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Michelle My Bell

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Posts posted by Michelle My Bell

  1. I say this not as a secular person, but as a Christian (Catholic): A degree from BJU might open doors in the hardcore fundamentalist Christian world, but it will likely be a liability elsewhere ... something to be explained away.


    I am a christian, but this is what I was concerned about. I would love to find a christian college that had a good reputation with not only christians but with the secular world as well. I had no idea BJU had/has so many issues. Thanks everyone!

  2. My parents divorced when I was 13 and the only remaining dependent child. They agreed to trade off from year to year who claimed me as a dependent on their taxes. When it came time for me to go to college and fill out financial aid forms, I had to list both of their incomes because they had both been claiming me as a dependent in recent years. To make it worse, my mom had remarried and she and her new DH filed jointly - so I had to list their entire household income. I needed financial aid because my mom was not on board with helping out enough with college expenses, but I was unable to get any due to having to list three incomes because I had been claimed as a dependent on those tax returns.


    Oldest dd will be going to college very soon so this is very helpful to me. I will share this with my x.

  3. It is decided by decree, not by who has physical custody. Sure, you can make a case that the person who has them claims them, but in reality, that's not how it is done. Remember that the non custodial parent pays towards their care.


    So, divorcing parents negotiate. I agreed to let xh claim all 3 when we divorced. He had an income; I had some tutoring income. I wanted OUT so bad that I didn't think through the ramifications of him claiming all 3 from then on.


    I regret that, but it has been amended. He claims the oldest 2 (one of whom turned 17 this week) and I claim the youngest. I "get" the earned income credit for the younger two (and got it for the oldest this year since he lived with me more than 50% of the year).


    I'd encourage you to NOT allow your stbxh to claim all the kids every year. I'd suggest you divide the kids and each claim a couple; perhaps he can claim the "extra".


    OK, I now realize I really need to look into this more and understand it better. I appreciate your thoughts. I provide all care above the agreed child support payments so I feel I have the right to claim them. Even if there are extras that come up, he does not provide any extra support.

  4. The person who supports them should get to claim them. Unless he is providing you with a lot of support, I think you should claim them.


    There is a difference between the child tax credit and the exemption. He cannot claim the child tax credit for any of them, as they didn't live with him for over 50% of the year. The child has to be under 17 at the end of the year, too, so I think you would only have four, right?


    He could claim the exemption for them as a dependent, but then you can't claim the child tax credit. You could let him have the oldest as an exemption, if you can't use the child tax credit for her anyway, I guess, as long as you don't need the exemption.


    There is an excess child tax credit that is available if you have more than three children, too, which you may or may not qualify for depending on your income and credits.


    He gives me a set amount each month, but it is not enough to live on (hence the job I just got :001_smile:)


    They live with me 100% of the time and it will remain that way according to our agreement.


    Yes Angela, oldest dd will be 18 this fall.


    Thank you, this has been very helpful. A lot to think about. I don't know about the excess child tax credit. I'll have to look into that.

  5. I am in the process of a divorce. My ex wants to claim the kids next year and I don't know what to think of that. We have 5 kids, 3 of whom we can claim for tax credits and such. Would it be possible for one of us to claim 2 and the other claim 3 and we each get the credit, or can we only claim a maximum of 3 between the two of us?


    Also, would it be a bad idea for me to allow him to claim the kids even though they live with me?


    Thanks for any help offered!

  6. You don't need to defend it. This is a thread about things that we don't care for. :)


    The whole tone of HOD is classroom oriented (whether it's public school or private, Christian school). That trade books are used instead of textbooks is irrelevant. That Bible study is included is irrelevant. That notebooking pages and poetry are included is irrelevant. I taught in a classroom, and I can tell you that what I see in HOD is just like that, and it is not how I teach my dc at home. :)


    I'm glad HOD works for you, but it is ok that it wouldn't work for me. :)


    What do you mean by the tone? I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. I have homeschooled for 12 years, used many different curricula and I honestly don't see what you are talking about. I am really curious what you are talking about. Can you give an example of what you are talking about?


    I would say that she organizes it more schoolish, i.e. each subject has a key idea, but I don't see anything beyond that. I am not trying to attack you, I just wanted to clarify that HOD is not what you described. I also would love to understand your POV.

  7. What notebook pages?????. What did I miss??? I had Preparing, and had to make up ALL. My own notebook pages which turned into way too much work for me. My kids were enjoying HOD, but I couldn't make 2 programs work for me....I chose to stick with Sonlight for this year...but, if there are notebook pages.....hmmmmmm.....


    The notebooking pages are available for Creation to Christ levels on up and they are GORGEOUS!



  8. What notebook pages?????. What did I miss??? I had Preparing, and had to make up ALL. My own notebook pages which turned into way too much work for me. My kids were enjoying HOD, but I couldn't make 2 programs work for me....I chose to stick with Sonlight for this year...but, if there are notebook pages.....hmmmmmm.....


    The notebooking pages are available for Creation to Christ levels on up and they are GORGEOUS!

  9. HOD. It just looks like public-school/group-learning-at-home. When I first read through the samples, I *knew* that the author had been a classroom teacher, and that she had not allowed homeschooling to rehabilitate her (them? Is there more than one author?) If I had managed to overcome my dislike of the methodology and tried to do it with my dc, they would have just looked at me like this :blink: and waited for me to come to my senses so we could do the *real* stuff.



    I am going to defend HOD a bit as I was public schooled and know that HOD is nothing like that. I don't remember living books being apart of public school, dictation or narration. Bible Study was not included, nor where hands on projects. I would have loved the notebooking assignments on those gorgeous pages or the classical music studies. Poetry would have been amazing as well. I really can't think of anything in HOD that is public school like at all. What did you see that made you think that? (By the way, we have used 4 of their guides so I am very familiar with it.)

  10. We are interested in getting some feedback on her 2nd attempt at a timed practice essay. You can see the scoring guidelines here if you want to give an unofficial official score :tongue_smilie:: http://www.actstudent.org/writing/scores/guidelines.html


    The Prompt was:

    At one time or another we all do or say things that we regret and would like to do over or take back. Most of the time we must live with our mistakes but sometimes we get a second chance.


    Some people take a dim view of second chances claiming that second chances foster not only reckless, irresponsible behavior but also weaken our character. Others see value in second chances. They say that second chances help us learn and permit us to take intellectual, creative and other kinds of risks instead of always playing it safe. In your opinion are second chances a good thing?


    In your essay take a position on the issue. You may support or defend either view of the two points about second chances or you may present a different view. Whatever your position, be sure to support it with specific reasons and examples.




    Whenever someone asks me what special ability I would most like to have, I almost always answer, "To be able to go back in time." I have only lived 17 years so far; a mere drop of water, I hope, in the bucket of life to come. Yet already I look back and, while wincing and shaking my head, recall many stupid mistakes I have made! Already, there are things I said and did I wish I could just hop into a time machine and go fix or take back. But, as a time machine sits idle on my list of things to invent someday, I realize there is another option; not the same as completely wiping out mistakes, but close. It's the bright beacon of light found in a second chance.


    Already, I have received many of these, and I am so thankful for the patient people who give them. As I get older, I find more and more that I have many shortcomings, and make so very many mistakes, and often it is all I can do to just beg for another go. Sometimes, I just have to accept the fact that I messed up, take the consequences, and move on. But other times, like a character in one of the computer games my little brother plays, I am given a chance to bounce back up and try again.


    Where would the world be without second chances? After all, we are all only human; flawed in our very nature and destined to fail at least some of the time. But don't second chances give us an opportunity to learn from our mistakes and succeed in the future?


    Some may argue that often there are no second chances in real life. At times, this is true. Still others may say the promise of a second chance may cause reckless behavior- action before thought. This also may be true. But this should not change out willingness to give others a second chance. They will learn because, even with another try, there are often repercussions from the first. However, whether they learn or not should not be our concern. Instead, we should remember all the chances we have been given, and be willing to do the same for others. You can't try to find perfection where it is not, but you can help others on their journeys by giving them the opportunity to make right their wrongs and move on with a fresh slate .

  11. Which is great if you don't mind being stuck without transportation because your car is stuck in the shop all the time.


    That really is part of the problem. Every time my van has broken down recently, I have to coordinate either towing the van or getting someone to take me 25 minutes to my mechanic and back home. Then I have to get some form of transportation while it is in the shop, followed by picking it back up the same way.


    Secondly, It is very nerve racking to deal when the van is making weird noises (grinding breaks) or strange smells (leaking break fluid X2 because there were 2 leaks) or shaking while stopping (messed up rotors) or broken tie rods in the middle of the street. This has all happened and more in the last 6 months.


    I know it is my decision, and I am not yelling at anyone. I value your opinions and it has caused me to think but I wanted to tell you all the things that have gone wrong with this vehicle to see if it might change your perspective.

  12. :iagree: Unless the van is already breaking down regularly and leaving you stranded, I would keep driving it while saving as much as possible towards the next vehicle purchase. Chances are that the old vehicle will make it until then. If your dh has a car that he is driving and it is not as far for him to drive to work, could he drive the van on the days you have class and a further drive?


    My husband and I are separated and in the process of divorce.

  13. Based on some of the responses, I think many responders assumed that you'd use student loan funds for a down payment and you'd aquire a large car debt on a much expensive car.


    My suggestion is if you are going to get a car under $5000, have it thoroughly checked by a mechanic before buying.


    Yes, I was planning on buying a car for $3000 or less. I have a fantastic mechanic (good christian friend) I was going to go to to see if he could find me a car in this price range that might need a small bit of work to make into a great little car.

  14. Heart of Dakota's samples are really deceiving as well. There is so much that can only be understand by actually "doing" the program. It is then that you see the flow and see the beauty of it. I think a lot of really great programs are like that. Maybe the ones that look good, aren't. LOL


    As for me, I don't get that English program. What's it called? MCT or something.

  15. But even that doesn't ensure you won't get a large refund. We haven't had any federal taxes out in years but we still get a refund of 4,000-5,000 just because of the child tax credit. Since the OP also has 5 kids who most likely qualify, I'm guessing she is in the same position and that's why she gets the refund. For certain income to kid ratios, there really isn't anything that can be done to get that money spread throughout the year.


    Yes, this is us.

  16. I need to add in more information. I would be paying back the loan next Feb. with my income tax return. My van is not in very good shape and I worry that it will break down with heavy driving. I drive very little right now (only about 2-4 times a week very locally) and it has broken down 3 times in the last few months with repair costs being $250-500 each. I do think that keeping a vehicle that is owned outright is best in most situations, but I am leaning towards getting something new for the previous reason. Also, gas costs in my van are really high and a full size van is very expensive to drive.

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