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Michelle My Bell

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Posts posted by Michelle My Bell

  1. Perhaps we should just tie up food stamp recipients in chain gangs and slap their wrists each time they grocery shop. Some of you high and might people posting on a 3 year old thread really don't get it. There are people working full time jobs that still qualify for food aid because their salaries are so low. Perhaps one of the ministers at your church is getting paid so poorly they qualify for aid, perhaps that person who has had some bad turns in life needs some temporary aid so they can not worry about food on the table for their family. Unless you've been there you really don't get it. It's different than it was in your momma's day. There have been some hard time for a lot of hard working families. Not having to worry about what to feed your children for a temporary period of time is a blessing to many, so they can focus on finding a better job, or changing their circumstances. Kicking people while they are down or elevating yourself above them because you've never been there and judging because they might have a bag of chips in their cart is really petty. Go ahead, judge, karma/fate/God whatever you call has a way of humbling those who think they are superior.


    I was actually just going to say that there are probably a lot of people who come to WTM boards that are on food stamps. I get so sick of people judging and making comments about this sort of thing. Thank goodness you get it and you said it. Everyone should read this post a few times.

  2. Michelle,


    First I think one of my main goals would be to have my listeners leave feeling confident that they can teach their kids to read. I found the whole thing so intimidating! I think it was because their future academic success seemed to hinge on how well I taught this one area. Coming with zero experience it was scary!


    I would probably include a handout of warning signs when issues might indicate bigger problems like dyslexia or visual perception issues.

    Something like this perhaps for dyslexia and maybe something created from this information about signs of vision issues. I would also include, with those handouts, local/state contacts for evaluations in both areas (the COVD site has a find a doctor section; who to see for dyslexia evaluations would vary by location).


    Beyond that I would talk about how many aspects of reading are simply developmental. I'd emphasize that not all kids are ready at x age and tears or heavy resistance are, if there is an absence of signs of bigger issues, often a clue the parent needs to take a, perhaps long, break and reevaluate the approach. Learning to read should be enjoyable as much as possible.


    I would have a lot of trouble talking about teaching reading without talking about curriculum! I favor an explicit phonics approach for example. I think learning to read should be enjoyable for a child. I think most kids benefit from hands on approaches. I think I would emphasize that if something isn't a good fit in an area this important you should likely re-evaluate the approach sooner rather than later.


    I have a system for teaching but, without showing them the curriculum I used (free), I don't know how I would talk about the approach! Maybe I would show a typical lesson using our curriculum while pointing out the aspects that worked well here. I think, in addition to providing links for my free curriculum resources which might encourage someone on a limited budget, I would also provide a list of other commonly used curriculum that might work for specific kids. If you have a home school group to pull from it might be helpful to give a list and some people who use each curriculum and could answer questions. This might also be a good way to make the point that there are tons of people successfully teaching their kids to read using a variety of materials. Maybe it would help build that confidence I wrote about earlier.


    I had a typical learner and one for whom reading wasn't natural. The struggling child, at 6 nearing 7, still couldn't rhyme. This wasn't for lack of trying to work on rhyming and being exposed to the concepts from a very young age. That same child couldn't truly sound out dog. Again, he had exposure and in fact phonics instruction. I knew he was tending toward memorizing words/sight reading even though I was using a well regarded program at the time. I stopped completely. I researched a lot (here and elsewhere). I got advice from so many people. After I got a new plan together we started from scratch. He was more work. But, in the long run, he has been my stronger language kid. It was just a matter of finding the correct program that worked with his strengths and mitigated the weaknesses. I think for some, maybe many, kids any decent program will work well. But there is a subset of kids where finding the right program may be a little more work.


    OK, you twisted my arm! lol Tell me about it, I am very curious now. :)

  3. I think it varies too much per child, honestly. If I described what I did for my oldest, and what worked for my 2nd son, and what we're dealing with now for my youngest -- the same things that worked for one did not work for the other. At all.


    I would love to hear guidelines, though, on when to be concerned and when to just give it time. I think that's a question that comes up over and over and over again, and often-times a 1st time mom teaching her oldest at just barely 5 yrs and Little Johnny isn't getting past sounding out CVC words after 2 months, mom freaks out (or even a 2nd or 3rd time, if the 1st one or two picked it up quickly). Or, like me, it takes 2 years of thinking "he'll get it eventually" before you realize there might be a bigger issue.


    So, something that addresses that, maybe.....? But technique will just vary too widely, I think, to be effective.


    Don't you think that if you told what did work for your kids that it could be helpful anyhow? I would love to actually hear what you did. I guess what I am asking in my original post is for people to actually give their talks right here. I would love to be inspired. I have already taught 4 of my kids and am in the process of teaching my 5th but I feel like it has always been a struggle for me and I would love to learn from others who have a better grasp on actually teaching reading.

  4. One thing that seems to be missing from homeschool group talks is the basic idea of teaching how to teach. So if you were going to give a talk (possibly with handouts) about how to teach reading what would you say? I am not referring to what curricula to use, but what things to do each day, say to your child, activities to try, frequency of activities, ideas, etc... Basically you would be describing what it looks like to sit down (or stand up) and teach reading each day.


    Let's hear it! t9509.gif

  5. Michelle's daughter here, with a quick math question. :)


    If it's true that:


    Positive Number x Positive Number = Positive Number


    Negative Number x Negative Number = Positive Number


    Positive Number x Negative Number = Negative Number


    Negative Number x Positive Number = Negative Number


    ...then why did my math curriculum say:


    -2 x -2 x -2 = -8


    ?? It seems like the answer should be positive, since the 2's were all negative...

  6. First of all, I am looking for some free beginner weight lifting video's either on Netflix Instant or Youtube. Any recommendations?


    Secondly, I have had a lot of success with C25K and wonder if there is anything like this in the weight lifting world? I want to build up. I can't even do 1 good push up. I need something that I can follow along with online if possible.


    Thirdly, I would love some links to easy Yoga and Pilates video's too.


    I am going to spend the winter working out at home to save time so I need a playlist of videos to get me going. Thanks!!!

    • Like 1
  7. I wish we had a WTM boards adopt a family thing here for families who will have no Christmas without it. Has anyone had any experience organizing something like this? I would love to participate. All of my gifts would be homemade (because we are flat broke 90% of the time) but I think I am pretty crafty, have a huge stash of fabrics and such and could give some pretty great stuff. Anyone want to organize this?

  8. When I'm worried and I can't sleep

    I count my blessings instead of sheep

    And I fall asleep counting my blessings

    When my bankroll is getting small

    I think of when I had none at all

    And I fall asleep counting my blessings


    I think about a nursery and I picture curly heads

    And one by one I count them as they slumber in their beds

    If you're worried and you can't sleep

    Just count your blessings instead of sheep

    And you'll fall asleep counting your blessings



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