB, then transfer to your device.)

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