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Michelle My Bell

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Posts posted by Michelle My Bell

  1. She has taken the ACT and scored well, but she is planning on taking it again in December. She is a senior this year and this will be her last time testing. We are hoping to get scholarships to our school of choice. Should she apply now even though she has not taken the ACT or should she apply after she takes it?


    Also, how do I list the courses she is currently taking on her transcripts?

  2. Last year I bought an old bulletin board from Goodwill and covered it with burlap (using hot glue). I used decorative brads and ribbon around the edge to give it a finished look. My daughter loves this and it hangs proudly next to her bed with all her favorite photos and memories tacked on.


    It looked similar to this, but with ribbon.



  3. I am guessing that person A is your husband and person B is you. This seems to be a typical response because you have to deal with the discomfort of a home that doesn't work. I have been there MANY times. I think I would caution you to not get yourself into two mortgages no matter how much you want out of the situation. There is a clear logic to selling your house before trying to purchase another. You may feel that another house will not be out there when you are ready to buy, but I feel confident that it will not be the case. Protect yourself. You won't be happy if you are financially strapped.

  4. They are interesting. I wouldn't know where to start picking one out.


    I'm 5'7", size 12 and have a bit of a pudge in the belly. I don't like bows. What would you suggest?


    Sounds like we are the same body style. I am an inch taller however. I like these:




    Vintage and Fresh


    Stunning (but $$$)




    Flattering Fit


    I also love these two from Modcloth:




    Basic Black (would look great with black sparkle shoes)

  5. This post is coming from a woman who is unabashedly Christian and happily married to a person who keeps her grounded and out of jail.


    Look, I know what the Bible says about divorce. I get that. However, I just cannot accept that the God I know would want anyone to remain in a terrible situation. That just does nothing for your walk with Jesus. I lived the first 18 years of my life with "Christian" parents who were physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive. It has taken years for me to even be in a position to start to heal spiritually.


    Honey, you just do what you have to do to survive. You don't have to put up with crap like you describe. I may have no theological basis, but I honestly feel as though God cries when He sees His children being abused in such a way. What you describe is not even kinda the type of marriage described in the Bible. You deserve so much more. Your kids deserve so much more. Marriage can be such a wonderful, fulfilling thing. Every child of Christ deserves that. Jesus, awesome compassionate soul that he was, didn't put up with crap. You don't have to put up with crap. If your dh is neglecting his Jesus duties, do not feel obligated to over-compensate for him. You have kids! If you are a Christian, you have a responsibility to raise them in Christ. Christ would never abuse His children. That's just not how He rolls.


    Of course, I will add in the generic saying that you need counseling and all that. Divorce sucks. However, I really don't thing God expects you to live with the suckiness


    Just one lady's opinion.


    I know this wasn't directed at me, but thank you for saying this. There are so many people around me who think I have to stay married unless it falls under biblical guidelines that are so narrow I cannot believe are actual guidelines for divorce. Like you said, my God would not desire that for his children. I believe the Biblical words on divorce make it clear that God hates divorce, but I believe the examples given are just that, examples. Not black and white rules.


    But just take a scenario where one parent is angry and over the top all the time.


    I have so many feelings toward this statement but I will contain them. You have obviously never been a victim of this sort of treatment day in and day out. It is torment. I was hospitalized because my body began having seizures due to the stress it was under. Day in and day out he verbally, mentally and spiritually abused me. We have been separated for almost two years now, living apart for over a year. There was no peace until he left for me or my children. Now things are so much better. Yes, occasionally he starts it up again, but now I have the luxury of telling him to leave my home.


    What it accomplishes is even more than peace for me and the children. It accomplishes a chance for me to have a life that is filled with joy and love and happiness and health.

  7. Oops, I see you didn't want a smoothie recipe. Well here is one for those who do.


    Number of Servings: 1




    2 Strawberries - Frozen

    1/3 c. milk

    1/3 c. banilla yogurt (Stonyfield)

    1/3 Tbsp. honey

    1 small banana





    Or you can leave out the Strawberries, make the other ingredients 1/4 cup. Add 1 TBSP honey. YUM

  8. There was a recent thread about this very same thing. I did the above, and it totally got rid of my fruit fly problem.


    It was my thread and yes it works! I washed out a small yogurt container and filled it with the solution and it killed them all. I keep it there hidden in the corner now. I haven't seen a fruit fly since and we were infested with them.

  9. I saw this on this website: http://couponconnections.com/2012/10/thats-clever-easiest-way-to-freeze-ground-meat/ and thought it was interesting. Just sharing.




    Have you ever wondered what the perfect way to freeze ground meat? I picked up this simple kitchen shortcut from Real Simple Magazine a while back.


    All you need to do is simply fill your ziploc plastic bag with raw meat (beef, turkey, chicken etc), press it flat, and seal. Using a chopstick or another blunt object and score the meat into equal sections by pressing on the bag.


    No need to thaw out the whole package the next time you need ground beef, simply break off enough for your recipe.


    Looking for more shortcuts in the kitchen? Check out this book over on Amazon

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