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Everything posted by Julpost

  1. My dh wants me to try taking dandelion root to help w/my water retention. My doctor isn't concerned about it and I have normal blood pressure. However I do have seasonal allergies, should I be concerned about taking dandelion?? How do I go about finding a naturopathic doctor, I don't know any who live around me? I'd like to try this more natural diruetic rather than start off w/a prescription, which is what my doctor had recommended? Any advice? thanks!!
  2. Yep! We've had 2 days around 80 degrees this month and the rest of it has had me in wool socks and long pants! I was at Walmart the other day and overheard a woman tell someone that it had snowed at her house earlier that week. I'm in Vermont and the town she said she lived in is about 45 min. north of me. I don't remember it being this chilly this time of year and I've been here almost 10 years!!
  3. I found this little clip on you tube about when they first met. It's very sweet and makes me that much sadder for them.
  4. We're getting new stainless appliances this week. Our floors are oak and the cupboards are white but our counters are 60's white w/gold flecks. I was thinking of painting the cupboards either a creamy offwhite or burgundy. I know, big difference. But what about the ugly counters?
  5. I can't stand people comparing themselves or their things to other people. I calm down by reminding myself that I do the same thing sometimes...just not aloud. I don't like being asked questions about my finances from friends. I don't like constant complaining. A little bit of venting I can handle but it wears on my nerves after awhile. Too much noise or people around when I need to actually, really think about something. Video games.
  6. We're considering buying a Dodge Sprinter for our large family, however it has RWD. Living in VT, I've never driven something w/RWD-how does it handle winter driving? It's a very large van and I'm already intimidated by it.
  7. That's interesting....my best friend thought it was really funny and not inappropriate at all. I don't know, I don't even watch the show!
  8. We had our septic tank pumped about a month ago and the ground is now wet again. The guy said he thought our leach field had definitely failed, so it's not a total surprise. The house is over 40 years old. I guess it's about time to replace it. However, it'll take some time to do a refinance and get the money. So what do I do for now? The ground is so wet out there, I just keep piling peat moss on top to hide it and soak up the "moisture"....has anyone else gone through this? I just hope we can get a good refi. If we can avoid a septic system in the future, I think we will.
  9. I just cleaned out my chicken coop and read somewhere that chopped straw on top of wood chips makes good bedding. Does anyone chop their own straw or do you buy it that way?
  10. Really? No one???? I don't believe that! This is my go-to place!
  11. The kids took the SAT-10 for their end of the year assessments and did really well. However, now I've got to put together a portfolio addressing the subject areas not covered by the test. PE is one of them. My 13 yo did not participate in any team sports this year. He got his exercise by biking, hiking, swimming, playing tennis, etc. However I didn't think to take pictures. He started an exercise log at the start of the year but we fell out of the habit of updating it. He could submit a composition about his experience. Any other ideas? I'm thinking I could just start taking pictures now as well. My 10 yo and 8 yo are playing lacrosse this spring. Other than that, it's been mainly activities we've done together as a family. I'm not sure how to put this together in a portfolio. Any ideas?? Thanks!
  12. A bit off topic but I'm so glad you mentioned this because I could not remember it for the life of me....where is the 2nd creation story in Genesis? I've been wanting to look this up.
  13. Hmmm, that's interesting. That's why I love this board. Normally, I would have read that and not have had another thought about it. Now I'll have to go find out what other scientists have to say, since I am not one myself.
  14. As if Wikipedia is THE source of truth? Looking up the sources listed at the bottom of the page would probably be a better way of beginning to determine the validity of the claims. That's my guess anyway.
  15. Well this was a new idea to me too. Dr. Jay Wile, author of my son's Apologia General Science book, writes that, "Science is NOT a means by which something can be proven." He goes on that all conclusions that scientists make are tentative. "A single counter example is enough to destroy a conclusion built on thousands of years of scientific work." He also says that, "...science can be used to draw conclusions that are reasonably reliable." He emphasizes again though that the conclusions are always tentative. It was something I had never heard before this year. My son told me that after reading his science assignment and I thought he was making it up. Dr. Wile also recommends "The Logic of Scientific Discovery" by Karl Popper. He says, "this book is probably the most important work on the philosophy of science that has been published in the past 100 years, and it is considered one of the major guiding forces in modern science." He has his Ph.D. in Nuclear Chemistry and has evidently published over 30 articles in peer reviewed journals. Interesting.
  16. What do you make of this? http://www.conservapedia.com/Suppression_of_alternatives_to_evolution
  17. I have a question.... Where do evolutionists believe one's consciousness comes from? I think of life as being different from the buiding blocks that make up our physical bodies. That "something" that makes us different from plants or animals even. I haven't yet found any sources that address that...anyone know of some?
  18. My 3 oldest dc are going to spend the summer w/their grandparents. I'd like to send a math book w/them to work in everyday. Right now, my 8yo is finishing MUS gamma, my 10yo just finished Saxon 6/5, and my 13 yo is finishing 8/7 w/pre-alg. I was thinking of getting Abeka math books because I've heard they're pretty rigorous and it would be a nice change of pace. They're colorful and have more of the "fun factor" look, if you know what I mean. Does anyone know how Abeka math corresponds w/Saxon? Should I get the 8th grade book for my 13yo, the 6th grade book for my 10yo and the 3rd grade book for my 8yo? I'd like them to still learn a bit but mostly keep their minds fairly sharp. Thanks!!
  19. I found this gem on the same website-I love reading anything by Gatto!! http://educationrevolution.stores.yahoo.net/richestman.html
  20. Wowsa!! That's why I love coming to this group for answers. I learned quite a bit just reading through all of the replies. The list of resources, articles, etc....I'm so excited to get started, thanks guys! I hadn't thought about the fact that there probably isn't an unbiased source out there. I've been very confused about what each side really believes, not just what the opposing side claims. I started wading through a ton of stuff online last night and as my eyes started glazing over, I thought maybe I should start at the beginning. What do I believe about the Bible? I read somewhere that there is a second account of creation in another book in the Bible that is slightly different. So that might be a good place to start. I'd have to see that for myself. It would help me answer whether I should take the Bible figuratively or literally. I hear about all sorts of "facts", here, there, and everywhere...it would be impossible for me to track them all down and determine the level of truth in them. Anyway, that's where I am right now. I've been thinking about this very topic this moring as I was cleaning out my refrigerator and now that my little one has fallen asleep in my lap, I think I can do a little studying before helping the older kids w/their history and then doing some outdoor chores. There simply isn't enough time in a day..... I also believe that since I've prayed for wisdom that God will lead me. That's a huge burden lifted from my shoulders. Imagine if I had to figure it all out on my own!
  21. I don't even know where to begin and talk about a complicated subject! I want to have an informed opinion but am completely overwhelmed...I'm hoping someone can recommend sources to begin with that will help me to understand both sides. Maybe easy, for kids, type of books and then as I get the basics down, I can graduate to the more complex. Any help? Thanks!
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