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Oak Knoll Mom

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Posts posted by Oak Knoll Mom

  1. What you can do is...give your opinion of the matter when you see it discussed on other message boards; tell other parents what you honestly think of "warning emails" sent around; talk about it on your blogs.


    I'm not telling you what to say. Say whatever is on your mind/heart/soul. But be vocal.




    Susan, do you have a "public figure" facebook presence like Ken Ham does? I don't have a blog, and I don't visit other message boards, but I can post a supportive note on facebook.

  2. Does anyone own these? Do you love them? Are they comfy or do they make your feet tired after a day of walking/standing?


    I bought Chacos last summer because everyone I knew loved them. I didn't. I can't even begin to tell you how much I hated my Chacos. I bought them at REI so I was able to take them back and get Keens. I LOVE my Keens.


    Things I didn't like about the Chacos:


    1. I got the ones that have a strap around the toe. Every time I took a step the toe strap tightened up a little so that within an hour or so they were like little toe tourniquets.


    2. The shoe bed had a rough texture that really bothered by feet. I go barefoot whenever I can, so it's not like I have delicate little feet that are bothered easily. They felt like sandpaper on the bottom of my feet.

  3. Our February scores came today too. I was very pleased with all his scores except math. It was low, low, low. I asked him about it and found out that he skipped some questions he didn't know, but forgot to skip them on the answer sheet. :banghead:

  4. I've recently eliminated all sweeteners, grains, and dairy, so my carbs are naturally quite low. But I'm getting tons of fresh produce as well. It's a diet that made a lot more sense to me than the Atkins-type approach.


    You eat lots of vegetables on Atkins too. During the Induction Phase (the first two+ weeks) you are to get 75% of your carbs from veggies. It works out to about four cups of veggies a day. I can't speak for the other phases because I'm not there yet. ;)

  5. Get Gary Taubes' book Why We Get Fat and learn why certain food choices, even "healthy choices," can drive up our insulin levels and in turn promote fat storage (especially around the middle.) Maybe some small, insignificant changes in your family's diet would be all your daughter needs.


    I'm torn on whether or not you should say anything. I struggled with being kind when I was young, and my aunt pointed out (kindly) that I wasn't very nice. They were hard words to hear, but they were true and helped me become more aware of how I was treating others. I'd like to think I'm a pretty kind person these days. :001_smile:


    (BTW-My brothers always went through chubby periods before growth spurts, but it was overall chubbiness, not concentrated in the belly.)

  6. I hold mini-conferences in the Irish pub just down the street from my house. Sometimes it's just me.


    LOL I'd attend that. :)


    There's an Irish Pub next to the convention center in Greenville. Maybe we wouldn't have had this kerfluffle if more convention speakers had taken advantage of it during the conference. :D (and it was even St. Patrick's Day!)

  7. For me, it's all about our community. I love CC and the material my kids learn and the motivation they get from being in a community of learners. BUT, I love the moms and children in our group so much that I would go even if we studied something other than the CC materials. Together, CC and our particular community is the whole package.

  8. I really am not sure I am willing to do the Adkins diet anyway to be perfectly honest. I don't eat pork or beef, or if I eat them, it is maybe twice per year at best. I don't LIKE them! I also don't like the way they make me feel. I get a feeling of being weighted down, constipated, and I am quite foggy headed and have no energy when I eat the Adkins way.


    I really need a min. of 80-100 carbs per day min. to have a clear head and have any energy.




    There are guidelines in The New Atkins for a New You on how to do Atkins as a vegetarian or even vegan. It's not all pork and beef.


    I found that after the first few days, my head was clearer and I had more energy than when I am eating carbs.

  9. and Leicester (LESS-ter) - I think we've come fairly close to retaining the British pronunciations, except for some vowel shifting.


    And we have a Leicester (LESS-ter) here in the NC mountains. Most transplants assume we're talking like hillbillies. They're always surprised when they find out it's the British pronunciation. :D

  10. Also, if you haven't tried it yet, we also treat with pure xylitol at night to reduce the population of Staph. mutans and fellows. Dh and I use it too, and I can say that you definitely wake up with a cleaner-feeling mouth. The studies on the dental use of xylitol are very encouraging. (Dh is a doctor, and we are very good friends with a biological dentist. These two are research fiends.)


    Do you just eat a teaspoon of xylitol at night?

  11. Is there any way the family can get an order of protection or anything based on harassment. I know the federal gov. Can't do anything because of free speech issues (as much as I want these people to fall in very deep hole somewhere the supreme court made the right decision),but certainly at the county or city level there is something.


    I was thinking the same thing. Why can't they take in the flyer where Westboro is threatening to harass them and get a restraining order?

  12. If so do you do a few day long ones? Day trips only?


    Now what do you take if you do a few day long ones? We want to start hiking, I need it for exercise (I am a larger person and need to get active). Also it is a great way for us to spend time as a family. Now with a little one I don't expect him to carry much of anything, my teenage son can carry what he needs, and dh and myself with carry our stuff and the little ones stuff. I don't want to over do it and end up with a pack that is just too much weight and full of unnecessary items. Also we will have a small dog with us.


    We went a few years ago on a couple day one. My little guy was so small then that we stuck to roads and such so he could ride his 4wheeler. We ended up with way too much stuff and it was a hassle. This time we want to stick to being on foot and pack way lighter.



    Any suggestions? Also any suggestions on a great shoe? I am not too hot on ones over my ankle, but I think it would be wise for me to try them. I need something that has great support, comfortable and light.


    Thank you for any suggestions.


    My family and I hike and camp. I can't really answer most of your questions since my husband is the mastermind behind our trips. :D He just recently started a blog about hiking/camping with the family since we always have people asking us how they can get started. The link is in my siggie.


    I'll ask him to weigh in on all your questions. He loves to share his passion for getting families outdoors.

  13. I find the texting incredibly rude as it often happens while I am trying to have a face to face conversation with someone.



    I don't see this as a problem with texting, rather it is a lack of proper etiquette and manners.


    :iagree: with Crissy. Texting is not rude, the person who is texting while you're having a conversation is rude.


    I just recently got texting on my cell and I love it. I have a phone phobia--I worry about interrupting people, bothering them, inconveniencing them, etc. I know with a text, though, that they can read and respond at their convenience.

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