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Michelle My Bell

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Posts posted by Michelle My Bell

  1. For us, it would depend on how disciplined/dedicated the teacher/tutor is. Otherwise, I would find it a waste of my dd's time and money.

    I would also be curious as to why she does not do cc anymore. We did do cc foundations when dd was 5 and 6. The tutor can make or break the program. We left after having substandard tutors after the second year.


    I know she left CC because she moved and because the day conflicted with her oldest daughter who is taking classes at college. She did not have any fallings out and she loved the program.

  2. If you went to Mike Huckabee's talk Thursday night and did not get the dvd's he was offering--you didn't miss anything! They're awful. I'm pitching them. Or offer free for shipping. :lol: (in the words of Mr. T: "I pity the fool [who takes me up on the offer].")


    And weren't they trying to get people to sign up to receive the monthly in the mail? I heard that and told the lady I'd think about it. I didn't tell her after looking at the samples playing over her shoulder, I had already thought about it and had already made up my mind.

  3. Should I participate in this co-op? SWB says that co-ops often require more from the mom than their kids get out of the group. I agree with this but this co-op has several classes for my highschool girls that I know would be hard or impossible for me to teach so I am really drawn to it. The girls would take the following classes in this order: (I'll * the ones I am most interested in)


    *Latin I (Henle or Wheelock)

    *IEW (Bible Based Writing & Newberry Literature)

    American History / *Debate


    *Learning to Lead / Mock Trial


    The younger kids would also have classes. The ones for my youngest are:

    K-3rd grades

    Unit Study





    4th-6th Grades







    The older kids would have homework which would add to their workloads but that is fine since these classes will be credit worthy. My 15 year old daughter does Heart of Dakota so she only has a 4 day week schedule with that. I have not decided my oldest daughters curriculum for next year so that is flexible as well.


    The younger kids will not have homework and they are doing HOD as well so they also have a 4 day a week schedule. I think they would enjoy this co-op but it is not the reason I want to do it.


    My biggest concerns are: The travel there (35 minutes), the cost of travel, the preparation and the fact that I have a part time job working 15-20 hours a week. It does cost something, but the max tuition is $350.00 per family. Here is my schedule I anticpate:


    Night before

    -Pack lunch

    -lay out clothes

    -bathe if needed


    6:15-7:15 Mom wakes, smoothie, workout, shower dress

    7:15 – 8:00 5 Kids (ages 6,9,12, 15 & 17) dress, breakfast & go

    8:00 – 8:45 Travel 35 minutes to destination


    8:45 – 12:00 Co-op classes

    12:00 – 12:45 Lunch

    12:45 – 2:30 Co-op classes


    2:30 – 3:05 Travel 35 minutes home


    I may have to work at my part-time job in the evening. I would have to get dinner on the table. I would need to contribute to the co-op by teaching something in the younger kids schedule.


    So should I, or better yet, would you participate in this program?


    ***edited to add*** OK, I forgot to add this is one day a week. Also, this co-op is new. The lady who is running it (and is teaching the high school courses) is a former director for CC Challenge level. She is not using CC materials however, but she is using the same rigor expected in CC.

  4. I exercise (running) and eat fairly low calorie (about 1500 daily) but I don't get a lot of veggies in my diet (never liked them) and I feel like I am low on energy and fiber. I am looking to lose about 15 lbs and I think adding in a daily salad would be a good solution. I would even count it as a meal if it had a protein in it like chicken. (no fish for me!)



    So I need some good recipes for salad and dressings. I generally like fatty dressings like Ranch or super sweet ones which are not healthy and do not fit within my goals. I once had a homemade dressing that was vinegar and oil based that was really good so I think homemade is the way to go for me.



    1. So I need some tips to make salads extra good (cutting techniques, etc...)
    2. Recipes for good salad combinations.
    3. Recipes for salad dressings.
    4. Oh, and it has to be healthy, low calorie. No more than 350 if it is going to be my full lunch.



    Any suggestions?

  5. She is, in a word, adorbz. That's the first thing I've read that made me wish I was going this year. (Although, I confess, I am more about the Chipotle than the Chik Fil A.)



    Chipotle is my favorite too! We had that on Friday. My daughter was greatly dismayed to find out that Chik Fil A was no longer in the food court. It put a serious damper on her weekend. :tongue_smilie:

  6. Homeschooling the Second Time was beyond fantastic. What makes SWB so unique among homeschooling experts is her approachability and the fact that, beyond her amazing talent and wisdom, she is just another homeschooling mom trying to do what is best for her family. What struck me most in this session is that her church and family experiences parallel my own so closely. I just wanted to go have coffee and commiserate with her! The fact that she was still willing to go into the homeschool convention environment year after year for so long is commendable. That isn't exactly a walk in the park...especially after the kerfluffle. She's just awesome and such a blessing to us. :wub:


    :iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: Loved this so much I spent 30 minutes telling my daughter all about it on the way home using my outline.

  7. At 3:30 I went to "The When and Why of Greek & Latin" by Amy Barr. At 5:00 I went to "How to Get the Education You Never Had: A crash course on classical education" by Martin Cothran. We (dh and I) went to hear Governor Huckabee, and then went out to eat (saw Chris in PA). I was planning to go to Christopher Perrin's "Putting Together the Puzzle Pieces of Classical Education" at 8 pm, but skipped it because this was probably the only time that dh and I will get to eat together during the convention. Every time he has a break I have a session I want to go to, and vice versa.


    Tomorrow morning I'm going to The Lukeion Project: The Classical World Brought to Life and then The Human Calculator.


    What did you think of these sessions?

  8. Would you care to elaborate on why it was confusing? I was kinda leaning towards Memoria press, I just worry if I am planning another math if it was a waste, I know we will be starting MUS primer next week.


    Since they just updated it I guess my evaluation wouldn't apply. I used it several years ago and found it confusing because of the layout. You were supposed to flip all over the place every day in the TM. I also didn't like the artwork as I am an art snob. lol

  9. is not knowing where your child is. There is *nothing* in the world that makes everything else become unimportant, and make your heart drop to the ground and breathing becomes difficult.



    I could not find my 3 yr old for ten minutes at Target yesterday. It was the worst ten minutes of my life.


    All three boys were standing right next me, and I was pulling a box off a shelf. I put the box in the cart and saw he was gone. I asked my 11 and 8 yr old where he was. Response, "I dunno know. He went that way." I wanted to scream, "And you just let him keep walking when you saw him leaving?! What is wrong with you?!!!" I didn't. Instead I ran up and down the main aisle looking down all the side aisles for him. Nothing. My other two boys were still standing there. I sent them to the toy department to look. Then I walked to an employee and told her he was missing. She sent the code out which got every employee looking, and she assured me that no one with a small child would be allowed to leave the store. However, that did NOTHING to reassure me.


    I couldn't breath. I started to run, and the employee told me I had to stay with her so they would know where I was when they found him. I looked at her (with a crazy glare in my eye I'm sure) and told her that there was no force in the world that would make me just stand there and not continue searching. I took off. I was running up and down aisles. The target lady was running after me. People were staring. I saw employees at every turn talking into their walkie talkies yet no one had found him.


    A security guard caught up to me, and said that when he had heard from each department and my ds had not been found, he would call the police. I almost vomited.


    At that moment I heard a woman say,"Your mommy and a lot of people are looking for you." I bolted over. She had found him hidden in a rack of jeans. He had crawled up and covered himself with jeans. She said she happened to notice a pair of jeans move as she walked by.


    He had a huge smile on his face and he said, "Me hiding, mommy."


    I have never wanted to hug and shake my child at the same time. I was happy and angry all in one. I wanted to kiss him; I wanted to spank him.


    Ten minutes had gone by since I alerted the employee. Ten minutes of sheer panic.


    I have decided that he will be forced to sit strapped in the shopping cart until he is 16. I don't care how much he protests.



    Actually, the Target employees instituted the Code Adam protocol exactly as written. I just got hired at a local store and had to watch a video on it. I was practically crying the whole time while watching it because I know the panic you feel when this happens. What you described is exactly what Mike Walsh said should happen in your situation, from having you wait with the employee as everyone looks for your child to the 10 minutes till they call the police.

  10. Thank you Michelle. I see that your middle one uses HOD. Do you make your own list as you suggested? What other things do you add to HOD?

    I appreciate your sound advice, I will do that. And, I see that your oldest uses TOG, is there a time that you transition from HOD to TOG or just use different curricula for different kids?


    Thanks for the help!!


    I have recently switched 3 more of my kids to HOD from TOG. My oldest is taking a break from TOG to study for the ACT exam. We used TOG for several years along with my one daughter using HOD independently because she loved it so much. I loved the planning with TOG but right now I needed a break from that and I have to say we are actually getting a lot more out of HOD than we ever did with TOG.


    I have discovered that TOG had too much good stuff that I didn't really do much more than go through the readings, do some map work and possibly a project or writing activity. With HOD, it feels much more put together for me and I feel like my younger ones are learning a lot more. My oldest daughter loved working in TOG and was getting a lot out of it but I have to be honest, if HOD were available in her level right now, I would be considering switching her for the same reasons listed above.


    This is just where we are at right now as a family. If someone has the time and understanding to pull TOG into a fantastic learning opportunity, the tools are all there.


    As far as memory work, we spent the first half of the year doing memory mornings. I had made video's that I uploaded to youtube that taught skip counting. (user name wellroundedscholar). That was for math however. I also found a neat presidents song I had the kids memorizing. They watched that every day as well. Finally we worked on bible verses. Currently my younger kids are working through Preparing Hearts so there really isn't a lot of memorization they could/should be doing with that as we are only on week 5 and we have covered a lot of biblical history so far. We have added a song that helps them remember the continents and oceans.


    I do my own language arts plan and math so I made bookmarks that have a standard weekly checkmark for each language arts and math assignments. At the beginning of a new week, I get out my bookmark and date the top. I file last weeks bookmark in the kids binders. I designed the bookmark with one daughters assignments on the top and the other daughters assignments on the bottom so I just cut it in half to file it away. I have days 1-4 listed with each subject listed. I keep track of finished assignments this way. For instance it might look like this:


    Child 1

    Day 1

    __ Math

    __ Handwriting

    __ All About Spelling

    __ Memory Work

    __ Independent Reading


    Day 2

    __ Math

    __ Dictation

    __ Grammar

    __ Xtra Math (computer drills)

    __ Independent Reading



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