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Michelle My Bell

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Posts posted by Michelle My Bell

  1. Weight Training. I started doing weight training at the YMCA in October and it has helped me to drop 25 lbs and drop 3 pant sizes ( I can actually wear 4 pant sizes down if I want it to be tight). I did diet in the beginning, but then I just started to eat healthy. The key is really to stick with it. I would say 3 x a week and then do some sort of cardio the other days, even if it is just power grocery shopping, running around your neighborhood or speed cleaning.



  2. I am looking at the mills over at the Urban Homemaker website and I really don't know which is the one I should buy. I want one that will last a really long time and will be easy to operate. I have heard a lot of good things about the Nutrimill but it is also the most expensive. I could really use some advise here on what you would do in my situation.




  3. http://http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/westward/learning%2Bcenters I love this lady's ideas! I am so inspired! I am moving more and more away from set curriculum to using more stuff that I pull together and this is perfect for that. I love Charlotte Mason type of learning and this is so Charlotte Mason friendly.


    So do you set up learning centers? If so what kind do you set up? If anyone has any links with more information on what others have done I would love to see it. I am so excited by this!


    God Bless,


  4. I average about 1000.00 a year, no matter if I have 2 kids or 4 kids that I am buying for. This year I am doing things differently though. I plan to only buy the bare necessities and put most of the money in my bank account. Then as things come up I am going to buy what I need. I will also add about $50 a month to the account to keep it from depleating. I am hoping this way, I don't get bored half way through the year after buying a full out curriculum.



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