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Michelle My Bell

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Posts posted by Michelle My Bell

  1. I am working on my basement (BIG JOB). I started yesterday and hope to finish it today. I also would like to get some laundry done. I made a casserole for lunch and fixed my daughters ice skates and my winter boots which both had separated from the sole.


    This week I also want to:


    Plan out the rest of the years co-op lessons for History & Art that I teach

    Go over my children's schooling

    Tackle organizing my bills and setting up a budget

    Clean up my craft room.

    Clean my bedroom.

    Set up a fitness & eating plan.

    Go grocery shopping.

  2. About two weeks ago, I stopped by Panera to kill an hour while my son was at his youth group. As I walked over to the cushy chair area, a guy I was walking right past began waving at me with very apparent recognition. I had a fleeting thought of, "I think that might be 'Bob,'" a friend's husband. 'Bob' was seated with another man I don't know and I just wasn't sure if that was Bob or who it might be. So, I VERY AWKWARDLY said a very terse "Hi" and kept walking to the chair I was intending to sit in. :leaving: Once I was seated, I was behind 'Bob' and could no longer look at him well enough to decide that it definitely was Bob or someone else.


    Later, looking at my friend's FB page, I decided that it almost certainly was Bob and I feel like such an idiot about it. I don't know whether to mention it apologetically to my friend or just forget about it. I have visions in my head of Bob coming home and saying, "Does Danielle have an identical twin? Cause I just waved to her and she looked at me like I had two heads and then she said nothing to me."


    In all honesty, I am a little bit "face-blind" and I am sometimes stumped recognizing people when they are not in the venue where I normally see them, kwim? Would you mention this to your friend, "Hey, I think I saw 'Bob,' but I was in outer space and didn't really recognize him. I feel like a doofus. If it was Bob, could you tell him I didn't mean to ignore him?" Or just hope that maybe it was somebody else and/or that he just shrugged, said, "That was weird" and didn't think anything more about it? :leaving:


    " face blind" no advice but I struggle with this too and its neat to have a name to go with it.

  3. This is a cut/paste of a post I wrote for someone else:


    DD6 has one. I haven't used it at those sites but I haven't had issues at any sites so far, so I wouldn't think it was a problem there either. It has a quad core processer so it is very fast compared to a lot of tablets and runs great! It can even handle a high image site like amazon like a breeze and plays Netflix with no problem (a tiny bit grainy but no problem running it---all of our home sceens are HD so I am used to a crystal clear pix). It really feels durable. Nice sturdy body with a food grade silicone wrap (comes in red but you can buy other colors). The only annoying thing is the back of the Nabi isn't smooth, it has these little sqare nubs that stick out. It isn't a big issue and the purpose will to so it can attach to things like a car head rest (coming soon) and other addons they are coming up with.


    There are two seperate 'accounts' so to speak. One is for parents and one for the kids. In the parent mode, you allow access to the apps or websites you want the kids to have access to. You have complete control over where they allowed to go in the kid mode. There are also special features like a chore list that can be modified so you can buy tokens for their apps and they get to earn them in the chore store, and then can use them in the kid mode for thier apps.


    I have it set up with Amazon Apps right now, but I don't know if it works with google apps yet or not. There are a lot of work arounds to make programs work on it that don't automatically on the forums for the Nabi.


    DD14 plays with it as well and hasn't had any problems either. She is considering getting one for herself.


    Sorry gotta run, but if you have more questions let me know and I will try to answer when I get home.


    BTW...where is spell check? LOL


    I bought another one at Best Buy Wed night for $130. If you live in Portland Oregon, I will be willing to sell it (I found out I don't need it after all :0( )


    Do you still have a Nabi you are willing to sell? I am looking for one. PM me -

  4. I have quite the collection. I use them as decorations under our Christmas tree. Some people use pointsettas or wrapped gifts, we use picture books.


    My kids really like Jan Brett's Christmas Treasury. It is a big thick book and has a collection of a bunch of her christmas stories. I think I got it used for 5$ on Amazon.


    I also have Polar Express, Tasha Tudor's Night Before Christmas, Christmas in the Noisy Village, ee cummings Little Tree, The Grinch, The Story of Holly and Ivy.... well, too many to list. My younger son likes to pick a different on every night to read.



    What a lovely idea!

  5. This week we read a new (to me) book that is now in my top two favorite books of all time. It is The Little Fir Tree by Margaret Wise Brown. I cuddled my three little ones around me while I read. Throughout the story there are songs with music that go with the story. Since my oldest is a pianist, I had her play the pieces as we sang them when we got to each in the story. It was magical I tell ya! It felt like that moment in A Charlie Brown Christmas when they are all singing, holding hands around the Christmas Tree. So what is YOUR favorite Christmas picture book?



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