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Michelle My Bell

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Posts posted by Michelle My Bell

  1. I am trying to come up with some ideas of things to do for my homeschool group this year and I am looking for inspiration. So my question is...


    What field trips or activities have you done with your groups that really stood out as a lot of fun or really educational? Please include the age range that attended.


    One that I remember is when we lived in MN. We went to an event call a Rendezvous. It was a historical reenactment that was very educational. All ages attended.

  2. besides crockpot recipes, I make and freeze family size portions of various casseroles or soups. I do this quarterly. Today I made 11 casseroles from 3 recipes. I rotate them so we don't have tamale pie or quiche every Wed.


    we have more than one busy day/night. Between the crockpot and my freezer meals I get them all covered without being too repetitive.


    clean kids rooms and sort out grown clothing, toys and books.


    clean and organize equipment for fall sports/clubs/extracurricular. Make sure all supplies are in order, sets are complete, sizes are correct. Work with dc to determine the system they will maintain so that when it's 4:30 on Tues all you have to do is say it's time to go and they hop in the car with their bag containing equipment/uniform/supplies.


    Do you have your recipes on your computer so you could share them?

  3. I agree with what has been said here, especially about the grammar. However, if you are looking for a spelling program, maybe you should look at Spelling Workout. In addition to doing the workbooks, we would...


    • Copy the spelling rule into our spelling notebook
    • Write sentences using the spelling words
    • Study them using the methods from Spelling Power


    Rod and Staff English 2 is the first level of grammar for Rod and Staff since they don't start children until age 6 for First Grade (they don't do Kindergarten). Thus, if you have done some grammar it would be reviewing what you may have covered. This is starting at the beginning of grammar.


    Rod and Staff also tends to build a foundation slowly and then pick up speed. I have read many who find the later books, 5 and up, as very advanced and difficult.


    In the initial Well Trained Mind Jessie Wise actually recommends Rod and Staff as a rigorous English and writing course that does not need supplement, such as IEW, for the elementary and Junior High Years.


    If you have done some initial grammar perhaps starting Rod and Staff English 3 would be a better place to start. It is a great program, but starting at the beginning may not have made sense for you. My 3rd grader will be using Grade 3 this year.


    I am sorry I can not help you with spelling! All About Spelling and HOD dictation combined with it have been a wonderful spelling program for my son.


    I hope this is helpful.

  4. How does this look for a 1st grade boy? He is just beginning to blend, so he is not reading yet.


    All About Reading Level 1

    Christian Light Math

    Pentime Handwriting


    Weekly co-op which includes:

    2 hours of Unit Studies




    I was going to order the Memoria Press Kindergarten (not 1st grade) lesson plans, skip the phonics and math and include the following in our day:


    Recitations (regular, arts, poetry)

    Read Aloud Book & activities

    Picture Study

    Music Study

    some of the Copybook & Memory (I am not buying their copybook or the Rod and Staff books)


    Social Studies


  5. What is the difference between the ACE Biology DVD's and the Lab's DVD's?


    I am guessing the regular DVD's are the lessons from the paces and the labs are just the labs.


    Do the $245 Biology DVD's include the lab's or would I need to purchase these as well?


    On another note, Are the Biology DVD's worth it if you have a good reader and they can work through the Paces and watch the lab's?


    I am really confused on what to purchase.

  6. I may be teaching/facilitating a High School Literature class this upcoming school year (second semester) for a co-op I am joining. I have never done this before so I would love some feedback on how you all would run a class like this.


    I know that we will likely read about 10 books. The younger class is going to read their books, discuss them in class and write a paper once a week. I think this sounds like a good model but I really need some resources to help guide me through the process.


    What books would you choose? My daughter said she would like some books in they style of Fahrenheit 451 or one she read recently, The Rifle.


    What would you do in class? Discussions? Lectures? Written Assignments? Other?


    Would you include written assignments?


    Do you know of any resources you think I should look in to?

  7. I love it and it fits right in with my personality. I have had a Burley Bike trailer for years and I used to haul my 2 girls around in it when we lived in a smaller city. Where I live now, it is not as user friendly but I only have 1 small one really anymore. On my blog I posted about a new item Burley has come out with for going to the grocery store.


    edited: Once I loaded up all my kids and rode through Amish country 12 miles round trip. Sounds OK but what I didn't realize is there are HUGE hills in Amish Country, Ohio and it was already a 90 degree day. It was insane but and wonderful memory.

  8. First, I'm sorry you had to go through that. It is awful to think of loved ones being hurt.


    While pedestrians usually have the right of way in these kinds of situations, and especially when you're already in the road, I always employ defensive walking. I never assume someone will stop for me, even if they should. I watch and wait to see them actually slow down. I don't know if that actually applies to your situation since you were already in the road, but whenever possible, that's what I do.


    I can understand your yelling, that was really intense! And I can understand that woman's defensiveness. She probably knows she screwed up but in the moment did not respond appropriately.


  9. Dear Moderator....



    Why in the world was my message deleted? All it said was...


    Originally Posted by Michelle My Bell

    This is the purpose of it for our church. We sent out over 10000 flyers, and visited door to door inviting families. They also use it as an opportunity to get the teens involved. The entire thing is ran by our youth group (with adult leaders supervising.) It is wonderful!


    All I was talking about was that our church has VBS to be a community outreach. I am very perplexed by this.

  10. I think originally it was a way for churches to reach out into the community and encourage "un-churched" children/families to come to church. It's been around since I was a kid.


    This is the purpose of it for our church. We sent out over 10000 flyers, and visited door to door inviting families. They also use it as an opportunity to get the teens involved. The entire thing is ran by our youth group (with adult leaders supervising.) It is wonderful!

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