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Everything posted by Julpost

  1. Ok, I feel better. Thanks for all the advice, the guiding thought I picked up on was grace and more grace. I guess all we can do is keep on keeping on. I was an organizational wreck at 15yo (still kinda am) so I should cut him a little slack and be more helpful. Thanks for talking me off the cliff.....I was pretty livid when I wrote that post. It was a good thing he had just left for youth group.
  2. I don't even know where to start. I thought my 15yo ds was doing so well, he doesn't argue about doing his work, he has the best attitude out of all the kids, there has been so much improvement in his behavior. I've been so pleased. He takes some tutored classes at a classical high school co-op once a week. I just found 2 assignments from his favorite class, logic, both were D's!!! He didn't complete over half of one of the assignments. He has assured me that his work is done each week and that all is going well. I feel like I must be burying my head in the sand. I do notice that he doesn't use his time well during the day, but we require that he finish his work at night if it's not done by 6pm. I'm trying to give him room without my hovering anymore but enforcing reasonable consequences. And like I said before, his behavior has been great! He is behind in his math and science because he has bombed the past 2 unit tests and had to re-do the unit....we're trying for mastery and not just checking off the boxes on the curriculum. But everytime I see improvement, I find later that we're actually not doing as well as I thought. I don't know what to do. Any help out there?
  3. My 15yo ds is scheduled to take the PLAN this year at the local high school. He is in 10th grade. We'd also like him to take the PSAT as practice for next year. He has always been very comfortable w/standardized testing so I thought it wouldn't be too much. But I think the high school doesn't agree that it would be a good idea. What do you guys think?
  4. Our high school has their sophomores take the PLAN and juniors the PSAT. I had never heard of this test. Originally my plan was for my 15yo ds to take the PSAT this fall but I guess we might do the PLAN instead and just take the PSAT sample tests in the prep book to prepare for next year. Or should I have him take both? I'm a little confused right now.
  5. Here is what my ds is doing for his sophomore year: Logic (we're using Art of Argument and Discovery of Deduction) Omnibus 2 both primary and secondary books (history, literature and theology) Algebra 2 (Videotext) Latin 2 DIVE Biology He is taking a Lost Tools of Writing class at a homeschool co-op. They work mainly on communicating clearly, structure, etc. but don't complete entire essays very often, only about every 3 weeks or so. I was thinking maybe I should have him do a science or history paper once a week as well, kind of Robinson Curriculum-style. Swimming 3-4x/week for P.E. Scouts-extracurriculur Youth group I feel like he wastes a lot of time during the day and that maybe he needs more challenging subjects or just needs more something. At his age, it seems like he should be pretty focused during the day on his studies and perhaps a portion of the evening too. I just feel like we should be doing something more to help him prepare for the rigors of college but I don't know what that is.
  6. I voted other....we use Videotext and LOVE it. But I just realized that I actually haven't used the geometry one yet. We are using the algebra and love that. I'm just prejudiced towards Videotext because of our experience w/algebra and think the geometry would be just as good. We've been using the online component but I think they have DVDs too. Sorry, I kind of messed that one up. I should never be so quick to answer a poll when I have just gotten up-it's too early!:)
  7. I had fresh potatoes from a farm stand last night for the first time ever and COULD NOT BELIEVE the difference in taste. My 4 year old kept stealing them from my plate because he could not get enough. That is one crop that I'd like to grow next year for sure!!!
  8. My dc have been taking the SAT 10 at a local school for the past few years and have always done well. However, my 12yo and 10yo were complaining this afternoon that they feel like they barely scrape by in the social studies and science sections because we study different things each year than what the test covers. I thought this year I could try to cover the same subjects that the SAT 10 covers however I can't seem to find a scope and sequence of any type that would give me a hint of what is on the grade 5 and grade 7 tests. I guess it is teaching to the test in a sense but I see no problem w/covering the same subjects that I know they'll be tested on at the end of the year. How do I find this information? I thought the tests were aligned w/national standards but I'm finding it very stressful trying to wade through all of this information. My hope is that someone knows the answer to this question and will save me hours of sifting and trying to figure this all out. I sure hope this made sense. My head is sort of all muddled up right now. I should've come here first rather diving right in and trying to figure it out all by myself. HELP!
  9. Interesting thread, wish I had time to read all the posts. For me, I tend to dress down and more casual because that's what most women do where I live. I still wear makeup and do my hair because I can't stand not to. However, when I visit family in the deep south....I ALWAYS and I mean it, ALWAYS, wear full make up and really do up my hair. I usually end up w/bright red nails by the end of the trip. If I don't do this, I feel like a frump compared to everyone else. But I also really do like to get dolled up. It makes me feel young again and I just look a lot better. It takes more time too and since I'm on vacation....I have that time! :-) I have also noticed as I get older, I need to work on my appearance more. I've had a hard time coming to terms w/that. I notice older women more and make mental notes about their appearance, to help me deal w/my own reality. I tend to forget I can't do the same things that I did in my 20's!!
  10. Has anyone done this? Last year, my ds took the online class w/Veritas Press, it was excellent! I had planned for him to take Omnibus 2 online this year but we now need to replace the brakes on our van, so we don't have the $500 for the class. A homeschooler reviewed the text on amazon.com and described how she taught her high schooler w/the book but I'm completely intimidated by the thought. Reading and studying history are my son's strengths though, so that's why this seems like it might be do-able for us. Does anyone have any advice? I've become more and more dependent on tutors because I don't have education or wherewithal to teach my ds or even my middle school daughter. I was a D student in high school and only completed a few years in college. I also have other young children so I'm up to my ears as it is! Please help!!
  11. For those who are interested.... http://www.dealofthedaysa.com/bonus-deals/2011-04-25/t-tapp/
  12. Uh, yep, this is true. I had a friend, years ago, confess that she thought I was one of these people who always had their act together. She was so relieved to discover that often even though my outfits looked perfect, it was usually only because it was the last thing that was clean. That I had ROOMS of disorganized chaos, it's only the public areas that look decent. She just had never popped in unannounced, or she would have discovered the truth even about these rooms. The only time I have ANYTHING together is if I've planned and organized it the night before. Otherwise, I'm actually one of the most disorganized people I know. I just put on a good show I guess. But it DOES get better. And I had some lonely years too when this forum was actually my favorite place to socialize. My best friend thought that was crazy but I was happy.... :)
  13. I just found out the poppy seeds I used for this mornings muffins were expired back in 2007!!! Do I have anything to worry about? I feel sick now but I think it's from anxiety!
  14. I'll start: Everytime we have been short on funds, they have arrived, usually just in the nick of time. When I've had chest pain or skipped heart beats, when I pray, often they will disappear. Or the anxiety and fear will go away. Reading scripture, not understanding a passage, praying for understanding, and immediately getting it. Seeing one or more of my dc, looking completely uninterested in the sermon at church, praying that God will change their heart, and seeing them straighten up and pay attention. All without ANYTHING said by me!! Dh receiving understanding in a situation that seemed utterly impossible. Again, without a word from me! But really, the big one for me, is what I mentioned above. I am almost always coming up short for unexpected expenses. And when I remember to pray about it, it gets provided..... So, as I sit here, stressed about many things, I realize...I need to get off the computer and go pray!!
  15. Our snowblower broke and we just had almost a record level of snow arrive on Monday. We have a very long driveway that we had to shovel by hand. Luckily we have 3 older children who were a big help. But because of wind, the snowdrifts were quite high! Our oil delivery was delayed because of the snow. We were basically heating on fumes by the time they arrived. Because oil prices are rising, we could only afford 2/3 of our regular delivery. We had a water pipe burst that we had to call a plumber in twice to repair. We really can not afford it and I don't know how we are going to pay them. But we will. Part of the wall is now torn down and I don't know when we will be able to fix it. But at least water has stopped leaking inside. Our septic is failing. I'm developing psoriais and it's spreading. I think the transmission in our van is dying. Well I know it is actually. I just haven't been able to get in to be fixed because every single time we have any extra money, something happens and it's gone toward some crisis! DS just had ortho surgery that cost $500 out of pocket that I had planned on going towards property taxes. Now we are late on that as well. It could go on and on....I know this isn't just a weeks worth but there's so much going wrong, all the time, that it has reminded me to start praying about it. Everytime I have asked God for help, help has arrived.
  16. That happened to my 12yo dd last year. She worked really hard on the list and knew ALL the words. However, she missed cornice and came in third. I wasn't sure on the spelling until I head the definition and then I remembered it from all my trips to Home Depot. She gets so anxious, I'm trying to remind her to relax and have fun. She's just a very intense and competitive girl.
  17. Here in Vermont, it was 3.33/gal yesterday, I haven't been out today so I don't know if it has risen. I think it's time to fill our oil tank at home....
  18. Kathleen, You always have such words of wisdom! I have learned much from you in past years. Thank you!!! Now I must run to go address screaming in the other room...
  19. Has anyone ever tried the Total Transformation system? I have heard about it for years and caught an infomercial this morning. They have a special right now where you can pay the first mo. payment of $109...try it for 90 days, let them know how it worked and they will refund the $109 so you receive it for free! I figure it can't hurt. Obviously what I'm doing right now isn't working. I really, really appreciate all the messages and support! That's what I LOVE about this board. Hugs to all of you!:grouphug:
  20. I am having such a hard time w/my 14 yo ds right now. I don't know if it's the long winter or what, but he is driving me right up the wall. He has been verbally cruel to his siblings, lazy w/his school work, complaining, talking back almost constantly, etc. Today was the last straw though. I asked him to do something, I can't remember what, but it was something he didn't want to do, probably felt it was unfair or something. He said to me, "This is cr*p"....later on, he responded the same way. I made some mention of how that wasn't ok, or something, I don't remember. But I left it at that. I've been trying to not respond when I'm angry and really give things a good thinking over before I impose a consequence. So, after thinking it over, I decided he could either give up his scout overnight at an indoor rock climbing area or a friends sledding party next weekend, but that he needed to choose one or I would choose for him. He gave me a lot of astounded replies like "but I apologized" so on and so forth. I just don't have a lot of energy for this type of nonsense anymore so I just picked for him. He's losing the overnight scout event. I don't know why I'm second guessing myself but I kind of wonder if I am over-reacting? What do you guys think? I mean, if I had said that when I was a kid....whoa boy, I don't even want to think about what could have happened! I don't like to discuss these things w/dh anymore because he tends to come down SUPER hard on ds, almost to an irrational degree. He is so stressed and tired after work that he doesn't really have the energy to put a lot of thought into things. I've just left that w/the Lord. But as far as how I deal w/ds, I'm trying to walk that fine line between...I don't know, not being too harsh but not letting him get away w/this kind of stuff either. He has never really been quite like this before. I don't know if he's pushing the boundaries or what. I'm just trying to take Dr. Dobson's advice and not discipline in overt anger but definitley "if he won't do what's expected of him, then I can only make him wish he had!" He's my first teen and I'm already exhausted and ready to send him to ps. Honestly, (whisper), I don't even like him right now. What do I do?
  21. My dd is having the hardest time this year in EVERYTHING! She has always been a very, very easy going young lady. But this year, she's always tired, or cranky, or...something! I have a terrible time getting her up in the morning. Then she's in tears over this or that. I just don't get it. I'm getting very frustrated over this because I have 4 other children to teach. She drags her feet in her schoolwork and dilly dallys over just about anything I ask her to do. This morning, she cried while doing the breakfast dishes, fought w/her sister, and just ran off to her room yelling how she hates this house. She has a music class at the school in a few minutes so I hope she gets her act together pretty quickly. She has said she wants to go to ps but that's just not an option and we've explained why. In my opinion, I think she is having a hard time adjusting to the slight increase in her school load now that she's in 4th grade. She would love to draw and play w/her younger siblings all day. Oh and skype w/her friends. I've suspected that she pretends to be sick to get out of schoolwork so when that happens, I send her to bed and only feed her toast and broth. That seems to do the trick. We have a friend that we get together with once a week and they do presentations, memorization, etc. She LOVES this friend but for some reason, still drags her feet when it comes to doing the schoolwork so she has something to present. I'm ready to tear my hair out. I don't think I've pampered her but maybe I'm not seeing something. I'm trying to ignore her theatrics and deal w/her in a very matter of fact manner. But inside, I'm secretly very worried. Any advice??
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