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Michelle My Bell

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Posts posted by Michelle My Bell


    Oh, and your ideas for adding protein to oatmeal are welcome. I have a lot of packages of instant Quaker that I need to use but carb-based meals are counter productive to me.


    So, suggestions for shopping? Planning?


    Two tips from me...


    1. I add inexpensive and healthy turkey bacon to a lot of my high carb breakfasts.
    2. I eat simply and repeat easy healthy meals often for convience, time saving and money saving.

  2. Reading books, extra projects, anything.. Specifically K-3 Book 2 but I'll look at suggestions for any of the books and maybe it will jog my imagination. :lol: Thanks!!





    I download each weeks painting from the Internet and displaying it on my computer full size. I also take this save photo and have it printed out at my local photo store. (I did 10 weeks worth at once). We keep these stored in a small photo album with a 3x5 card next to them with the paintings name and the artists name. My son loves to go through the painting each day and name the title and artist from memory.


    When we have a lesson, I introduce the piece of art, discuss it, analyze it with a series of questions about its colors, movement, mood, the story it is telling, what might be happening outside of the picture that we can't see etc...


    You could also add in artist biographies but in the level I am using that is included (Level 4-6).


    I am also adding in Draw Squad for actual drawing instruction. I feel artistic pursuits really lacks in this area. Children need to be taught how to form 3D objects so I add this in to the beginning of class. Our art schedule looks like this:


    5 minutes looking at art prints

    10-15 minutes doing a draw squad activity

    40-45 minutes doing the lesson from Artistic Pursuits


    Since I am doing the book that only includes drawing, I am also supplementing with additional projects using different media. For instance, last week we learned about value in our drawing. So this week I did a value painting. I had them write their name in bubble letters on a large piece of art paper to start with. Then we painted the middle letter a solid blue. Then moving to the right, we added white to the blue, progressively making each additional letter a lighter tint. Moving to the left of the middle letter, we added black to the blue making each letter a darker shade. I came up with this project but I often get additional ideas on the Internet. There are a lot of wonderful art blogs out there.

  3. For the last 3 weeks I have been stressed and irritated with all the household needs, activities and hours of school to get done each day. I thought I didn't have time to work out. May I suggest that I don't have time NOT to work out? I have had more energy, a more positive outlook and just more patience in general today than the last three weeks. Don't neglect yourselves ladies, you can't afford to.


    edited to add: I have exercised consistently in the past, (runner) but I let it slip the last couple of months thinking I had to get ready for school and then start school.

  4. I have a lot of things going on in my life right now that are really hard. I am having a hard time getting through it without going into a deep depression (been there, and I don't ever want to go back).


    The girls' attitudes are terrible, but I am the one with the inability to respond well and the emotional meltdown everyday that just makes it worse.


    We cannot take a break, or I would.


    What things to you do to handle stress? :bigear::bigear:


    The last two years have been the most difficult of my life. I am not even kidding. Physically: Exercise helped a lot. I also started watching what I ate. The time I spent taking care of myself physically, was also the time I had to be alone. Spiritually: My faith was also a huge factor. I knew that I could get through anything with God.

  5. Cover sailing. Use a chip log and have one person record what they see. Teach them to find their way with a star map. Go over the parts of a ship (and mark out how big an average 15th century vessel was on the floor). Assign each student a job on the ship along with an area for their "berth" and let them see how packed it would be. Show pictures of different maps and how the Mercator map shaped geography study. Teach how to tie a simple knot.


    Cover pirates. Go over the difference between pirates and privateers and show them a treasure map of the eastern coast. Oak Island is particularly interesting and sparks a lively discussion. Follow the lives of real pirates and what happened to them (including the female ones!) Show the students how to make a treasure map with invisible ink.


    Do you have any books or websites you recommend?

  6. I unexpectedly ended up teaching a 4-6th grade history class in my coop so I am not totally prepared for this. I am doing 3-4 week long units on different topics but I backed myself into a corner for this upcoming week and now I don't know what to do for the class.


    The first week we learned a little about Vikings and played a Viking board game I made.


    The second week we learned about Christopher Columbus and did a bunch of paper activities on him from a History Pockets book. This week I also assigned the kids to do reports on a different explorer each which is due week #4.


    This upcoming week I don't want to do more paper activities (cost) but I need something to do. I also don't want to cover another explorer because I want the kids to do that on week 4.


    Any ideas?

  7. I do similar things as some of the other ladies so I wanted to share with you HOW we do it each day. I use Youtube. I add the videos I want to use each day to a playlist and we just watch them doing our memory work. The skip counting videos were made by me. Here is what we are learning right now...


    I turn the volume off on this one and I recite the pledge with my son. I emphasize proper etiquette.



    Skip Counting by 7's

    I sing this with him.


    Star Spangled Banner

  8. I have taught the first four of my children to read, each a different painful way. I am on my last child (age 6 boy). Last year we did All About Reading pre-level. This year we started with AAR Level 1 and I was surprised he could actually sound out and blend really well. However I found the program was moving at a completely different pace than he was ready for so I essentially slowed the program till it stopped all together. When I was at Barnes and Noble the other day I picked up a Kumon book. My Book of Rhyming Words


    Anyhow, he has really been enjoying it and has done about 4 pages everyday. He is reading the words fairly easily. So I decided to try and have him spell them from memory at the end of each lesson and then the next day before the lessons. During the lessons, I have him sounding out the sounds as he is writing them. It is going very well but I am trying to figure out if it is enough and if he is getting a good foundation.


    I am not sure where I should go from here once he finishes this or if I should be adding something to it. What do you think of this method? What do you recommend I add or go from here? This feels more natural than working through a preplanned program. I feel like we are going at his pace instead of the pace set by a program.


    Do any of you do a more natural way of teaching reading?

  9. I think I need to start taking a good multi-vitamin but I am afraid that the ones you buy in the grocery store are a waste of money. I need something without Iron because Iron makes me ill. Also, I would love something that would help with my skin and hair. I have very thin hair and if there is some miracle out there, I want it. My skin is dry as well. OK, share the knowledge! :lol:

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